Thanks Jason. I want you to know, that I truly appreciate the candor of you and Free saying I sound like a gnostic. Brothers should not be afraid to speak their hearts amongst brothers.
"Gnostic", just another word to dissect, with many both negative and positive inferences and connotations. It actuality means "to know". As in Jesus said my sheep know my voice and they will not follow a stranger. Or as in, to come to the knowledge of God is to know God. Or as in, you shall know the Truth and the Truth will set you free. Or as one of my favorite bible verses says:
Jeremiah 31:33-34New International Version (NIV)
33 “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel
after that time,” declares the Lord.
“I will put my law in their minds
and write it on their hearts.
I will be their God,
and they will be my people.
34 No longer will they teach their neighbor,
or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord,’
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest,”
declares the Lord.
“For I will forgive their wickedness
and will remember their sins no more.”
Of course you are correct that there are things I don't see. I never claimed I see everything. Nor do I therefore seek to proclaim to everyone what is the orthodox way to know God, other than through the body and blood of Christ, the food and drink that gives Eternal Life. Respectfully however, I will not be bullied into surrendering what I do know as Truth, just because you or free or anybody else, have a negative connotation or inference of the word Gnostic. And just as you have been forthright and honest with me, as a brother in Christ should be, I also wish to be forthright with you, in saying that I have nothing to hide, and I have everything to proclaim, as in the light of day and without any fear.
But enough about me. What about this op? For those who in Nicaea sought to write the orthodoxy of Christianity, why did they try to do this? Was it out of the Love that would sacrifice one's self for others as we see in Christ? Or was it for the sacrificing of others for one's self, through the politicizing of God in blaspheme of His Name?
For we know that the New Covenant is about each man knowing God for himself, as is shown in Jeremiah above. We know that those who are called and shepherded by Christ will not come at the call of any other shepherd. And also, we see that Arius was condemned and we know that most of his teachings don't exist because they were ordered burned. It has even been reported that anyone hiding his teachings would be put to death by order of the Emperor of Rome. Therefore I know, that this spirit is not the Spirit of Christ. For The Truth fears no writings. Truth does not uphold it's self in men's hearts through the fear of death and through threat of execution. But we clearly can see, that the culmination of this path that first began in trying to write the orthodoxy, ended in people being burned alive for not accepting the Papacy that was in Rome. You shall know the false teachers by their fruits.
Now on this thread, it seems I am the only one writing in opposition to the terms liberal or orthodox being placed in front of Christian. And since I know Satan plays both ends against the middle, I am declaring that there is no such thing as orthodox or liberal Christians, and that these terms are used by Satan to cause division. I've made my stand, I have drawn the line with my soul in the balance. Why? Because I know God knows, that I know better. Now I understand that you, Free, and Jack Hectorman, are wondering whether I am nuts or know what I am talking about. You all have shown by your responses, that you care what I say. And I hope you all know, that I wrote this Post, because I truly care what you all think of me.