Are you supposing that God without Satan's sin would have had Adam living eternally as a creation instead of a son. You do realize that there was the Tree of Life available. And then of course Jesus, that very Tree of Life would not needed seek a bride to serve with Him for eternity?
In Genesis Chapter Twenty-four, God's (Abraham) plan of searching for a bride (Rebekah) for His Son Jesus (Isaac) from among His people (Act 15:14) was written as a result of lack of forethought; uh oh, I planned this one way, and now have to write all this other to explain what's going on. No brother, to me all these things come under the thought: 1 Cor10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
My thoughts.
These are all good questions my Brother. The fact is, the Tree of knowledge of calamity (Good and evil) was there. We can say what can go wrong will go wrong, and some point at some time, Adam is just going to grab some fruit off that tree.
We can say God framed Satan, wanting a legal reason to remove him. Satan would have eventually messed with Adam, right?
All we have is scripture though, and know for a fact if Adam would not have Eaten that Fruit, all things were the Son of God's, and man would have been with Him regardless. If man were so that He would obey God, no need for Jesus to die. Man started out immortal, and Adam had to never worry about any sickness. Just like it ends up anyway.
Nothing changed though, it's just reverse. Man now is away from God until they choose the Tree of Life. Before man was with God before they choose the tree that would cause Death.
God is pretty stable in how He does things. If Adam would have had many kids that obeyed God, never touched the tree, then we have line of men that where not cursed. It could be some went and grabbed the fruit, thinking they could be more God-like and end up in Hell. Jesus over all.
At this point we have an example still if only some ate the fruit, the rest would know it did not end well for them.
I the LORD
search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.
(Jer 17:10 KJV)
God is not using foreknowledge on anyone, no crystal ball. God knows all things about our heart, and a heart is made by God so it can change. God gives to each man according to their ways, not according to election, or foreknowledge. God is not a fortune teller.
Now if God treats any man different, then God lied here. Even Abraham, God saying, Now I know you will not withhold any good thing from me.
Every single person on the planet was made to serve God and be in the Lord Jesus. Nobody was made to be wasted and cast aside to die and burn in Hell. That means God has a path that is predestined with everything you experience if you find and follow that path. All for His purpose and will.
It was written about that Donkey Jesus would run into at Passover. God spoke that, it's set, it must come to pass. Jesus only did what He heard and saw his Father do, Jesus on the perfect path, doing the perfect will of God. Jesus runs smack into that Donkey, is not 100 miles away when the time comes, but right on course as spoken.
This is why God tells people like Eli, or even me things to come, but they don't come. There is a follow what God said in between to get to those things. Those things will always be there though if you stay on the path of Light.
I don't know how else to explain it, I suppose we can go into Probability Physics on the quantum level. Science can explain it, and many are not happy with the test results. Einstein called it the spooky theory He could not disprove, but tried.
The hardest thing for me is to be on Youtube and constantly see the video's of people claiming they don't even believe in God, or hate God. They want to know why if God knew what was going to happen, then why does not God do anything. Why is their Child dead, if God already knew it would happen, why allow them a child.
I have a far more easy time explaining by scripture how God operates, than I do with believers who already think they know.
Our doctrines are destroying people, yet as long as we are in church, who cares, right?
good to see you again in writing. God bless Brother.