Love is not a feeling or emotion; it is a person; and that person is Jesus (John 4:8). To love, therefore, is to put on Jesus-that is to do and think as Jesus did. He did not condemn us, did not feel sorry for himself when he carried his cross and hung on it to die; instead he was concerned about the sufferings our sins would bring us. Furthermore, he compensated for our offenses we committed against him; and prayed for us so that his joy may be ours. We may find it extremely hard to do what he did. However, if we love him we should do it out of pure love for him, and out of obedience to his command. We must therefore, swallow our own pride and pray for those who hurt us and do good deeds for them. Then his Spirit working in us will heal our heart and we will be able to love those we hate and restore broken relationship. This will turn our bitterness and self-pity into love, hope and joy. A simple prayer we can pray for those we hate or those who hate us, is, “Come Lord Jesus, fill (name of the person) with your Holy Spirit and kindle in him/her the Father’s loveâ€. We can also say the same prayer for our self.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>