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Bible Study What is the Christmas Story?


There seems to be The Beautiful, simple story in the NT, that only includes the very basic details to make a point, the most important point. Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became a descendant of Adam so that He could ultimately go to the Cross and die in our place.
Then there is or should be a more complete story based on common sense and the cultural requirements of the time.
The details are there and not hard to see and understand. However, I want to start by saying, "the more complete details DO NOT CHANGE THE STORY". They are only of interest in a more complete discussion of the times and life. BUT they do offer a better understanding of why things happened as they did.

I would LOVE to know some of YOUR views on the Christmas story, What should we remember, and what can be left out?

How did the Angels, Joseph, Mary The Baby JESUS, animals Shepards Wisemen all get into one simple scene;
We shorten the story for a 15-minute children's play OR Hallmark wants to get it all on one Card. That is not the story.

Here are some examples just to get discussion started. Remember the important point is ONLY The VERY SON OF GOD, Became the seed of EVE, A MAN to take my place and Pay a Debt I could not PAY.
1 Did the Angles SING? It seems not! They SPOKE. λεγόντων
a. λεγό , λεγόντων means to speak to declare?
b. Ψαλλετω or ᾄδω Ado 1. to the praise of anyone, to sing

What was Joseph’s occupation, τέκτονος means craftsman?
one who works as a builder: carpenter, stonemason.
any craftsman (but generally not a metalworker, smith)

Israel was looking for a KING of the Line of DAVID, Joseph and Mary were that Line and the rightful heir to DAVID’S Throne. When they traveled to Bethlehem for a census of the people, THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN KNOWN! Their Child WAS also a future KING! They would not have traveled ALONE, the family Both Joseph and Mary’ were of the line of David they ALL would have to go to Bethlehem for the censes. No Mother would allow a daughter to make that trip alone when she, the mother, had to make the trip Also. This GROUP OF THE ROYAL FAMILY OF ISRAEL would have gone to the home of Family. Joseph his mother and father, MARY and her mother and father, siblings on both sides, other Family no mentioned, servants to handle tents, food, and animals – ( this trip would take a week to 12 days) this was normal travel for these people in this time.

Mary was not just a young Jewish girl of Israel obedient to the words of an angel. Mary was in the Royal Line of the throne of Israel. Joseph was not just a carpenter that was true to the Old Testament teachings and a man of God. We can see from the list of names that Joseph was in the line of David and the legitimate Heir to be KING OF ISRAEL. It is important to see that there were only two people in time and history that could have been in the place of Joseph and Mary. These views secure the true Davidic descent of Mary, which is indeed absolutely necessary to the fulfillment of that most explicit divine promise (2Sa_7:12,) “I will set up thy seed after thee which shall proceed out of thy bowels.

Did Joseph and Mary try to get a room in an INN.
The Bible makes no mention of any innkeeper who told them that the inn was full for the night. The reason we imagine this scenario is because the translators of most English versions have chosen the word "inn, or guest chamber" to translate the Greek word καταλυμα (kataluma), which gives modern readers the wrong impression.1
The word καταλυμα as used here means the ending of a trip. Translators IMPLY this ending of a trip would be to stay in an INN or guest room, It does not SAY that.
This means there was no NORMAL lodging in the House where they stayed, A private “Bed Room” where Mary had more privacy, but, they stayed in a common room. Use of καταλυμα as a guest Chamber goes back to John Wycliffe’ first translation of the Bible to English. The Logical place to Stay at the END OF A TRIP is a guest chamber.
  • This is also the “abode of a family οἰκίαν oikian” where the Magi came the see the Child. And when they came to the house Family, they saw the young child with Mary his mother,
  • This word okian is like CHURCH, it refers to the PEOPLE, but it can be used of the house where they live, a building.
Joseph and Mary returned to Joseph's ancestral home of Bethlehem because of the census (Luke 2:1–4).2 As the census was proclaimed throughout the Roman Empire, many Jewish families would have needed to travel to Bethlehem during this time and lodged with relatives who lived in the town.

Joseph and Mary probably stayed with Joseph's relatives in Bethlehem, but because of the large influx of people, the house would have been crowded, and at the kataluma “end of traveling” the House was full. Consequently, Joseph and Mary would have been relegated to living in the lower level of the house. This means there was no NORMAL lodging in the House where they stayed, A private “Bed Room” where Mary had more privacy, but, they stayed in a common room according to their AGE and place in the family, ALL this family was the royal line of David. At this time in history this Common room would have also been a part of the family living quarters with a stable for small animals, Lambs, may have stayed for extra attention as needed, so a manger there was not uncommon. It is hard to believe that pregnant Mary would have been turned away from a relative's home in a society that greatly valued familial ties. More likely a stall in the stable was made ready for the BIRTH and Mary had the other women to Midwife the Child in some privacy.
BUT, Jesus was born in a STABLE, the stable part of a FAMILY HOME.
Archaeologists have excavated first century homes from the Judean hill country. They have discovered that the upper level served as a guest chamber while the lower level served as the living and dining rooms. Oftentimes, the more vulnerable animals would be brought in at night to protect them from the cold and theft.

Of course, we should never become so focused on the peripheral details of this account that we miss the most important point. Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became a descendant of Adam so that He could ultimately go to the Cross and die in our place. Now the descendants of Adam can be saved from an eternity of separation from their Creator. God gave His Son to this world, which is the greatest gift that could ever be given. Let us celebrate this truth and tell the world about God's amazing love.

How many Magi were there? There came wise men from the east.

The word rendered "wise men" is more correctly "Magi," a term which designates an order of priests and philosophers which belonged originally to Persia and who were extensively distributed over the region of the Euphrates. Those described in the book of Daniel as wise men, astrologers, and magicians, belonged to this order. IT DOES NOT SAY HOW MANY! Only that there were THREE GIFTS.

Herod had several reasons to fear the Magi and the repercussions of any action he might take against them. His visitors were high-level Parthian priests and very influential members of one of Parthia's two assemblies who elected the empire's monarchs.

Parthia as an empire rivaled that of Rome's at the time of Christ, They were the decedents of Persia and Babylon.

The Magi, who were willing to traverse 1,000+ miles from their home, entered Jerusalem with a large entourage that included servants, cooks, and so on worthy of those of high rank, It would take 4 months to make the trip. They also came with an armed escort of perhaps a few hundred Parthian soldiers, not only to protect their safety but also to guard the precious gifts they carried.
The Magi and the large group that came with them was so large that when they first entered Jerusalem both the city and Herod were greatly alarmed (Matthew 2:3)!

We could remember that these “Wise Men” are from a class of Magi that studied history and the mystery of the Stars. Such knew of three Hebrew men cast into a furnace 7 times hotter than normal only the meet the Jesus, the Magi would visit on this Day. They knew of a Daniel cast into the Lion’s Den only to be rejoicing in the Morning. THEY KNEW OF A Persian King that declared all would revere the GOD OF DANIEL. It is not Strange that such Men would travel so far to see this KING.

Where is he that is born King of the Jews? Their question shows two things:
1. That they partook of the general expectation that about this time there would appear in the East a Ruler divinely appointed to his mission. The works of profane writers of this period show that this expectation was general.
2. It is plain that the wise men misapprehended the mission of Christ, and expected him to be a secular king. This is important because most others did also, they did not see Jesus’ Kingdom in the Hearts of His People, but as a ruler like other nations.

We have seen his star in the east. It is GOD that hangs the stars in space =, One more is no problem for HIM. This language implies a miraculous appearance, like a star, which guided the steps of the wise men.
Such a view is no less probable than that a pillar of fire should have guided Israel in the wilderness.
Was Christmas on Dec 25, the story does not say in any form when.
No one knows the real birthday of Jesus! No date is given in the Bible, so why do we celebrate it on the 25th of December? The early Christians certainly had many arguments as to when it should be celebrated! Also, the birth of Jesus probably didn't happen in the year 1 but slightly earlier in 4 BC (the calendar is wrong not the Bible story, there is a change of three calendars to get to the one we use.).

The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th was in 336, during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine (he was the first Christian Roman Emperor). But it was not an official Roman state festival at this time.

However, there are many different traditions and theories as to why Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. A very early Christian tradition said that the day when Mary was told that she would have a very special baby, Jesus (called the Annunciation) was on March 25th - and it's still celebrated today on the 25th March. Nine months after the 25th March is the 25th December! In this time there was a lot of debate over when Christmas and EASTER should be celebrated.

What is the use of XMAS at Christmas?
Christmas is also sometimes known as Xmas. Some people don't think it's correct to call Christmas 'Xmas' as that takes the 'Christ' (Jesus) out of Christmas. (As Christmas comes from Christ-Mass, the Church service that celebrated the birth of Jesus.)
But that is not quite right! In the Greek language and alphabet, the letter that looks like an X is the Greek letter chi / Χ (pronounced 'kye' - it rhymes with 'eye') which is the first letter of the Greek word for Christ, Christos.

The Emperor Constantine used the first two letters of Christos in the Greek alphabet 'chi' and 'rho' to create a monogram (symbol) to represent the name of Jesus. He said he was told to, “GO AND IN THIS NAME CONQUER!” X = chi P = rho
You need to state your source for all of this. Read Luke chapter 2:1-21, especially Luke 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

Jewish month

Begins the
New moon of

John the Baptist


1. Abib / Nisan


Birth of John
15 Nisan​


2. Zif / Iyyar



3. Sivan


Conception of John
after 3rd Sabbath​


4. Tammuz




5. Ab / Av




6. Elul




7. Ethanim / Tishri



Birth of Jesus
15 Tishri​

8. Bul / Marheshvan / Heshvan



9. Chisleu / Chislev / Kislev



Conception of Jesus
25 Kislev?​

10. Tebeth / Tevet




11. Shebat / Shevat




12. Adar




According to Luke Chapter One Jesus was conceived six months after the conception of John the Baptist and was born nine months later in the months of September/October according to the Lunar Jewish Calendar.

King David on God's instructions (1 Chr 28:11-13) had divided the sons of Aaron into 24 groups (1 Chr 24:1-4), to setup a schedule by which the Temple of the Lord could be staffed with priests all year round in an orderly manner. After the 24 groups of priests were established, lots were drawn to determine the sequence in which each group would serve in the Temple. (1 Chr 24: 7-19).

Now each one of the 24 "courses" of priests would begin and end their service in the Temple on the Sabbath, a tour of duty being for one week (2 Chr 23:8, 1 Chr 9:25). On three occasions during the year, all the men of Israel were required to travel to Jerusalem for festivals of the Lord, so on those occasions all the priests would be needed in the Temple to accommodate the crowds. Those three festivals were Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, and Tabernacles (Deut 16:16).

The Yearly Cycle of Service in the Temple.

The Jewish calendar begins in the spring, during the month of Nisan, so the first "course" of priests, would be that of the family of Jehoiarib, who would serve for one week, Sabbath to Sabbath. The second week would then be the responsibility of the family of Jedaiah. The third week would be the feast of Unleavened Bread, and all priests would be present for service. Then the schedule would resume with the third course of priests, the family of Harim. By this plan, when the 24th course was completed, the general cycle of courses would repeat. This schedule would cover 51 weeks or 357 days, enough for the lunar Jewish calendar (about 354 days). So, in a period of a year, each group of priests would serve in the Temple twice on their scheduled course, in addition to the 3 major festivals, for a total of about five weeks of duty.

The Conception of John the Baptist.

Back to Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist, which is important to understand that Jesus was born September/October according to the Lunar Jewish Calendar being conceived six months after John the Baptist.

Luke 1:23 And it came to pass, that, as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house.
Luke 1:24 And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived

Beginning with the first month, Nisan, in the spring (March-April), the schedule of the priest's courses would result with Zachariah serving during the 10th week of the year. This is because he was a member of the course of Abia (Abijah), the 8th course, and both the Feast of Unleavened Bread (15-21 Nisan) and Pentecost (6 Sivan) would have occurred before his scheduled duty. This places Zachariah administration in the Temple as beginning on the second Sabbath of the third month, Sivan (May-June).

Having completed his Temple service on the third Sabbath of Sivan, Zachariah returned home and soon conceived his son John. So John the Baptist was probably conceived shortly after the third Sabbath of the month of Sivan.

You need to state your source for all of this. Read Luke chapter 2:1-21, especially Luke 2:7 And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

Jewish month

Begins the
New moon of

John the Baptist


1. Abib / Nisan


Birth of John
15 Nisan​


2. Zif / Iyyar



3. Sivan


Conception of John
after 3rd Sabbath​


4. Tammuz




5. Ab / Av




6. Elul




7. Ethanim / Tishri



Birth of Jesus
15 Tishri​

8. Bul / Marheshvan / Heshvan



9. Chisleu / Chislev / Kislev



Conception of Jesus
25 Kislev?​

10. Tebeth / Tevet




11. Shebat / Shevat




12. Adar




Interesting, Thank you
According to Luke Chapter One Jesus was conceived six months after the conception of John the Baptist and was born nine months later in the months of September/October according to the Lunar Jewish Calendar.

King David on God's instructions (1 Chr 28:11-13) had divided the sons of Aaron into 24 groups (1 Chr 24:1-4), to setup a schedule by which the Temple of the Lord could be staffed with priests all year round in an orderly manner. After the 24 groups of priests were established, lots were drawn to determine the sequence in which each group would serve in the Temple. (1 Chr 24: 7-19).

Now each one of the 24 "courses" of priests would begin and end their service in the Temple on the Sabbath, a tour of duty being for one week (2 Chr 23:8, 1 Chr 9:25). On three occasions during the year, all the men of Israel were required to travel to Jerusalem for festivals of the Lord, so on those occasions all the priests would be needed in the Temple to accommodate the crowds. Those three festivals were Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, and Tabernacles (Deut 16:16).

The Yearly Cycle of Service in the Temple.

The Jewish calendar begins in the spring, during the month of Nisan, so the first "course" of priests, would be that of the family of Jehoiarib, who would serve for one week, Sabbath to Sabbath. The second week would then be the responsibility of the family of Jedaiah. The third week would be the feast of Unleavened Bread, and all priests would be present for service. Then the schedule would resume with the third course of priests, the family of Harim. By this plan, when the 24th course was completed, the general cycle of courses would repeat. This schedule would cover 51 weeks or 357 days, enough for the lunar Jewish calendar (about 354 days). So, in a period of a year, each group of priests would serve in the Temple twice on their scheduled course, in addition to the 3 major festivals, for a total of about five weeks of duty.

The Conception of John the Baptist.

Back to Zachariah, the father of John the Baptist, which is important to understand that Jesus was born September/October according to the Lunar Jewish Calendar being conceived six months after John the Baptist.

Luke 1:23 And it came to pass, that, as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house.
Luke 1:24 And after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived

Beginning with the first month, Nisan, in the spring (March-April), the schedule of the priest's courses would result with Zachariah serving during the 10th week of the year. This is because he was a member of the course of Abia (Abijah), the 8th course, and both the Feast of Unleavened Bread (15-21 Nisan) and Pentecost (6 Sivan) would have occurred before his scheduled duty. This places Zachariah administration in the Temple as beginning on the second Sabbath of the third month, Sivan (May-June).

Having completed his Temple service on the third Sabbath of Sivan, Zachariah returned home and soon conceived his son John. So John the Baptist was probably conceived shortly after the third Sabbath of the month of Sivan.

Interesting, Thank you

Love, Walter and Debbie
Matthew 2:1-12 gives us the account of the Magi who were a priestly sect from Persia bringing their best gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to honor the Messiah’s birth as they symbolically acknowledged Jesus as being the prophesied King of the Jews.

Magi were renowned in their knowledge of astrology with regard to it being science and related their knowledge to the Star of Bethlehem. Daniel was highly regarded by the Persian court. In Daniel 9 the Magi had been given the prophecy of Messiah being cut off in the midst of His 35th year. They knew this event would occur 483 Babylonian years of 360 days after the Persian King Artaxerxes issued a decree. With this piece of information they deducted the Messiah would be born 32B.C.

There was also a Mesopotamian prophet named Balaam who foretold the coming of the star that would signify the rise of Messiah for the tribes of Israel. It was foretold that the Hebrews would receive a King Messiah and that his coming would be noted by a sign in the heavens specifically in the constellation known to Magi as Virgo. One of Daniels pupils, Zoroaster, incorporated these prophecies in his bible called the Zend Avest. Zoroastrianism was the state religion of Persia at the time of Jesus’ birth.

In Matthew 2:9-11 indicates that something would be marking the very place of Messiah’s birth and it is possible that Magi witnessed the Shekinah Glory Cloud, the same cloud described in Genesis at the entrance to the garden of Eden, in Exodus 13:21, 22 as the Pillar of Cloud by day and Pillar of fire by night and in Job as he witnessed the Shekinah when God spoke to him from a whirlwind of a bright and shining cloud.

The trip from Persia to Jerusalem by camel had to take at least three weeks as a camel can travel 500 miles in ten days plus giving time for rest along the trip. Being that the path they took could have been the Silk Road, which was an unsafe road especially when you were traveling with goods of worth, the Shekinah Glory Cloud not only led their trip it protected them until they reached the site where Jesus was born so they could humble themselves before the King of the Jews and worship him with their best gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

All three gifts that were mentioned in scripture had real value and also possibly a prophetic one as only the Magi recognized Jesus as being a king at his birth even though no one else did, not even his own family. Gold was a traditional gift to families to help with the financial burden of a new child and it also symbolized virtue. Frankincense was used as incense and perfume as a soothing gift for a new family. It also helps to keep away pest especially around a new baby. Frankincense was one of the elements used in holy anointing and was placed in a purified form on the showbread in the tabernacle, Exodus 30:34; Leviticus 6:15; 24:7. Myrrh was another ingredient of the holy anointing oil, Exodus 30:23-33). It was also useful as a deodorant. Its preservative properties allowed myrrh to be used along with aloes and other scents and spices to anoint the dead.

These three gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh represented the life and death of Jesus in respect to gold as being his kingship here on earth, frankincense his priestly office and myrrh signifying his suffering. These three gifts symbolized the life and death of Christ we also humble ourselves before him bringing our best gifts to bring glory and honor to the name of Jesus.​
Interesting, Thank you
I may not be a "SOURCE" but I have studied the Bible for more than 50 years and translate Greek and Hebrew.

the Bible makes no mention of any innkeeper who told them that the inn was full for the night. The reason we imagine this scenario is because the translators of most English versions have chosen the word "inn, or guest chamber" to translate the Greek word καταλυμα (kataluma), which gives modern readers the wrong impression.1

The word καταλυμα as used here means the ending of a trip. Translators IMPLY this ending of a trip would be to stay in an INN or guest room, It does not SAY that.

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. place for them at the end of the trip.

This means there was no NORMAL lodging in the House where they stayed, A private “Bed Room” where Mary had more privacy, but, they stayed in a common room. At this time in history this Common room would have also been a part of the family living quarters where small animals, Lambs, may have stayed for extra attention as needed, so a manger there was not uncommon. Use of καταλυμα as a guest Chamber goes back to John Wycliffe’ first translation of the Bible to English. The Logical place to Stay at the END OF A TRIP is a guest chamber.

OK, I did not say that is HOW IT WAS, this is just a discussion of what may have been.

Here is a link to a "Study notes file" I have collected and found interesting. The purpose of this post was to find other ideas and how others tell the Christmas story.
Personally, I like the VERY simple basic story, not because it is True But Because it HAS ALL THE IMPORTANT FACTS.
That link does not work. All I see in this is just another take on the birth of Christ, but I will stick to what the Bible gives in Luke 2:1-21, instead of what Reverend Ian Paul has said without any facts, except this is how families did live in that era.

Reverend Ian Paul argues that the Greek word, kataluma, usually translated as "Inn" was in fact used for a reception room in a private house. The same term is used to described the "upper room" where Jesus and His disciples ate the last supper.

This is nothing more than sensational claims made by this so called leading theologian without any real facts. I know you just threw this in here, but when discussing matters as such we need facts to prove what another says.

Nothing against you in sharing this.
I may not be a "SOURCE" but I have studied the Bible for more than 50 years and translate Greek and Hebrew.

the Bible makes no mention of any innkeeper who told them that the inn was full for the night. The reason we imagine this scenario is because the translators of most English versions have chosen the word "inn, or guest chamber" to translate the Greek word καταλυμα (kataluma), which gives modern readers the wrong impression.1

The word καταλυμα as used here means the ending of a trip. Translators IMPLY this ending of a trip would be to stay in an INN or guest room, It does not SAY that.

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. place for them at the end of the trip.

This means there was no NORMAL lodging in the House where they stayed, A private “Bed Room” where Mary had more privacy, but, they stayed in a common room. At this time in history this Common room would have also been a part of the family living quarters where small animals, Lambs, may have stayed for extra attention as needed, so a manger there was not uncommon. Use of καταλυμα as a guest Chamber goes back to John Wycliffe’ first translation of the Bible to English. The Logical place to Stay at the END OF A TRIP is a guest chamber.

OK, I did not say that is HOW IT WAS, this is just a discussion of what may have been.

Here is a link to a "Study notes file" I have collected and found interesting. The purpose of this post was to find other ideas and how others tell the Christmas story.
Personally, I like the VERY simple basic story, not because it is True But Because it HAS ALL THE IMPORTANT FACTS.
Looks to me that the way for the inn was set, due to prophecy, but I thank you for sharing.

Love, Walter
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Personally, I like the VERY simple basic story, not because it is True But Because it HAS ALL THE IMPORTANT FACTS.

My Bad, I forgot to open the link to everyone. I fixed it now.
Sometimes we can get off the context from the bible with some stories, I know personally, it is important to always follow His steps, thanks for the above info.

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