My point is that any Covenant is between God and Man. Not between God and a church.
The reason there are other churches which you call sects founded by men is because the CC went astray as time went by.
It started out well but by the 1500's it was declaring who was saved and who was lost, charging to have sins forgiven and loved ones released from purgatory,
refused to forgive some persons and not based on there being no repentance but on other political reasons, having many tortured and/or put to death during the
inquisition - which lasted for hundreds of years.
Purgatory and confession are extremely defective doctrine and here's why:
Purgatory makes a person believe that they will end up in heaven even if they sin a lot, as long as they don't commit a mortal sin.
This is not what the gospels of Jesus teach us.
This could lead many to become lost.
We have only this life to decide where we want to spend eternity and live accordingly.
Some priests do not believe purgatory even exists.
Some priests believe it is an operation because of the love God has for us to give us a second chance.
This is nowhere to be found in scripture and is a harmful doctrine.
If a confession is not done properly, the person may leave confession believing they are forgiven, when, in reality, they are not.
A person may feel that he could sin and then be forgiven.
This leads a person to think less about sinning because they can always go to confession later.
Confession requires repentance
1st of all these are based on misunderstandings and accusations
Salvation has nothing to do with indulgences nor the forgiveness of sin!
Salvation is God’s mercy to us thru His church by grace!
An indulgence is a merit of Jesus Christ thru his blood passion and death! Jn 1:16 & 1:29
Cannot sell indulgences
There were indulgences granted to those who supported the building of saint peters, not selling, (donations) but if you chose to make a donation you could get an indulgence, but there were and are many other ways to get them without making a donation! Not a requirement
You did something and got a favorable response, like buying a dozen dognuts and get one free, they may accuse you cannot selling 13 but you actually only sold 12 and gave one free.
Salvation is of grace with mercy and the forgiveness of sins, but the temporal punishment due to sin Christ did not take away, just like he did not take away our sin nature and restore up to the state of innocence in the garden.
Example: a child breaks a window with his baseball, his father forgives him totally, but the child work and earn money to pay for the window, and we must pray, fast, alms, penance, carry our cross and practice Christian virtues to expiate the temporal punishment due to our sins, God provides for everything in His goodness and gives us ample means to do this, and it purifies our souls in this life or if not he also provides a means of purification in the next.
And we can pray for and do penance and gain indulgences for those being purified since they are in the communion of the saints like us and those already perfected in heaven!