Indentured Servant
- Jun 28, 2024
- 69
- 15
With due respect, I think we've reached an impasse. You expressed some measure of a thought that you feel responsible to protect others from considering something other than literal.. to avoid seeking the meaning of parables or visions, of which, Revelation is.You're coming, I think, very close to Gnosticism, or to Kabbalism. In order to avoid literal meanings, some religious groups try to insert "spiritual meanings" into literal items in order to read into the image whatever they, as so-called "prophets," wish to say.
Certainly, God uses symbolism. The Tabernacle was a reality with real uses in its own time. But it also symbolized final redemption that took place through Christ in the NT era. How specific the details of this building was! Clearly, there were reasons for every detail God required?
But when the Revelation indicates that 7 literal churches were being addressed, he did not say that the 7 churches were purely symbols of something else, marking the "allusion" more important than the specific objects. This is something you're saying, contrary to the guidelines given in the Revelation, that we should not "add" nor "subtract" anything in the book.
It's a warning I think we should take seriously. And it's not like I wish to be overly contentious with you. It's just that I don't want others to be shamed into thinking it is "less spiritual" to view things as literallly true, as opposed to some supposed "spiritual revelation" reserved for the initiated.
I know nothing of gnosticism nor kabbalism... I only know what I've asked Him to show me.
I am truly sorry to have caused such great concern. You either believe I've received information from an unclean Spirit, or you do not trust that I know God... Or both...
I plead 1 Corinthians 2:15.
Thank you for allowing me to dialog with you. I must be going now.