Let me ask, Danus, how can you relate truth to justice? Thanks in ad. (consdiering, particular not all justice is justice)
I guess we might need to define justice as well. Do we mean Truth, Justice, and the American way? or God's Truth and Justice? Yes, I'm being slightly sarcastic, but I put the two ideas together because they are often confused.
We find many people in the church who worship "America", or other man-made constructs, as if it represents God Himself. So, when we speak of what is true, or right we have to make the distinction of the object of truth, and not just a mere reflection of truth.
This is to say that while, for example, America might be in some ways, perhaps many perhaps not, a reflection of Gods truth, in and of itself it is not. So when we think of Justice and truth, we need to make sure we're speaking of the same object.
I am a big fan of crime drama. I watch Dateline, 20/20, real life cold case files, all those shows.

. The reason I am drawn to them so much is because they expose the true nature of man, the sinful side of us all. Often times the victims are described as the innocent, and the perpetrator is described as evil. The police and the investigators are bent on finding the truth so that justice can prevail. But, what type of justice are we talking about? Is it real justice, or a reflection of justice?
Let's break it down this way; A man commits murder, hides the body to hide the truth. The body is found and an investigation ensues to find the truth. The man is caught and a trial is held to reveal the truth and administer justice. The man is found guilty based on the evidence and sentenced to some form of punishment. This type of truth and justice can be said to be a reflection of God's truth and justice, but it's not a form of Gods truth and justice, because there are many factors about Gods truth and justice that are left out.
In God's truth and justice there are no innocent people. Everyone deserves Gods Justice. We should not get this confused with man's justice which is about fairness and social order.
When we speak of Gods justice we are speaking about an angry God who has stored up wrath against all mankind that is His justice, but also a God of love peace and mercy, that is his truth. Often when we think of ourselves and Gods justice, we think of ourselves as innocent, like people in a court room looking down on the man who committed a crime. We didn't commit the crime, he did. We don't see ourselves as deserving any punishment, but what would happen if the judge in that court room said to the man on trial for murder; "
I know you killed that person and hid the body to hide the truth, but you are forgiven. I have decided to give you mercy." ........:

....we'd be outraged! People in the court would take to the streets to have that judge removed. Let's back up and say that the man on trial broke down and admitted to his crime in a heart felt plea for mercy and then was released? Would that make the crowd in the court room OK with it? ...I'd say NO. It's not justice they really want, it;'s fairness. Yet that would be a more accurate reflection of Gods truth wouldn't it? On the one hand we all deserve God's punishment justly so. No one is innocent under Gods truth, all deserve His Justice, but he offers mercy to some and justice to others, and we have a problem with that just like we'd have a problem with a judge who allows a murderer to go free. It's not fair.
God's justice is uncommon to us. I like what you said in your quote.
consdiering, particular not all justice is justic
You are correct. Not all justice is defined as justice among mankind, but I'd argue that Gods justice is just.
As a reformed Christian, in my theology, one who believes that God chooses whom he will save by His own will to do so, I was once asked if I'd be surprised if I found myself in Hell thinking I'm saved from Hell? My answer is NO. I would not be surprised. Frankly I'll be surprised when I get to Heaven. I deserve Hell. I know that. I am aware of that. That would be justice. I don't deserve Heaven, I never did , I never will, and no matter how "good" I think I am, or try to be....I still don't deserve Heaven, but I am aware of this. This fact is the truth.
We are all under Gods justice. Romans 1:18-32 (NIV)<sup> </sup>
<sup class="versenum">18 </sup>The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, <sup class="versenum">19 </sup>since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. This does not just apply to people who willfully sin. This applies to the very nature of man, the very core of what he is.
In prisons all over the world, you will find two types of people; 1 Those who say they deserve their punishment, and 2. those who say they don't. If you ask people who are not in a prison for punishment if they deserve to be, they will say they don't. You might find one or two who say otherwise but I doubt it.
In churches and religious institutions all over the world you will find two types, 1. those who say they deserve Hell, and 2 those that say they don't, and if you ask people who are not part of the church if they deserve Hell, the majority will say they don't. So, we have people who belong to the church and people who do not belong to the church both thinking they do not deserve Hell. That is fascinating when you consider truth and justice. God says of all of them; Deuteronomy 32:35 (NIV)<sup class="versenum">
35 </sup>
It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.”
To me, seeking Gods truth is knowing the truth of myself as God has revealed it. I don't have to seek his justice, because that is perfectly in line to knowing the truth about myself. Justice would simply follow His truth. I could hope for his mercy. I could beg for it, plead with God, but to do that is to know first that I need His mercy because if I don't think I need mercy, then I must think I'm innocent, and if I think I'm innocent then I don't think deserve justice. But, I know I deserve justice. I know I'm not innocent. I deserve just punishment for the sinner I am, and I would never understand this at all, had God not reveled his mercy to me first.