Gen. 3:15 finds the verbal God telling His creation the REQUIREMENT back from sin & death! Gen. 4:7 finds two mature (grown men) son's of Adam who had been OBEDIENT up to this time in their MATURE life. And The Lamb Sacrifice represented Christ by Faith! Heb. 11
Cain became MATURELY DIS/OBEDIENT by free choice in offering another a sacrifice that was his own (satan's) doings. [ONE LIKE sun stuff for the Godheads REQUIRED 7 th Day Sabbath!] God came in person to Cain & Spake DIRECTLY to him!!
(Like as in Acts 5's HOLY SPIRIT SPEAKING to two others, who DIRECTLY IN PERSON OF THE HOLY SPIRIT'S SHOWERING they sinned the sin against the Holy Ghost)
He was in FULL MATURITY & there was another (satan, serpent, devil) there also. God has a three way conversation. GOD SPEAKING IN PERSON to Cain, telling him what [[WAS REQUIRED]] in the Eternal Rev. 14:6 PLAN OF SALVATION, and even after dis/obeying, IF! IF! IF! he would [JUST DO THE OBEDIENT THING], he would still be accepted! And IF NOT, (and this was satan's FULL/FLEGGED CONVERT!) the SIN AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST HAD BEEN COMMITTED, and he (Cain) would from time on, [DESIRE] satan! (or serve)
And yes, this is how I read the Gen. chapter's bottom/line! It is also of interest to me, (at least) that Adam & Eve were created in the likeness IMAGE of God. They could not create, yet they could pro/create! And take note of Eccl. 3:15!! And what was before Adam & Eve's FIRST SON??? So surely, 'i' see Luciffer as Their (Godhead) FIRST CREATION of angels. Also he had been faithful for a long time. And how painful it was for the Godhead to loose him, even knowing all of this in eternity. And what must Adam & Eve felt, loosing their first born son!
Also Gods purpose? (not satans men!) How long did heavens REBELLION LAST? I see around 120 years in duration until SETH the Son of God replacing Abel, who satan had his first convert execute. That was quite a head start! Even that shows me that God could use NONE of satans ways such as 2 Cor. 4:2 finds, along with all of his (satans) backbitting ways found in this 'threads' garbage!
And to shorten this up! In heavens rebellion, I see just a few that are reclaimed from Matt. 25:1 & Rev. 12's 1/3 finalling being tossed & in hell's FINISHED FATE! Obad. 1:16
And MANKIND?? Read Eccl. 3:15 for this number of REMNANT of all of the earth mass that had lived. A goodly number, but the BROADWAY was much. much larger. And all of this was by their own free choice. Again: just think about this thread subject & the author's many postings??
Cain became MATURELY DIS/OBEDIENT by free choice in offering another a sacrifice that was his own (satan's) doings. [ONE LIKE sun stuff for the Godheads REQUIRED 7 th Day Sabbath!] God came in person to Cain & Spake DIRECTLY to him!!
(Like as in Acts 5's HOLY SPIRIT SPEAKING to two others, who DIRECTLY IN PERSON OF THE HOLY SPIRIT'S SHOWERING they sinned the sin against the Holy Ghost)
He was in FULL MATURITY & there was another (satan, serpent, devil) there also. God has a three way conversation. GOD SPEAKING IN PERSON to Cain, telling him what [[WAS REQUIRED]] in the Eternal Rev. 14:6 PLAN OF SALVATION, and even after dis/obeying, IF! IF! IF! he would [JUST DO THE OBEDIENT THING], he would still be accepted! And IF NOT, (and this was satan's FULL/FLEGGED CONVERT!) the SIN AGAINST THE HOLY GHOST HAD BEEN COMMITTED, and he (Cain) would from time on, [DESIRE] satan! (or serve)
And yes, this is how I read the Gen. chapter's bottom/line! It is also of interest to me, (at least) that Adam & Eve were created in the likeness IMAGE of God. They could not create, yet they could pro/create! And take note of Eccl. 3:15!! And what was before Adam & Eve's FIRST SON??? So surely, 'i' see Luciffer as Their (Godhead) FIRST CREATION of angels. Also he had been faithful for a long time. And how painful it was for the Godhead to loose him, even knowing all of this in eternity. And what must Adam & Eve felt, loosing their first born son!
Also Gods purpose? (not satans men!) How long did heavens REBELLION LAST? I see around 120 years in duration until SETH the Son of God replacing Abel, who satan had his first convert execute. That was quite a head start! Even that shows me that God could use NONE of satans ways such as 2 Cor. 4:2 finds, along with all of his (satans) backbitting ways found in this 'threads' garbage!
And to shorten this up! In heavens rebellion, I see just a few that are reclaimed from Matt. 25:1 & Rev. 12's 1/3 finalling being tossed & in hell's FINISHED FATE! Obad. 1:16
And MANKIND?? Read Eccl. 3:15 for this number of REMNANT of all of the earth mass that had lived. A goodly number, but the BROADWAY was much. much larger. And all of this was by their own free choice. Again: just think about this thread subject & the author's many postings??