jasoncran said:
racisms hasnt changed much at all it still there, shoot justs like at the reverse racism that sotomayor embraces, racial quotas are just that, novel concept hire by qualifications not by race.
Yes, that is why the US still has slavery and blacks still can't vote. How silly of me.
But back on topic. So comment= irrelevant to thread.
the hatred of jews didnt start nor end with the germans.
the constitution is only a peace paper , you do realize that if we let it be that, and as a culture we only care about ourselves not fellowman(many do).
The bible is only a piece of paper. If we let it be that, people only care about themselves.
Sorry but that doesn't work. The Constitution and the Bible are both more than just pieces of paper.
And you don't take into account the empathy people have.
show me show, aside from jeff dunham that really pokes at islam, i mean calls mohammed names, and so on, not the generic stuff that dunham uses for the extremist. this would include making fun of the sharia, the profit himself, calling not eating porking foolish and muslims stupid in general.
You have the internet. Find it yourself. It would take just as much time for me to go dig it up as it would for you. He did make some of those remarks about Muslims in general. And again a search on youtube will find you more people making fun of Islam if you look hard enough.
Americans don't hear about Islam being made fun of as much because most People in America are not Muslim and not familiar with the religion.
And people have the freedom of speech to make fun of whatever the want. You haven't lost any rights by being made fun of.
currently we arent being percuted yet, it is my belief that we will. can i prove that it will happen , no, it just a belief because of the recent and ever increasing way that society as a whole makes fun of what the bible says.
The society as a whole is making more fun of everything as we become more comfortable with freedom of speech.
If you don't have any specific rights Christians have lost then this conversation is done. What we are going on about deserves it's own thread.
entertainment calls being a virgin stupid
the media portrays some christians(some media not all) as bigots for not believing in gay rights
the colleges generally make fun of christianity. i have a degree but havent been subjected to that. but others have
public schools calling the winter holidays instead of merry christmas, when i was kid it was merry christmas, and later merry christmas and happy chunnakah. hyper pc everywhere.
Actually, I like it better as the winter holidays, even though I still do celebrate Christmas. (For the reason of giving and spending time with family)
PC does not equal rights lost. I don't really like PC all that much, but it does not takes rights away.
And entertainment is for entertaining. You can hardly take most entertainment seriously. People do think being a virgin is stupid. They have just as much right to voice their opinions as you do yours.
i realize that other groups are made fun. but with christianity in particular there seems to more of it. i reread your post, so i will look that comedian up.
I already explained this. It's easier to make fun of things you know more about. And it is a fair guess to say that most people in American know more about Christianity than any other religion.
His videos are a bit scattered on youtube, but it's there.
i dont have the faith in people that you do, war has taught me one thing, you can only really(totally) trust jesus.
without laws or even with them people will do what they want. i cant pin finger on anything specific but i feel it, it will come.
That's a bit pessimistic. War has taught me that there will always be a few bad apples. Doesn't mean every one is bad.
Not true. They may to a limit. But most people will not go around killing others because there is no law preventing it. They have an innate sense of right an wrong. You don't kill others because you don't want to be killed yourself, and if you know that other person has a family and kids, that just makes it harder to bring your self to it.
I'm sorry, but just feeling it will come doesn't work for me or a lot of other people. =/
no long ago gays were rolled for fun, that's wrong, but i do think that societies can go backwards aslo. we are arrogant to think that we wont.
They can, we have (middle ages). Irrelevant to thread.
being jewish, the rc and some of the protestant demonations made fun of and persecuted the jews, not all but many did, hitler was alble to to what he did because of that, it was the backdrop before him
Hitler was able to do what he did because of the state the Germans were in and the Jews still had money. They were looking for someone to blame, and it is easy to blame the people with the money.
he also killed other faiths as well, jw's, christians, blacks, and the disabled.
Yes, I know. That doesn't really help you point.
Alright. This has gone far enough. This discussion is over as you have failed to list rights Christians have lost in America, just a couple of reasons why you
think Christians might be persecuted in the future. If you want to continue this, start a new thread. I won't be replying on this thread again to this specific conversation.