Veritas said:
The worry is that there will be outright abolishing because the concept of love and free-will that is intrinsic to Christianity will be much less of a constraint on "acting out" of opinions. We live in a culture that still borrows much of it's moral fabric from Christianity without realizing it. Christianity is being rejected but morals continue to persist in this fabric. If Christianity is further marginalized, there will eventually be a void in the fabric and it will be filled with another kind of moral system.
Yes and no. Christianity does have a lot of good morals. Many just being common sense. However, morals are not dependent on Christianity. We could get in a very big debate on this, but I don't really think that is appropriate for this thread. And hold up there. Love and free-will is not just something for Christians. Every agnostic and atheist I know wants that for themselves and others as well.
Another kind of moral system isn't bad in and of itself. Maybe adding a few more morals such as marriage should be available to all. But the basics of morals will not be taken away, cold-blooded murder will always remain immoral.
I really like that response.
A search should provide examples of pastors being jailed. The last report I heard from Europe refusing jobs to Christians was an article in a UK paper. A search on anti-gay Christians being refused work in old-peoples home should provide results.
On the anti-gay Christians, I have mixed feelings. They should be allowed jobs. However, there views have no place in their job, and while they are being paid, their employers have a right to require them to have silence on certain controversial issues to avoid law suits or to be positive about it to encourage business at their, well, business. If they can't do that, they have no business working there.
On the pastor being jailed, that law is in place for a reason. It is in place to prevent women who are going to an abortion clinic from being harassed. He broke it. Also, he had the choice to choose an alternative program. He didn't.
He has the right exercise free speech all he wants, but constantly getting up in women's faces like that when it is unwanted is borderline harassment.
Also, I can't trust that news story completely. It is extremely biased.
In case we read two different stores on the pastor, here is the one I read.
jasoncran said:
for you chattymute, some of the ad pics are little offensive to some ... tians.html
I found it on my own. Thanks, though.
Lewis W said:
And I knew that, don't know why I kept responding.
At least we both realize it.