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[_ Old Earth _] What Set Off The Big Bang?


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Excerpts from the clips:

Universe trunk sprout branches
Space time diagram
Quantum fluctuations
Higher dimensional space
Branch curves around to be the trunk
Loop geometry.. it's possible in general relativity
Looping in time
Universe it's own mother
Universe made of something... itself
Time loop - Region you can do time travel
Once a branch you can't do time travel anymore
time flows away from the time loop
Accelerated expansion showed why the big bang explosion took place
Very high density quantum state
Very high negative pressure
Negative gravitational effect
The universe is flat
Universes born from other universes
Infinite fractal tree of the universe
Inflation predicts a multi-verse... many universes.


Seems people could understand an explosion, ask intelligent, unanswerable questions so to get away from that just dazzle people using layer upon layer of many other theories like layered armor that no questions can be asked without debating each and every one of them in turn before even getting to the core.
minnesota said:
Crying Rock said:
Will you cite the relevant portions of Gott's book where he makes his argument for the universe creating itself?
And summation attempts by myself would be a disservice to Gott, so I located some videos on his ideas. Watch Why Did Our Universe Begin, Part 1 and 2.

A "time loop", "universe made of something...itself" bit, starting with a trunk which sprouts a branch which loops around to become the cause of the original trunk, etc...seems like a lot of conjecture to escape the most obvious conclusion: a beginning and it's implications.

But hey, I'm no Einstein. :shrug

Thanks for sharing the clips.



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