- Apr 22, 2011
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- 16,457
If you read 2 Peter Chapter 2 this is the whole point of the flood as also in Sodom and Gomorrah when God destroyed these cities. The angels (sons of God) in Genesis 6:2 and Jude 1:6 who left their first estate (heaven) sinned against God and fell to earth and saw that the daughters of men were fair and married them which is where the Nephilim (giants) came from. While angels are spiritual beings (Hebrews 1:14), they can appear in human, physical form (Mark 16:5). The men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to have sex with the two angels who were with Lot (Genesis 19:1-5). It is possible that angels are capable of taking on human form, even to the point of replicating human sexuality and possibly even reproduction. Why do the fallen angels not do this more often? It seems that God imprisoned the fallen angels who committed this evil sin, so that the other fallen angels would not do the same (as described in Jude 6).
Noah being the only righteous man left on the earth, God spared him and his family and made a new covenant promise for the generations to come that He would never destroy the earth by flood again and set His bow in the sky for a sign of His covenant. Through Noah a new beginning was made as we can see many came back to God and even now by His grace and will continue to until that of the door of salvation being shut forever when Christ returns for his bride.
Noah being the only righteous man left on the earth, God spared him and his family and made a new covenant promise for the generations to come that He would never destroy the earth by flood again and set His bow in the sky for a sign of His covenant. Through Noah a new beginning was made as we can see many came back to God and even now by His grace and will continue to until that of the door of salvation being shut forever when Christ returns for his bride.