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What Would Happen in an EMP Nuclear Attack Over Your Skies?

What Would Happen in an EMP Nuclear Attack Over Your Skies?

Listen to this informative and unnerving interview about how an EMP attack could kill up to 90% of a nation's population within 12 months due to a world which is so dependent on electrical power.

Dr. William Forstchen author of the book, "One Second After" a novel on what would happen after an EMP attack in the USA, joins Tamar and describes stage by stage, the real 'killers' of an EMP bomb.
Forstechen tells us that an EMP attack is not a benign nuclear attack. He takes us through the after-effects people will experience, including the inevitable economic collapse of society. Learn about the G-O-D Kit (Get Out of Dodge) that you should have in your house/car. Learn about MAD- Mutual Assured Destruction, and why that policy is not working with Iran, a radical Islamic regime. Learn the safest place to be after an attack, how to recognize you have been hit with an EMP bomb (because there will be no communications whatsoever), and what the biggest killers would be that would take the majority of lives.
Be prepared. See blog for an additional list of things to have in your home for an emergency.
This is a show to share on FaceBook, Twitter and your email lists. It could save lives.

Forstechen tells us that an EMP attack is not a benign nuclear attack. He takes us through the after-effects people will experience, including the inevitable economic collapse of society. Learn about the G-O-D Kit (Get Out of Dodge) that you should have in your house/car. Learn about MAD- Mutual Assured Destruction, and why that policy is not working with Iran, a radical Islamic regime.

I haven't followed the link because it sounds like an exercise in bigotry and fear-mongering.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program. But, if they manage to build a nuke, it would be small and they wouldn't have a way to deliver it over America's heartland. Also, Iranians are not the monsters some make them out to be. Modern Iran has yet to attack anyone. They do worry about their own survival.

A few EMP blasts would do minimal damage. They might damage a lot of electrics, but not hurt people. Food and electronics would be relatively easily be brought into the locations hit by the EMP, until there is a full recovery.
one would have to shield the electronics of the car for it too work and it would have to be one. i dont think the emp from a nuke blast is that focused. we have the ea-6 intruder that could disable cars while they drive down the round and also hit power grids and destroy them.

we called this burning the roads in afghanistan we used to clear the road of ieds.
Ezekiel 7:15-19
15 Outside is the sword;
inside are plague and famine.
Those in the country
will die by the sword;
those in the city
will be devoured by famine and plague.
16 The fugitives who escape
will flee to the mountains.
Like doves of the valleys,
they will all moan,
each for their own sins.
17 Every hand will go limp;
every leg will be wet with urine.
18 They will put on sackcloth
and be clothed with terror.
Every face will be covered with shame,
and every head will be shaved.
19 “‘They will throw their silver into the streets,
and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean.
Their silver and gold
will not be able to deliver them
in the day of the Lord’s wrath
The idea that Iran has thermonuclear weapons is the most laughable, ridiculous thing, an atomic bomb is not an EMP weapon.

Why would Iran try to attack a country with tens of thousands of nuclear missles, with a few nuclear bombs? Does that make any sense to you? Oh, you're 'logic' is to claim, well, THEY are illogical and irrational, lol. No, YOU are.

Does anyone remember how they LIED to you about Iraq having a nuclear weapons program? Geez.

Knowing when people are lying to you is an important part of life. What is scarier than EMP is that there are so many people, lying to the American people and decieving us, pretty much about everything. These decepticons are wicked and evil people, that is what is scary.
The idea that Iran has thermonuclear weapons is the most laughable, ridiculous thing, an atomic bomb is not an EMP weapon.

Why would Iran try to attack a country with tens of thousands of nuclear missles, with a few nuclear bombs? Does that make any sense to you? Oh, you're 'logic' is to claim, well, THEY are illogical and irrational, lol. No, YOU are.

Does anyone remember how they LIED to you about Iraq having a nuclear weapons program? Geez.

Knowing when people are lying to you is an important part of life. What is scarier than EMP is that there are so many people, lying to the American people and decieving us, pretty much about everything. These decepticons are wicked and evil people, that is what is scary.

Thank you for the refreshing sanity!

US Intelligence Agencies and the UN all agree Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program in the first place. Yet, here the US is committing acts of war against Iran, while plotting all-out-war. And, most shamefully of all is that American Christians are first in line to support this wickedness - maybe they just like Obama so much that they want to drive moderate voters away from Republican candidates?
The idea that Iran has thermonuclear weapons is the most laughable, ridiculous thing, an atomic bomb is not an EMP weapon.

Why would Iran try to attack a country with tens of thousands of nuclear missles, with a few nuclear bombs? Does that make any sense to you? Oh, you're 'logic' is to claim, well, THEY are illogical and irrational, lol. No, YOU are.

Does anyone remember how they LIED to you about Iraq having a nuclear weapons program? Geez.

Knowing when people are lying to you is an important part of life. What is scarier than EMP is that there are so many people, lying to the American people and decieving us, pretty much about everything. These decepticons are wicked and evil people, that is what is scary.
uhm a nuclear explosion emits an emp pulse. i have the old nbc manuals from the 80s that state just that and what to do with army gear to prepare for it.
I haven't followed the link because it sounds like an exercise in bigotry and fear-mongering.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program. But, if they manage to build a nuke, it would be small and they wouldn't have a way to deliver it over America's heartland. Also, Iranians are not the monsters some make them out to be. Modern Iran has yet to attack anyone. They do worry about their own survival.

A few EMP blasts would do minimal damage. They might damage a lot of electrics, but not hurt people. Food and electronics would be relatively easily be brought into the locations hit by the EMP, until there is a full recovery.
First, there are many countries with nuclear weapons. Second, with one large enough nuclear weapon, detonated high enough in the atmosphere (about 300 miles), electronics could be effected in all of the US and most of Canada and Mexico. This includes any mode of modern transportation using electronics--planes, trains, and automobiles--telecommunications of all sorts--TV, radio, computers, cellphones--etc. It would literally set the country back 100-200 years. That's one emp blast.

People wouldn't be directly hurt by the blast itself but any airplanes effected by the emp would drop out of the sky, vehicles and trains would immediately die causing accidents, etc. Many people would be hurt and killed. Depending on the time of day, many roads would be jammed with dead vehicles, making it very difficult for any remaining vehicles to get around. It would be exceedingly difficult to transport food and water based on that alone, never mind the lack of communications to even know how to organize supplies and where to bring them. I should add that this would all be compounded if done in the dead of winter and many more would freeze to death.

Look at what happened in the relatively isolated area after Katrina. Now multiply that many times to cover the majority of the US. People like to think we're modern and civilized but Katrina showed that in desperate times, it takes very little time for people and society to become unhinged. It would take a significantly long time for US to recover and in the meantime, it would be utter chaos and every man for himself.

Google "Report on commission of emp" or something of that sort. Lots of studies and reports done over the years as to the effects of an emp pulse.

Here is one I have downloaded in PDF:

I recommend reading the book One Second After, if just for the sake of a very interesting book. But just a warning that as a non-Christian book dealing with such subject matter, there is some strong language. But the book is based directly on the results of the reports given by the EMP Commission.
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The US did a nuclear test with a high-altitude nuclear bomb, over the Pacific Ocean. The bomb they used is bigger than any nuclear bomb in US service today, and many magnitudes bigger than anything 3rd-world countries have produce (North Korea, Pakistan). It makes the bombs used on japan look like fire crackers.

That's Hawaii, but that's not the sun:

The king of nuclear EMP blasts. Only minor electrical damage was done.
On a side note here, this is why I don't "stock up" for the Tribulation. I don't think we realize how much we depend on electricity down to simple things like matches, all which will be destroyed or very short supply. Forget the "2 acre emergency garden" Glen Beck advertises. If the bad cosmic trials won't destroy it, then the Canaanites will raid your garden you worked hard for be they from Palestine, Mexico, the inner city, or wherever else they come from coming out to loot--- they did not plant one when times were good so certainly not in bad times.

Frankly, I have no choice but to trust the Lord and depend that I will be appointed a place of safety. However, based on what Revelation states, there won't be total inability to survive, otherwise how would many make it until the end? However, a great percentage does not make it, I once took tally what percentage of people die in the Tribulation and I see less making it than dying.
What Would Happen in an EMP Nuclear Attack Over Your Skies?

Listen to this informative and unnerving interview about how an EMP attack could kill up to 90% of a nation's population within 12 months due to a world which is so dependent on electrical power.

Dr. William Forstchen author of the book, "One Second After" a novel on what would happen after an EMP attack in the USA, joins Tamar and describes stage by stage, the real 'killers' of an EMP bomb.
Forstechen tells us that an EMP attack is not a benign nuclear attack. He takes us through the after-effects people will experience, including the inevitable economic collapse of society. Learn about the G-O-D Kit (Get Out of Dodge) that you should have in your house/car. Learn about MAD- Mutual Assured Destruction, and why that policy is not working with Iran, a radical Islamic regime. Learn the safest place to be after an attack, how to recognize you have been hit with an EMP bomb (because there will be no communications whatsoever), and what the biggest killers would be that would take the majority of lives.
Be prepared. See blog for an additional list of things to have in your home for an emergency.
This is a show to share on FaceBook, Twitter and your email lists. It could save lives.


Blessings to you today in our Lord Jesus Christ

Joethemechanic -

I would really hope that the Lord has called us home before that event occurs. I believe in a strong possibility that this can happen with Russian and the U.S. loosing their current affairs with one another with the fight in Syria and Turkey. Soon it will us vs them and Israel in the middle.
......if they manage to build a nuke, it would be small and they wouldn't have a way to deliver it over America's heartland. ..........
I wouldn't be quite that confident. I have sailed into a great number of cities around the world, including military harbours and only ONCE have I ever been stopped and searched.

San Diego would be a very easy 'military' target (been there), New York is an obvious propaganda target (been there), consider also London, Paris, Amsterdam, Marseilles, Santander and hundreds more (been there). The only coast that I know to be reasonably well protected is Israel and I'm sure there is a way past those patrols too.

There are hundreds of significant and very easy 'homeland' targets. I hate to say it but even if Iran is disarmed, we will one day suffer nuclear terrorism.
I wouldn't be quite that confident. I have sailed into a great number of cities around the world, including military harbours and only ONCE have I ever been stopped and searched.

San Diego would be a very easy 'military' target (been there), New York is an obvious propaganda target (been there), consider also London, Paris, Amsterdam, Marseilles, Santander and hundreds more (been there). The only coast that I know to be reasonably well protected is Israel and I'm sure there is a way past those patrols too.

There are hundreds of significant and very easy 'homeland' targets. I hate to say it but even if Iran is disarmed, we will one day suffer nuclear terrorism.

Agreed...not a matter of IF, just a matter of WHEN.

As far as EMP though, at the consumer level we'd be buying new TV's and firing up the '68 Chevy because the 2012 Escalade has a fried PCM. :p

However...the effects of EMP are well known and well documented, and at the higher "infrastructure" level (e.g. power grids) most equipment is shielded anyway.

A good example is an aircraft. All the cables are shielded against RF/EM interference (think "Faraday Cage"). I heard years ago about a Tomcat (F-14) that strayed too close to an Aegis during an exercise and ended up with all the instruments "zorched". The pilots bailed out...not because the aircraft wouldn't fly, but because they couldn't find the carrier!

Although EMP is a threat...much greater damage (I think) would be caused by a surface burst with the resulting fall-out and downwind contamination.

Any nuclear event is bad...but I think that (at least now) EMP is the least of our worries in such an event.

An EMP burst would do more than just cripple today's electric grids .... it would affect pace-makers, potentially killing even more people beyond those in planes, trains & automobiles.

Consider the jolt people would receive as the batteries in their watches are zapped, or the potential of skin burns people would receive if they were using their cell phones at the moment.

The potential of EMP pulses = nothing to take lightly.
Agreed...not a matter of IF, just a matter of WHEN.

As far as EMP though, at the consumer level we'd be buying new TV's and firing up the '68 Chevy because the 2012 Escalade has a fried PCM. :p

However...the effects of EMP are well known and well documented, and at the higher "infrastructure" level (e.g. power grids) most equipment is shielded anyway.

A good example is an aircraft. All the cables are shielded against RF/EM interference (think "Faraday Cage"). I heard years ago about a Tomcat (F-14) that strayed too close to an Aegis during an exercise and ended up with all the instruments "zorched". The pilots bailed out...not because the aircraft wouldn't fly, but because they couldn't find the carrier!

Although EMP is a threat...much greater damage (I think) would be caused by a surface burst with the resulting fall-out and downwind contamination.

Any nuclear event is bad...but I think that (at least now) EMP is the least of our worries in such an event.


alpha and beta radiation are easily stopped by clothing.
The US did a nuclear test with a high-altitude nuclear bomb, over the Pacific Ocean. The bomb they used is bigger than any nuclear bomb in US service today, and many magnitudes bigger than anything 3rd-world countries have produce (North Korea, Pakistan). It makes the bombs used on japan look like fire crackers.

That's Hawaii, but that's not the sun:

The king of nuclear EMP blasts. Only minor electrical damage was done.
Solid state electronics did not exist back then, and vacuum tube circuits are almost completely immune to EMP as well as all but the most severe lighting strikes.
I haven't followed the link because it sounds like an exercise in bigotry and fear-mongering.

Iran doesn't have a nuclear weapons program. But, if they manage to build a nuke, it would be small and they wouldn't have a way to deliver it over America's heartland. Also, Iranians are not the monsters some make them out to be. Modern Iran has yet to attack anyone. They do worry about their own survival.
Although your naivete about Iran is scary in itself, the fact is the EMP attack doesn't have to come from Iran. It could come from North Korea, or even our "ally," Pakistan, both of whom are known to have nuclear capability. North Korea has a long-range missile that could deliver a nuclear warhead for delivery of an EMP pulse to the skies over the west coast, and a detonation at a significant altitude could affect cities as far north as Prince Rupert, B.C., as far south as La Paz, Baja California Sur, and as far west as Denver.This is neither "bigotry" nor "fear-mongering." This is reality, and the sooner Americans, and much more importantly, our president, realizes these things, the more secure we will be. Fortunately, when Mitt Romeny is sworn in on Jan. 20, our president realize this reality.
A few EMP blasts would do minimal damage. They might damage a lot of electrics, but not hurt people. Food and electronics would be relatively easily be brought into the locations hit by the EMP, until there is a full recovery.
I fear you really don't understand what an EMP would do. Since 1975, electronic ignitions have been installed in US and most foreign vehicles. They have been standard in all US and Japanese makes and models since 1982. Electronics both run and guide all US vehicles, railroad engines, airplanes and even blimps. An EMP would render all communications useless, no vehicle could be started, so therefore, not only could no transportation of food, water, medical supplies, etc. by provided into the afflicted areas, until there were boots on the ground from unaffected areas, there would be no way of knowing for sure that an EMP has been set off, as the nuclear warning system, also being electronic, would not be available to provide data that a nuclear detonation had taken place.

A "full recovery" such as you suggest would be impossible, because every car, truck, van, railway engine, airplane, micro-transmitter, cell phone tower, electrical power grid, microchip, etc. would have to be completely replaced for anything in the affected area to function. You'd best pay attention to the audio link provided by the OP, because you are not informed at all about what an EMP would do, and such lack of knowledge and naivete is dangerous.