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*Sighs* No, I'm the one who is sorry, I get snappy about grammar and I shouldn't. At least your not using 1337 or chat speak, right? *smiles* Maybe you could use italics to minimize confusion... Really, you don't need to put emphasis on too many words. People can usually tell where the emphasis in a sentence lies themselves. But that is beside the point. Again, I'm sorry I was snappyImagican said:Actually they are apostrophes. I use them to emphasize certain words rather than use caps. Sorry. :
Imagican said:Rather than continue this with a long drawn-out debate on what we should do with our 'spare' time, suffice is to say that the Bible is a very deep and meaningful book that one could spend their life-time reading and studying and still never understand it all. It is, however, the Word of God and without question, a 'good' book.
I have read a number of books written by a number of different pastors and such and find each and every one of them to be filled with more 'opinion' than 'truth'. And each and every time I find myself helpless to avoid a least a 'little' influence left behind no matter how sure I may be about my ability to discern.
I guess if knowledge is ones desire, reading is one way to obtain it. The question is, how aptly are we able to assimilate knowledge without letting it get in the way of our walk?
I have met people that have read 'purpose' yet have never even read the entire Bible. So, in these cases, do you think that they are capable of discerning whether or not it is a 'good' book? Much like those that watch movies based on Bible stories. Some of them are quite entertaining, but most are simply that; based on Bible stories. One that is unread in the Bible could certainly come away with a very twisted understanding of the true story of Exodus after watching 'The Ten Commandments'.
I simply feel that the Christian community would find their time better spent reading God's Word rather than allowing an individual that is making a profit from a 'how to' book influence their lives in a possible negative manor.
To each their own though and this thread asked for our opinions and this is mine. Once again, when a Christian sees the masses running a particular direction, it's probably not a bad idea to run the other way. This advice, of course, is just another one of my opinions.
Well, that's a pretty decent statement on things. And that's why people are asking about this book, because they want to know if it's any good to be used as a study guide.
Some people have trouble just sitting down and reading their bible because they don't understand what it's saying or how it could be applicable to their own life. Study guides are useful to them. I personally find that most study guides are restricting for me, but that's not the case for many other people. Sometimes they need help to understand.
I mean, Proverbs 5:15-17 say:
15Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.
16Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and rivers of waters in the streets.
17Let them be only thine own, and not strangers' with thee.
Would you get from a glance that this is supposed to mean "don't sleep with prostitutes"?