I put this topic in the reformed forum for a reason. While it could be an interesting topic on any forum, by choosing this forum I was hoping for a reformed discussion on this topic. Feel free to start the same thread on in the theology forum and take it in another redirection if you like. It will no doubt go back to mans sinful nature and we have threads going for that now. Thank you.
Is there a general regeneration for everyone first? Is the Holy Spirit holding back evil until the end times have anything to do with regeneration? Is there anything pictured in the OT relationship with the Holy Spirit compared to the NT relationship with the Holy Spirit, that would help? The Apostles, first being OT believers, were bumbling stumbling scaredy cats before they were given the promise of the Father, the NT indwelling of the Holy Spirit. But before that, they did have enough regeneration (OT regeneration) to have faith. Does this picture a NT pre faith regeneration?
One thing most agree with, is that God must move first before a person can come to faith. And our relationship with the Holy Spirit as believers is much more than that, as evidenced, I believe, in the relationship of believers and the Holy Spirit from the OT to the NT.
Is there a general regeneration for everyone first? Is the Holy Spirit holding back evil until the end times have anything to do with regeneration? Is there anything pictured in the OT relationship with the Holy Spirit compared to the NT relationship with the Holy Spirit, that would help? The Apostles, first being OT believers, were bumbling stumbling scaredy cats before they were given the promise of the Father, the NT indwelling of the Holy Spirit. But before that, they did have enough regeneration (OT regeneration) to have faith. Does this picture a NT pre faith regeneration?
One thing most agree with, is that God must move first before a person can come to faith. And our relationship with the Holy Spirit as believers is much more than that, as evidenced, I believe, in the relationship of believers and the Holy Spirit from the OT to the NT.