He's saying the exact opposite actually.
What do you believe "ye might well bear with him" means?
To me it sounds like Paul is afraid they might, if they're not careful, put up with and accept another Jesus, another spirit, another gospel. I don't see how that can be interpreted any other way.
No, it says what I said it says.......... Corintithians did fine, it was the Church in Galatians that blew it.
2Co 11:3-4 YLT 3 and
I fear, lest, as the serpent did beguile Eve in his subtilty, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in the Christ; 4 for if, indeed, he who is coming doth preach another Jesus whom we did not preach, or another Spirit ye receive which ye did not receive, or other good news which ye did not accept--
well were ye bearing it ,
2Co 11:4 amp For you seem readily to endure it] [/B]if a man comes and preaches another Jesus than the One we preached, or if you receive a different spirit from the [Spirit] you [once] received or a different gospel from the one you [then] received and welcomed;
you tolerate [all that] well enough!
2Co 11:19 amp For you readily and gladly bear with the foolish, since you are so smart and wise yourselves!
Corninth had bad guys come and preach things that were not right, the church did fine. Paul said that because the Gospel is so simple, He had fear Satan could bring something that sounded more complex and believable. The Church shut them out though.
Remember Paul warned that church that Satan can appear as an angle of light even.
It was the Church in Galatians that started back in the practice of the law.
I don't watch horror flick, I haven't watch much of those. I mentioned the flood, the judgement of the Egyptians where by babies were slain.. what did the baby do that he was slain by the LORD himself? you said he wasn't innocent, and yet you said a child couldn't be held for the actions of another. yet the angel of the Lord did take them. so how can that be?
so how does baby, one day, one year, and up to the time they still don't know what is sin be judged? you said god doesn't slay his own. funny. moses died. he sinned, we all sin. no man will ever die sinless. yet god has ordained a meeting. by your argument if we obey, we simply wont die!
It's not like I have not seen some of your other post, so I have to wonder if I am wasting my time here.
It was no Angel of the Lord that destroyed the first born of Eqypt, it was the destroyer whom God kept watch to make sure he did not wipe everyone out.
God don't kill babies, and Babies not under the Parents covenant with God are subject to destruction. Hose 4:6.
Remember God said choose life, choose blessing that your seed may live? It's up to the parents, not the child.
If God appointed a specific time to die, then I would not be able to post lots of scriptures God gives us to extend our life and see many good days.
We have to die, everyone is appointed to die. That is not like in a specific time thing, it just means someday, we have to die.
Death and life are in the power of the Tongue. We decided to live long and do all we are called to do, or we go crosswise with scripture, speak death and stupid things and cut life short.
Why did it say God killed David's baby? God did have a part, but it was not God that killed the baby.
Why does it say God caused David to number the troops, and in other book it says Satan caused David........... Same reason it says God killed David's baby.
Go figure it out.
Steer away from this no fault reliegion where everything is God's fault, and we have no responsibilty on our part to walk by faith and believe what God said. God is never at fault, we are....... And there are tons of scriptures to believe that will get your needs met, Healed, blessed, favored, and full of God's wisdom.
Now if you ever seen God keep you and protect you, then that does not mean God just decideds to stop doing that someday. He never changes, we change on Him.