I just want to say that my experience is very similar to what ThinkerMan outlined. I use to be Christian, but I had small doubts. So I just wanted to be sure I was worshiping the right god if there was one. (It would suck to worship the wrong god ane make Allah, Buddha or Zeus mad).
So I prayed for just a sign to show me that I was on the right path. The prayers went on but I never saw a sign. I finally came to the idea that if God wanted me to believe, it would be extremely easy for Him to show me. So since He didn't, then He should understand why I didn't. If He sends me to Hell for that, then He is not a god I would want to worship. (My integrity intact in hell.)
So I prayed for just a sign to show me that I was on the right path. The prayers went on but I never saw a sign. I finally came to the idea that if God wanted me to believe, it would be extremely easy for Him to show me. So since He didn't, then He should understand why I didn't. If He sends me to Hell for that, then He is not a god I would want to worship. (My integrity intact in hell.)