quarth said:
I think the point of that passage is not to keep kids away from Jesus. Not that all children are automatically given salvation.
It could be that I have read more into that than is there but since it says ‘of such is the kingdom of heaven’, that would imply that the natural qualities of a child are the attitudes that God accepts in all of us. Since children are those things until they cease to be children, that would indicate that they would be welcomed into heaven.
quarth said:
More stuff like when Joshua says that God wants the children killed in the cities they were taking over.
Like I said, God only knows the stuff that makes up the reasons why one should live and one should die at whatever age. If God indeed commanded them to do those genocides, the reasons were his for ending their existence here. Perhaps they were to be raised by angels and tested in heaven rather than on earth, due to some defect in their genetic makeup and we do not have enough information to make those decisions, only God can. If they acted on their own and stamped it with God’s approval, they will answer for it.
quarth said:
This would seem to imply that we should not have tried to kill Hitler since God made him and God knew what he was doing. It seems that God wants us to make such decisions.
I think I just answered this. Or not. I think the Bible shows that God sometimes uses tragic circumstances and evil men to accomplish his purposes. Punishments serve as testing and training to those left behind. The ones taken early may have passed their tests. There is some truth to the saying, “only the good die young.†Again, we can’t see what is in their hearts. If God uses a madman to test or soften hearts, or if he hardens a heart to continue his purpose, he knows the intents of their hearts and will judge accordingly. You won’t be punished for what God caused you to do, nor will you be rewarded for such, if your intent was not to do it. I think he’s pretty adept at choosing the right tool for the job though.
quarth said:
Laws that say you should kill unbelievers or family that is of another religion or homosexuals or pagans or Sabbath workers.
Those are part of the added laws that were like interpretations of the principles laid out in the 10 commandments, similar to our laws based on the interpretation of the constitution. They were specific to the time and people they were written to. They gave teeth to the law to keep the fear of God upon his very obstinate and rebellious people. The laws that will endure are the principles that Jesus summed up by ‘love for God and one another.’ I believe many were of the ‘God said I could speak for him, and this is what he said’ variety. By Jesus’ day, there were many that needed to be set in order.
quarth said:
So this may relate strongly to the idea that babies go to heaven. If you spend eternity in heaven, what use is life on Earth? It is almost 0% of your life. So there must be some purpose. If you are right and life is a teaching ground, then God would not let babies into heaven because they haven't had a chance to learn anything. That would support babies being unmade or reincarnated.
Or he could test and train chosen ones there. Or he could allow them to spend eternity as a child or infant. Look how happy that would make those who never had the opportunity to love and hold a baby on earth. Because they never developed an evil attitude of unbelief and meanness, they would be happy forever in that age of life.
quarth said:
If God would turn his presense off and on, then that would be a great sign to me. If I am really tormented by the absense of God, it would see nice of God to remove me from existance rather that see me suffer.
I’m afraid the deal is that once personal energy is created, it can never be destroyed. I think the best you could hope for would be eternity as a slug like creature who can do no possible harm or rebellion in God’s kingdom. And that only if upon seeing God and deciding that he wasn’t so bad after all, your rebellion from this life was repented of. If you want to enter the kingdom of God as a full grown perfect man, able to enjoy all it’s incredible features, you would have to repent now and follow the pattern taught by Christ. Maybe only the infant part of you would make heaven, after the rest of the dross is burnt off in the lake of fire. I’m speculating here. I know that God is just and fair and does all things well.
quarth said:
Oh, I meant the curse from eating the fruit of good ane evil. If that tree waslike the tree of immortality and wears off, then Adam could come back to Eden. However, the trees could be different. Kind of just guessing here.
It’s good to make a few guesses, as long as you understand that‘s what they are and don‘t get so attached to them that you can’t put them down when you realize the truth of a matter. Sometimes our guesses help us get from here to there in our understanding. I have always found when the truth comes, as much or as little as my puny brain can hold of it, I will know it is the truth, whether I want to accept it or not.
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