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Bible Study Which preachers do you enjoy listening to?

For me, it's Pastor John MacArthur. I discovered him on YouTube and have listened to MANY of his sermons. He's not flamboyant, boisterous or self-promoting. He just speaks the gospel and then explains it in a way that makes it easy to understand. He has helped to open my eyes.

My most favorite statement that I heard him say is "True Christians thirst for the word of God". Amen to that! Therefore, I have to ask, can you recommend a preacher that you enjoy listening to?
I like listening to the LivingWaters folks (Ray Comfort, Mark Spence, Emeal Zwayne), Charles Stanley, and I think I would enjoy listening to Jonathan Stockstill a lot more if he didn't use the Lord's name in vain in his sermons. I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of them right now.

I'm not sure if I've listened to John MacArthur, though...
For me, it's Pastor John MacArthur. I discovered him on YouTube and have listened to MANY of his sermons. He's not flamboyant, boisterous or self-promoting. He just speaks the gospel and then explains it in a way that makes it easy to understand. He has helped to open my eyes.

My most favorite statement that I heard him say is "True Christians thirst for the word of God". Amen to that! Therefore, I have to ask, can you recommend a preacher that you enjoy listening to?
Does a person merely need to enjoy listening to some guy on YouTube, or is it necessary to know exactly what are his biblical beliefs?
Well, I suppose it's necessary to listen in order to know another's beliefs. MacArthur discusses bible verses and he has helped me to understand them better or, at least, I hope he has. :)
It'll be difficult to know what John Macarthur believes just by listening to his sermons.
BTW,,,all preachers make everything sound so good.
Try to find out what his beliefs are before you "fall in love" with him.
That would be my suggestion.

There are some good teachers on YouTube.
But I wouldn't say he's one of them.
John MacArthur is hardcore. There was a lawsuit, way back when...his antipsychiatry stance (I kinda sorta lean into antipsychiatry, but not in the right wing way...) may have contributed to the suicide of a troubled parishoner. lawsuit...i don't know how it ended, but...yeah. sad. :-(

rc sproul is alright, or I thought so, till...OK, in one piece I read, he was railing against social programs, taxation to promoted the general well being of the masses, etc. I'm -not- a full on Marxist, but...c'mon. Personally, I cannot work. By the grace of God, the safety net has caught me. OK? so, I'm kind of...out of love with him, because of that.

lately, I've been checking out the christian socialists. pros: they truly believe in pushing, in the here and now, for material help for 'the least of these,' as in...not just me (LOL), but people way worse off, the 'rejects' of any given society. I think that's true religion, along with visiting widows and caring for orphans, amen. :)

but..cons: gay affirming (bad lifestyle...I know this, from experience...), trans-affirming (I feel badly, but I don't think hormones and surgeries can 'fix' that situation, OK?), and it looks like the more visible+vocal Christian socialists are trying to (re)connect with unbeliever radicals, which...well...

-sigh- may be of pragmatic value in increasing visibility, witnessing to more people, etc., but I -personally- think some of the groups and factions they're aligning with are not compatible with Christ's message. I could easily be wrong, of course....

interestingly enough, a number of the head honchos in the 21st century version of Christian socialism are...wait for it, wait for it...left wing Presbyterians. Thing is...most of the Presbyterian church is dying out, and this ongoing trend of the higher ups diluting and/or rejecting The Good News, bit by bit, to suit their purposes...

is probably a big part of it, I think. 'ye shall know a tree by the fruit it bears...' -- dying churches, ubelieving leaders, unregenerate thanks, y'all.

where does that, people in somewhat similar situations, etc.? I dunno. To be perfectly, blatantly, 110%+ honest...

I'm trying to lean more into Scripture, and more into Christ and Him, Crucified...than into any church, person, denomination, etc. I flirted with the -idea- of Catholicism, but...

-sigh- a church that gave us Scalia, that new lady on the Supreme Court, hardcore anti-abortion and anti-contraceptive organizations, and billion$ in payouts for sexual abuse...

probably -not- an organization I'm gung ho about signing up with, m'kay?

-sigh- another problem? A big part of the reason I cannot recommend a teacher, preacher, past or present is because....

'for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God...' true, that. even david wilkerson, whom I have great respect and a degree of admiration for, especially his early, fiery days. :)

a cousin recommends getting into a Pentecostal church or something Pentecostal-ish, even if it is officially non-denominational. this cousin has ton$ of re$ource$ and is an active GOP person. I respect him, I value his opinion and counsel, but...

we live on the same planet, but in different worlds. in my world, I'd very much like a church for fellowship, challenging teachings, and community...

-sigh- but I'm an outcast and something of a perma-pariah. not to pity party, its just the nature of my situation. my own take on The Good News is different from his, because we are very different people, from very different 'social locations' (social class, age, gender, physical location, etc.), and therefore...

The Lord deals with us differently, right? Right. I'm not about to get a Christian commune started or anything (LOL), but I don't think...I fit in most churches, and I don't think I ever will, honestly. And as much as I -wanted- to be a sharp-minded, clear thinking Calvinist, with the fervor and zeal of a Pentecostal...

-sigh- 8 years into a meaningful, productive, amazingly healing walk with The Lord...

? 'once was blind, now I see; 'twas grace that saved a wretch like me...'

I believe in miracles (so I'm no longer following Sproul on that one...), I believe in at least foreknowledge, possibly straight up predestination (not Sproul, not MacArthur, definitely not Pentecostal), I believe in a place called Heaven and a place called Hell (can't go for universalism or hippy feel good 21st century socialist gospel, sorry), I believe in Jesus' special love for 'the least of these,', I was wretched and impoverished and brain damaged, long story....

basically, I believe in The Good News, and I'm not entirely sure I believe in The Good News because I 'chose' Jesus or necessarily because I was part of some 'elect' group, pre-selected from time immemorial, its more like...

-shrug- 8 years ago, I felt a tug, I cried out, He answered, seeds began to bear fruit, God saw fit to spare, then save and forgive me, then began to give an increase to all that had already been poured into me, and now...

where to turn? to Jesus, obvious and most correct answer, no doubt. but with -so many- churches filled with hatred and spite towards the poor and the weak and the unwanted...

and others tossing out big segments of sound doctrine and The Gospel, itself, "for the common good" or what have you....

-sigh- where does anyone, any Christian, go, now?

ramble, ramble...sorry I derailed your thread. maybe I should switch to decaf? :)
John MacArthur is hardcore. There was a lawsuit, way back when...his antipsychiatry stance (I kinda sorta lean into antipsychiatry, but not in the right wing way...) may have contributed to the suicide of a troubled parishoner. lawsuit...i don't know how it ended, but...yeah. sad. :-(

rc sproul is alright, or I thought so, till...OK, in one piece I read, he was railing against social programs, taxation to promoted the general well being of the masses, etc. I'm -not- a full on Marxist, but...c'mon. Personally, I cannot work. By the grace of God, the safety net has caught me. OK? so, I'm kind of...out of love with him, because of that.

lately, I've been checking out the christian socialists. pros: they truly believe in pushing, in the here and now, for material help for 'the least of these,' as in...not just me (LOL), but people way worse off, the 'rejects' of any given society. I think that's true religion, along with visiting widows and caring for orphans, amen. :)

but..cons: gay affirming (bad lifestyle...I know this, from experience...), trans-affirming (I feel badly, but I don't think hormones and surgeries can 'fix' that situation, OK?), and it looks like the more visible+vocal Christian socialists are trying to (re)connect with unbeliever radicals, which...well...

-sigh- may be of pragmatic value in increasing visibility, witnessing to more people, etc., but I -personally- think some of the groups and factions they're aligning with are not compatible with Christ's message. I could easily be wrong, of course....

interestingly enough, a number of the head honchos in the 21st century version of Christian socialism are...wait for it, wait for it...left wing Presbyterians. Thing is...most of the Presbyterian church is dying out, and this ongoing trend of the higher ups diluting and/or rejecting The Good News, bit by bit, to suit their purposes...

is probably a big part of it, I think. 'ye shall know a tree by the fruit it bears...' -- dying churches, ubelieving leaders, unregenerate thanks, y'all.

where does that, people in somewhat similar situations, etc.? I dunno. To be perfectly, blatantly, 110%+ honest...

I'm trying to lean more into Scripture, and more into Christ and Him, Crucified...than into any church, person, denomination, etc. I flirted with the -idea- of Catholicism, but...

-sigh- a church that gave us Scalia, that new lady on the Supreme Court, hardcore anti-abortion and anti-contraceptive organizations, and billion$ in payouts for sexual abuse...

probably -not- an organization I'm gung ho about signing up with, m'kay?

-sigh- another problem? A big part of the reason I cannot recommend a teacher, preacher, past or present is because....

'for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God...' true, that. even david wilkerson, whom I have great respect and a degree of admiration for, especially his early, fiery days. :)

a cousin recommends getting into a Pentecostal church or something Pentecostal-ish, even if it is officially non-denominational. this cousin has ton$ of re$ource$ and is an active GOP person. I respect him, I value his opinion and counsel, but...

we live on the same planet, but in different worlds. in my world, I'd very much like a church for fellowship, challenging teachings, and community...

-sigh- but I'm an outcast and something of a perma-pariah. not to pity party, its just the nature of my situation. my own take on The Good News is different from his, because we are very different people, from very different 'social locations' (social class, age, gender, physical location, etc.), and therefore...

The Lord deals with us differently, right? Right. I'm not about to get a Christian commune started or anything (LOL), but I don't think...I fit in most churches, and I don't think I ever will, honestly. And as much as I -wanted- to be a sharp-minded, clear thinking Calvinist, with the fervor and zeal of a Pentecostal...

-sigh- 8 years into a meaningful, productive, amazingly healing walk with The Lord...

? 'once was blind, now I see; 'twas grace that saved a wretch like me...'

I believe in miracles (so I'm no longer following Sproul on that one...), I believe in at least foreknowledge, possibly straight up predestination (not Sproul, not MacArthur, definitely not Pentecostal), I believe in a place called Heaven and a place called Hell (can't go for universalism or hippy feel good 21st century socialist gospel, sorry), I believe in Jesus' special love for 'the least of these,', I was wretched and impoverished and brain damaged, long story....

basically, I believe in The Good News, and I'm not entirely sure I believe in The Good News because I 'chose' Jesus or necessarily because I was part of some 'elect' group, pre-selected from time immemorial, its more like...

-shrug- 8 years ago, I felt a tug, I cried out, He answered, seeds began to bear fruit, God saw fit to spare, then save and forgive me, then began to give an increase to all that had already been poured into me, and now...

where to turn? to Jesus, obvious and most correct answer, no doubt. but with -so many- churches filled with hatred and spite towards the poor and the weak and the unwanted...

and others tossing out big segments of sound doctrine and The Gospel, itself, "for the common good" or what have you....

-sigh- where does anyone, any Christian, go, now?

ramble, ramble...sorry I derailed your thread. maybe I should switch to decaf? :)

Great post CE.
Such insight.

Nothing to add, I just want to say that I also felt that tug from God that you felt 8 years ago.
Except I felt it many, many more years ago!

That tug is God calling all and revealing all to Himself.
Some reply with a Yes, and some reply with a No.

I'm happy you replied with a Yes!!
see, my older, wiser Christian friend says the same thing...that He knocks at -everyone's- heart's door, and some let Him in, some refuse. does He knock more than once? it was...kind of a big deal for me, and I really didn't have it in me to say no, which...with a background in Calvinism 101, makes my mind loop back to TULIP, sproul, etc. :)
see, my older, wiser Christian friend says the same thing...that He knocks at -everyone's- heart's door, and some let Him in, some refuse. does He knock more than once? it was...kind of a big deal for me, and I really didn't have it in me to say no, which...with a background in Calvinism 101, makes my mind loop back to TULIP, sproul, etc. :)
Let's not start with that again!
If you didn't know about TULIP and calvinism...
you'd never think it up for yourself just by reading the N.T.
You'd think that God would want to save everyone and they need to say Yes.
Rev 3:20 Jesus knocking at the door - he's not pushing His way through.
We want persons that love us to do so of their own free will (you know, normal free will)
we wouldn't care for their love if it had to be forced.
God is the same in our regard.
He wants true love from us...
not something HE generated.
Let's not start with that again!
If you didn't know about TULIP and calvinism...
you'd never think it up for yourself just by reading the N.T.
You'd think that God would want to save everyone and they need to say Yes.
Rev 3:20 Jesus knocking at the door - he's not pushing His way through.
We want persons that love us to do so of their own free will (you know, normal free will)
we wouldn't care for their love if it had to be forced.
God is the same in our regard.
He wants true love from us...
not something HE generated.
I like Joel Osteen.
He's the best!!!
I'm not much in listening to TV preachers, But do like Andrew Womack as what he teaches does line up with scripture and he's not all flash and self glorified like most of those TV preachers. The preacher I listen to the most is the Holy Spirit who teaches in all truths.

Whoever you are listening to make sure you test the spirits that speak to know whether they are the spirit of truth or error, 1 John 4:1-6. Make sure what they teach lines up with the full context of scripture.