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Bible Study Which preachers do you enjoy listening to?

Bishop John Barron
Look he is far from perfect and a little dull sometimes. But I check on him now and then to see what his view is, because it usually represents the Church. He is a conservative so may find Francis an over the top liberal pope.
Bishop John Barron
Look he is far from perfect and a little dull sometimes. But I check on him now and then to see what his view is, because it usually represents the Church. He is a conservative so may find Francis an over the top liberal pope.
I use to watch Bishop Sheen on tv.
Very interesting

ok, so -1- big reason Calvinism 101/TULIP appeals to me is because it explains...the whole shebang, basically. Total depravity-- so that's why I hated God so much back in the day! Unconditional election--so that's why (hopefully...) I'm a genuine conversion...God's mercy and love and good pleasure, not any merit on my part; Limited atonement--Jesus' Crucifixion does save all those whom The Father has given Him...Irresistible grace--that's why I couldn't say "no" at my moment of conversion; and...

Perseverance of the saints-- that's why some fall away, some permanently and horribly. They were tares, from the get go.

see what I mean? its a very logical system. :)
Men like Dick Lucas :-
Or the Doctor at:-
John Story at All Souls Langham place London:-

If it is books you want then anything by Brian h Edwards but particularly Revival, a study on revival in the Bible and through history and what we can learn from it.
Or John Blanchard another prolific author with a steam roller approach to pilling up the facts.

As I'm in the UK they are all UK based men.
Dr David Jeremiah. And when I was much younger, I listened to Chuck Swindoll every chance I got. I currently listen to the podcast of Sandy Adams. I love his style and his theology/doctrine. Easy to listen to. Great teacher.
For me, it's Pastor John MacArthur. I discovered him on YouTube and have listened to MANY of his sermons. He's not flamboyant, boisterous or self-promoting. He just speaks the gospel and then explains it in a way that makes it easy to understand. He has helped to open my eyes.

My most favorite statement that I heard him say is "True Christians thirst for the word of God". Amen to that! Therefore, I have to ask, can you recommend a preacher that you enjoy listening to?
pca ,I have read some of his devotionals .

my own pastor Trevor raborn
He has a positive message.
They say he doesn't preach the gospel.
I don't know him well enough.
He smiles a lot and his wife has nice clothes.

Joel Osteen is a motivational speaker but he doesn't preach the Gospel. You ever see a Bible in his hand? No. BUT!! do a search on YouTube for Joel's dad, John Osteen. He had that big Texas church before Joel got it and John's messages are open with the words...Turn in your Bibles to chapter... and he has a Bible in his hand from the get go. John preaches a good message.

A couple others on YouTube I like are, Ian Clayton, and Bruce Allen. Highly recommended.
As a new believer, about two years old in the faith, a friend from church called me one day. He said there was a Bible class being held at night at a certain location, by a certain teacher, and he thought I should go with him to it. It was a credited class, and cost to take it, but also invited any to come and if you cared to, you could leave a donation. But you didn't have to.

Even though it was on a work night, I said I would go. One of the best decisions I ever made. I was always studying the Bible. I was asking questions of the pastor and church teachers. But I was not always given satisfying answers. I was literally outgrowing the church. It was a great church to begin your life as a believer. It was where the Lord wanted me at that time. But it didn't provide for continual growth.

I went to that week night Bible Study. It was two hours long. Time flew by. Not only were the words and knowledge of the Scripture evident with this teacher, so was the power of the Holy Spirit. I had never heard one teach that way. It was the ideal combination of a knowledge of God coupled with a life pleasing to God, coupled with being chosen to teach the Word of God. The Holy Spirit just flowed.

Needless to say I went to every class this man offered. Such a blessing. I purposely have not given this man's name. He didn't seek any recognition then. It is enough to know that there are teachers of the Bible like that, but not many.

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Joel Osteen is a motivational speaker but he doesn't preach the Gospel. You ever see a Bible in his hand? No. BUT!! do a search on YouTube for Joel's dad, John Osteen. He had that big Texas church before Joel got it and John's messages are open with the words...Turn in your Bibles to chapter... and he has a Bible in his hand from the get go. John preaches a good message.

A couple others on YouTube I like are, Ian Clayton, and Bruce Allen. Highly recommended.
I don't really listen to YouTube for preaching.
I like to listen to teaching instead.

I don't now either of the ones you mention, but I'll check them out.
It is pretty known that Joel O. is more of a motivational speaker.
The question is: Do those that attend his church love God and seek to serve Him?
If the answer is yes,,,then I don't really have a problem....
If the answer is no...then they're just going there to feel good.

I DO agree with you that CHURCH is the place where one should learn about their faith.
I was in the loop with the CC here (not much anymore) and I spoke to different priests about
the idea of using Mass to also teach. They all told me that it's not a classroom. Fine. So let
Catholics be ignorant of their faith. We have a poster here that is very knowledgeable about his faith, but I'm sure
he was very aggressive in learning because the church does not seem to help much. It might be different where he
attends church.
As a new believer, about two years old in the faith, a friend from church called me one day. He said there was a Bible class being held at night at a certain location, by a certain teacher, and he thought I should go with him to it. It was a credited class, and cost to take it, but also invited any to come and if you cared to, you could leave a donation. But you didn't have to.

Even though it was on a work night, I said I would go. One of the best decisions I ever made. I was always studying the Bible. I was asking questions of the pastor and church teachers. But I was not always given satisfying answers. I was literally outgrowing the church. It was a great church to begin your life as a believer. It was where the Lord wanted me at that time. But it didn't provide for continual growth.

I went to that week night Bible Study. It was two hours long. Time flew by. Not only were the words and knowledge of the Scripture evident with this teacher, so was the power of the Holy Spirit. I had never heard one teach that way. It was the ideal combination of a knowledge of God coupled with a life pleasing to God, coupled with being chosen to teach the Word of God. The Holy Spirit just flowed.

Needless to say I went to every class this man offered. Such a blessing. I purposely have not given this man's name. He didn't seek any recognition then. It is enough to know that there are teachers of the Bible like that, but not many.


What were you before you were a believer?
What were you before you were a believer?

The simple answer is that I was lost. I lived as those of the world lived.

But, I also know, I don't ever remember a time when I didn't believe in God and Jesus Christ. Even when I was lost and living as I was, the thought would constantly enter my head, 'God is going to get me for that'.

In other words, I have always believed.

The simple answer is that I was lost. I lived as those of the world lived.

But, I also know, I don't ever remember a time when I didn't believe in God and Jesus Christ. Even when I was lost and living as I was, the thought would constantly enter my head, 'God is going to get me for that'.

In other words, I have always believed.


I think that fairly describes me too.
I watched the Lakewood church live on you tube this morning.
After a month now, my wife and I agree it's better than anywhere else.
For those who don't know that's JOEL OSTEEN!
There is nothing phony about him.
I can't understand all the negative things people say about him.
He and his church do more than anyone else I know of.
He truly loves Jesus and knows how to share that message with others.