IOW, they are obsolete as to their required literal fulfillment.
If Paul didn't tell us the Law is spiritual I could possibly agree. Throwing out spiritual matters doesn't make much sense.
Indeed, Jesus did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.
Paul stated the Law remains to be fulfilled through us as well in multiple citings. So again writing that off when it's stated otherwise doesn't compute.
The everlasting principles that the Mosaic covenant of sacrifice, temple, and priesthood represented continue in the New Covenant in the form of a new and better Covenant of Sacrifice, temple, and Priesthood. What has changed from the old to the New is how eternal principles of redemption and relating to God are upheld, or fulfilled.
Fortunately for the eye of discernment the New Testament Gospel presentation is firmly imbedded in the Law as well. It's just more difficult to see presented in shadows. Doesn't mean it was invalidated and if New Testament Gospel is imbedded in the Law it might seem to some to be an ally of The New Covenant, not to be tossed. I would also agree that how we are to view the Law itself and to fulfill same in ourselves has been clarified from the Law, not that it was tossed out.
Well, as true as this is, it is very true that we simply do not have to perform many of the literal old covenant worship commands. It isn't necessary to be found imperfect through the attempt to fulfill certain literal requirements of old covenant worship.
Jesus took the Laws of the O.T. and put them as an internal matter. This is a picture perfect view of the Old Cov. and the New. First a natural view, an external one as fleshly Israel practiced, and then the SPIRITUAL elaboration of God Himself of those same Laws. This too is a principle that Paul taught...first the Natural, then the SPIRITUAL in 1 Cor. 15. This fact is shown in the transition from The Old Covenant to the New Covenant. There are many comparisons given by Jesus on these matters to confirm the fact. Several can be cited from the Gospels.
Food laws for example contain many deep spiritual truths that are not easily apparent, but they are applicable 'internally.' Jesus did not invalidate those Laws, but clarified them and applied them as internal matters, like here:
Matt. 15:
2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread. 3 But he answered and said unto them, Why do
ye also
transgress the commandment of God by your
7 Ye
hypocrites, well did
Esaias prophesy of you, saying,
8 This
people draweth nigh unto me
with their mouth, and
honoureth me with their lips;
but their heart is far from me.
Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.
12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
13 But he answered and said,
Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up.
Jesus was in the above showing an entirely different slant on 'food law' eradicating them as an external matter. NOTHING that goes into a man can defile them, period. This understanding basically wiped out the understanding of the Pharisees regarding 'food Laws.' This does not mean however that the spiritual intention of food laws are void or without spiritual purpose for 'our' applications.
Jesus also clearly pinpointed spiritual matters, even WEIGHTY MATTERS
of Law:
Listen to Jesus about THE LAW, not man teachings!
Matthew 23:23
Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for
ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and
have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
IF any reader of LAW
can NOT see the matters of JUDGMENT, MERCY and FAITH in the Law they are NOT hearing The Law whatsoever.
If you think these weightier matters are UNIMPORTANT for believers I would certainly beg to say such proposals are absurd. Judgment, mercy and faith are of ULTIMATE importance and such matters are IN LAW and FOR believers. There is in fact no way for the Law to pass away in these regards.
This is why I think it absolutely necessary to distinguish between various parts of the old covenant and not lump them together. We are no longer held accountable to and potentially condemned by the literal commands for worship prescribed in the old covenant. But obviously that is not true in regard to 'do not steal', 'do not covet', 'do not lie', etc.
Again, you decry lying, stealing, murder etc as not being legal and they ARE NOT. How then can you say these matters are void? It makes no sense.
When we see the facts, that it is THE LAW itself that justifies faith apart from the Law, then the LAW is in fact an ALLY of this very important New Covenant position. No surface readings of the Law are going to divulge this information, but IT IS IN THERE. Those who reject Gods Words of LAW will never learn these things and they will be landed in ERROR.
Romans 3:21
But now the
righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being
witnessed by the law and the prophets
Now you tell me if the LAW by Paul's own statement is a witness of righteousness APART FROM LAW, how can the LAW possibly be against us as believers.
The answer is, it's NOT. It must be understood spiritually and applied internally.
Some things are 'done', being fulfilled to God's complete satisfaction, when we believe in Christ such that no literal continuation of the requirement remains.
Again, if you think the Law was exacting, Grace is even MORE exacting. Jesus amplified/
magnified the Law and made it HONORABLE, as foretold by the prophet.
The full intention of the LAW and Jesus Words as well is to dwell IN US and FULLY FUNCTION with HIS PERFECT REFLECTIONS. The Law is certainly not against us. They are the Words of Jesus in the prophets. Jesus is not against Himself.
Those who claim Jesus or the Apostles eradicated the Law by fulfillment
are only suffering from an utter lack of understanding same.
There is a side of the Law that remains to this day against ALL lawlessness in 'whomever' it is found. Even when you point to no murder, lying, stealing...those are LAW matters and can NOT logically be tossed.
The Day of Atonement is an example. It didn't get abolished. It got forever and perfectly fulfilled through the work of Christ for those who believe such that it is no longer required to approach God in worship in that literal way anymore.
The Law's full intention on the bad side of the ledger remains to show us that we factually remain sinners, particularly after 'conversion.' I understand 'why' believers don't like to hear this, but it's a fact.
Sin is lawlessness and WE ALL HAVE SIN. So do the math. Paul said the law is for the lawless. We all have sin and are therefore lawless via that presence within us. The Law pinpoints this fact quite sufficiently. Even were an O.T. adherent to do every jot and tittle obediently THEY WOULD STILL BE SINNERS.
It is from the conveyance of THIS HARD FACT that we learn WHY we are in DIRE NEED of Gods Abundant and Eternal MERCY. There is a reason 'we need' MERCY from God. This is a weighty matter of LAW. If you do not take this matter of fact finding by the LAW you would perhaps not know so well WHY we need His Mercy.
When Israel of the O.T. placed blood upon their doorposts, they did so in order for GOD not to KILL THEM on the spot. God PASSED OVER them but He could have just as easily KILLED THEM as well for THEIR SIN.
God chose not to do that, and in that 'external manner' purveyed the ETERNAL FORGIVENESS that was to come. Israel had temporal forgiveness. The Perfect Sacrifice SEALED THE DEAL. This does not mean that some principles such as SIN being present in Israel as shown therein does not have some continuing things to say about our condition POST SALVATION.
Paul said that 'all of those things' were written for our examples. Why TOSS? Again, such methods make no sense. I could write VOLUMES of
what is taught in the O.T. LAW as NEW TESTAMENT PRINCIPLE.
You think Paul pulled the New Testament Gospel out of his own mind? No. He was TAUGHT those matters FROM THE LAW by Jesus Himself via REVELATION.
It's a much much deeper subject than people who TOY with the scriptures are used to dealing with.
They are positions born of ignorance coupled with the spirit of ERROR.
Thankfully, the law only has authority over a person and able to keep them bound to the flesh while a person is living. But we have died with Christ to the power of the law that kept us bound to the flesh (like a marriage certificate).
Many believers suffer under the delusion that since the Law has no supposed SWAY over them any longer that somehow the LAW working AGAINST sin in them has ceased.
Nope. The Law remains against the LAWLESS. Sin is LAWLESSNESS. ALL have sin.
Understanding this we are FORCED by the Law to understand our need for MERCY and UNmerited favor of GRACE. What forces us is the SIN in us and the continuing need. The Law NEVER stops working against SIN and never will as long as SIN exists in man.
If you think the Law against MURDER which is LAWLESSNESS is not in force under GRACE to a believer you would be sadly sadly mistaken.
Grace is a much harsher task Master. It makes us BE HONEST about our condition not ignore it or cover it up
Grace has actually created far more Pharisees than the Old Covenant ever could have imagined.
The same principles in the Law that aroused SIN in man to make men HYPOCRITES about themselves
have been unleashed as A VERITABLE TORRENT within Christiandom.
Were you to look at every practice of Pharisees such activity is READILY and OPENLY apparent in EVERY CHURCH on earth today and almost IDENTICALLY.
A law that bound us and actually enforced our relationship with the flesh provoking sin in us, not delivering us from it as some mistakenly think it did/ does. We have been set free from the law that bound us to the flesh (like a marriage license binds a woman to her husband), not so we can now sin with impunity, but so we can be free to now be bound to Christ, our new husband, through the law of the Spirit.
Well, you may certainly believe what you say. I know better.
The Law remains firmly against ALL SIN in whomever it is found and it is FOUND IN ALL. That is why we are not to put our SIN under it because the power of SIN in believers will get WILD. This is a factual and adverse relationship between The Law and the power of sin.
Nevertheless, THIS is how Paul 'served' the Law and any believer would be well advised to DO THE SAME:
Romans 7:25
I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then
with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but
with the flesh the law of sin.
The Sword of Gods Word of LAW has TWO EDGES. They are described right there in
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