Antichrist means instead of christ. I never said it was in revelation. Everyone has good points. I was pointing at second thessalonians chapter 2. The son of perdition. It clearly states he will go into temple of God claiming to be God. Revelation chapter 6:13. And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of mighty wind. Chapter 12:7. And their was war in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. 12:9. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and satan, which deceive the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. I documented and connected that satan is coming 6th trump, 6th seal, 6th vial to earth. Satan is role player, he plays different roles. Satan is coming with fallen angels as false messiah. GREEK = PSEUDO CHRISTOS = SPURIOUS MESSIAH, FALSE CHRIST. And DIAKONOE= TEACHER, ELECT, CLOVEN TOUNGUE, IN GREEK. Were all Christian people. I told the truth and gave it back in the Greek language. If no one agrees, it's fine.
Concerning Revelation 6:13, I honestly believe we're in the critical last days and there have been a time of earthquakes, literal and figurative. (2 Timothy 3:1) But not one of these quakings is the final great shaking that John sees at the opening of the sixth seal. The time for advance tremors is ended. There will come a
great earthquake that is totally new to human experience. It is so great an earthquake that the upheavals and convulsions it causes cannot be measured by the Richter scale or by any other human gauge. This is no mere local shock but a cataclysmic shaking that devastates the entire “earth,” meaning, all depraved human society.
Others of YHWH God's prophets foretold such an earthquake and its catastrophic consequences. For example, about 820 B.C.E., Joel spoke of “the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of YHWH,” stating that then “the sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood.” Later, he adds these words: “Crowds, crowds are in the low plain of the decision, for the day of YHWH is near in the low plain of the decision. Sun and moon themselves will certainly become dark, and the very stars will actually withdraw their brightness. And out of Zion YHWH himself will roar, and out of Jerusalem he will give forth his voice. And heaven and earth certainly will rock; but YHWH God will be a refuge for his people, and a fortress for the sons of Israel.” (Joel 2:31; 3:14-16) This rocking could apply only to YHWH God's execution of judgment during the great tribulation. (Matthew 24:21) So the parallel account at Revelation 6:12, 13 would logically have the same application.(See also Jeremiah 10:10; Zephaniah 1:14, 15.)
Ezekiel too foretold that when Gog of Magog, which is the debased Satan, makes his final attack upon God’s people, YHWH God will cause “a great quaking” to occur “in the soil of Israel.” (Ezekiel 38:18, 19) Though literal earthquakes may be involved, we should remember that Revelation is presented in signs. This prophecy and the other prophecies cited are highly symbolic. So, the opening of the sixth seal appears to disclose the culmination of all shakings of this earthly system of things, the great earthquake in which all humans opposed to YHWH God’s sovereignty are destroyed.
In a spiritual sense, such a darkness was prophesied for ancient Israel. Jeremiah warned: “A desolate waste is what the whole land will become, and shall I not carry out a sheer extermination? On this account the land will mourn, and the heavens above will certainly become dark.” (Jeremiah 4:27, 28) In 607 B.C.E. when that prophecy was fulfilled, things were dark indeed for YHWH God's people. Their capital city, Jerusalem, fell to the Babylonians. Their temple was destroyed, and their land was abandoned. For them, there was no comforting light from heaven. Rather, it was as Jeremiah mournfully said to YHWH God: “You have killed; you have shown no compassion. You have blocked approach to yourself with a cloud mass, that prayer may not pass through.” (Lamentations 3:43, 44) For Jerusalem, that celestial darkness meant death and destruction.
Later, a similar darkness in the heavens signified disaster for ancient Babylon. Of this, God’s prophet was inspired to write: “Look! The day of YHWH itself is coming, cruel both with fury and with burning anger, in order to make the land an object of astonishment, and that it may annihilate the land’s sinners out of it. For the very stars of the heavens and their constellations of Kesil will not flash forth their light; the sun will actually grow dark at its going forth, and the moon itself will not cause its light to shine. And I shall certainly bring home its own badness upon the productive land, and their own error upon the wicked themselves.” (Isaiah 13:9-11) This prophecy was fulfilled in 539 B.C.E. when Babylon fell to the Medes and the Persians. It well describes the blackness, the hopelessness, the lack of any comforting light for Babylon as she fell forever from her position as premier world power.
In a similar way, when the great earthquake strikes, this entire world system will be engulfed in the despair of total darkness. The bright, shining luminaries of Satan’s earthly system will send forth no ray of hope. Already today, earth’s political leaders, especially in Christendom, are notorious for their corruption, lying, and immoral lifestyle. (Isaiah 28:14-19) No longer can they be trusted. Their flickering light will go into total eclipse when YHWH God executes judgment. Their moonlike influence on earth’s affairs will be exposed as bloodied, death dealing. Their worldly superstars will be extinguished like plunging meteorites and scattered like unripe figs in a howling windstorm. Our entire globe will quake under a “great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.” (Matthew 24: 21)