Originally posted by David 505
If the future Great Tribulation is 1,335 days in length, then how does one reconcile the time notations rearding 1,260 days; time, times, and half-time; 42 months; 1,290 days?
Also, do you anticipate a future Antichrist, False Prophet, 144,000 member assembly, and Two Witnesses?
Hi David,
The Two Witnesses are allotted 1,260 days and the beast
'from the sea' - i.e. Babylon/the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns is allotted 42 months (29.53 x 42 = 1,240 days). This all happens
WITHIN the 1,335 days. The Bible is not specific on this, but the
'extra' 75 days has to occur at time either
1. BEFORE the Two Witnesses begin their testimony;
2. AFTER they finish their testimony (i.e. the time of the
7 BOWLS), or
3. a combination of the two. My 'guess' is that the Two Witnesses will begin their testimony at the commencement of the Great Tribulation, and will give their testimony for 1,260 days - then, the remaining 75 days will be the time period the 7 bowls of God’s wrath are poured out on the wicked who have taken part in the administration of Babylon and those who have received the mark of the beast (don’t quote me on that last statement - though from what I’ve gathered from Scripture, that seems to be way the prophetic matrix and timeframe aligns when combining Daniel and Revelation).
Also, from the context of Daniel 12:10-13, the abomination that causes desolation appears to be a full-on assault (and probably a slaughter) of many saints who remain 1,290 days into the tribulation. My guess is that the 7 bowls are already underway at this time, and this is Lucifer’s final attempt to wipe out God’s people.
Revelation 13:7 “He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them.â€
Remember, the 7 bowls of
God's Wrath (not the devil's wrath) are directed at WICKED PEOPLE only, not the saints.
Revelation 16:2 "The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image."
As far as your second question? Yes to all of the above. As far as the false prophet, he and the antichrist are one in the same. He is the
lamb-like beast that comes out of
'the Earth' -not the sea (Revelation 13:11); who is also the angel of the Abyss who appears at the 5th Trumpet (Revelation 9:11) - i.e. Abaddon (Hebrew), Apollyon (Greek) - both meaning
Destroyer. He is the
Great Red Dragon, that ancient
Serpent, called
the Devil and
Satan (Revelation 12:9), who was
cast down into the Earth (the same place from where he re-appears in Revelation 13:11 and 9:1-11). He is
Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12,16).
He is the
'hand inside the glove' - i.e. the power and authority
'behind' the beast that comes up
'out of the sea' (Revelation 13:2). In other words, the antichrist/false prophet
IS the devil himself, not an actual man. He is given the
'body' of a man, but he is a cherub. Just as Jesus was given the 'body' of a man to SAVE the world, Lucifer is given the 'body' of a man to DESTROY the world, yet he masquerades as God (2 Thessalonians 2:3,4 - Revelation 9:15,16) - and he appears to the world as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). Most of the world (most Christians included) will think he is God (Revelation 13:4,8,13,14 - 2 Thessalonians 2:4,9).