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Growth Who Will Stand in the Gap?

“And I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I recompensed their deeds on their own heads, says the Lord.” (Ezekiel 22:30-31) NKJ

In Ezekiel’s time the Jews had provoked God to anger by sinning repeatedly. They shed innocent blood. The defiled themselves with idols. The ridiculed their fathers and mothers. They oppressed strangers. They despised God’s holy things. They did not take care of the fatherless or the widows. They profaned the Sabbaths. They took financial advantage of fellow Jews. They overcharged their neighbors. They forgot God!

Since God found nobody to stand in the gap, He poured out His indignation upon them. They felt His wrath. What they had sown they reaped.

Do you see a trend? How many of these sins has America committed? We have certainly shed innocent blood by starting unnecessary wars that have killed people who have done nothing to us. We have defiled ourselves with idols because we must tolerant of every religion known to man in this country, even Satanism. We have despised God’s holy things by abandoning His commandments to love one another. We have profaned the Sabbaths. I remember when I was a child every store was closed on Sundays, now only a few still follow that rule. Banks and other financial institutions take advantage of other Americans with all the hidden fees they charge us. Corporations overcharge every chance they get and we even overcharge our neighbors when we can. We fail to honor God and give him praise for all the wonderful things this world has to offer. We have basically forgotten God.

How is America different from the Jews when God poured out His wrath upon them? Not very much different. Aaron stood in the gap for Israel When a plague broke out because of the people’s rebellion, and God’s wrath was stayed. Many other prophets and people have stood in the gap only to be persecuted and killed for trying to promote the truth. God’s own Son stood in the gap for everyone. He was crucified and laid in a tomb. He was victorious over death because of His father’s power.

Today America is badly in need of people to stand in the gap. Many may be called. They may be men or women, children or teenagers, rich or poor, young or old, strong or weak. Do you have the courage to stand in to gap for America?

Matthew 24:8 all these are the beginning of sorrows.

God is very specific in Matthew 24 of what things to look out for before the return of the Lord. Yes, we have always had all these things through out the generations, but never on the scale are we seeing today. All across this world including here in the USA we see such devastation in the weather patterns of earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and cyclones. We have always had wars and rumor of wars, nation against nation, famines, pestilence and those who come claiming they are Christ.

There are so many false prophets out there that are deceiving even the very elect of God and even the government trying to bring it's socialistic agenda to the Church and succeeding with taking over many churches as their agenda is to bring this world into a one world government as the mark of the beast is being set up. Iniquity is abounding more then ever as everyone is against everyone and it's becoming an all about me type of world and what I can gain.

We can look at ministries over in India, Africa, Pakistan, etc. etc. that Gods servants are being persecuted even to death for their faith in Christ and the witness of His name. We might not be experiencing most of these things here in America but we need to know it is coming our way and even now is in our country as our government is getting more corrupt then ever and making hidden deals with foreign countries to bring this world into a NWO (New World Order).

Who should we blame for what is going on in this world, the Government, the Churches, Satan or ourselves!!! I will say ourselves as if we would put more energy into witnessing Christ to others than we do arguing and debating Gods word we could make a big difference in the world. It truly does not matter who is right or who is wrong through the teachings of theology or doctrine for if we are allowing Gods Spirit minister His word to us then we need to stand by our own convictions of faith in Christ and be that witness that God has called all of us to be so we can get back to basics and take His salvation message out to those who need to hear and will accept Jesus into their hearts and also to help meet the needs of those less fortunate then ourselves.

Are we witnessing Christ to others as the disciples did in simplicity of His word, or are we allowing ourselves to be puffed up like the Pharisees who loved to be seen of others for their ways of vanity. Salvation is not theology or doctrines of the Church, but a conscience desire to want Jesus in your life and how to receive His call to Salvation. People want to clean up others before they come to the Lord, but Jesus says you come as you are and I will change whatever needs changing starting with your heart.

John 10:9 I am the door, if any man enter in, he shall be saved. Jesus was the word made flesh to dwell among us, John 1:14, to show us the way back to Gods grace. John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Romans 10:9, 10 if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in his heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shall be saved. Vs.10 for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation

All we have to do is believe and confess that we are sinners and allow Gods righteousness to cleanse us and renew our spirit man. Gods greatest commandment in Matthew 22:36-40 is to love so let's get out of our comfort zones and be about our Fathers business and take His word out in love and simplicity.

Mat 24:13 but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Mat 24:14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
I realize that jasoncran, but we also need to understand why the need for to stand in the gap
Actually the world has always been set to being evil from Satan's deception in the beginning with Adam and Eve. All through history there has been someone to stand in the gap. Noah, Lot, Abraham and so many more that found Gods favor as not for those men of God way back then none of us would exist today. America is not exempt from Gods wrath or anything that is and will be. God is only going to bless those who are called by His name. It's people and not nations that will be saved if they have truly submitted themselves to the Lord.
thus my point. why on earth the church says its going to be evil in the last days is beyond me. the bible said that the world would hate us always.
Evil is a constant in humanity. That has never changed. The tolerance for religious differences that you see in America is a thin veneer of decency that can be quickly shattered by events beyond our control. Religious persecution is rare, but that could change. I do think that the "me generation" has changed. The excesses of the early 2000s, and the resulting crash has sobered them considerably, and perhaps we're no longer so obsessed with money and possessions..

I hope so.
Being ready and active as a Christian in the work realm, esp. the military and the prison scene, took courage and had its intense, however cleverly disguised, harrassments and abuse; but now I am dealing with this transition into retirement. It is a challenge to find a new gap. Partially, I believe, due to the relief I have needed from all those years of justifiable paranoia from constantly being falsely accused, set-up, unfairly removed from promotion and overtime lists, and on and on. The newly enforced, even by imprisonment, definition of tolerance where it is now not just granting equal time and expression but ALSO now granting equal credibility has taken its toll. See:
Being ready and active as a Christian in the work realm, esp. the military and the prison scene, took courage and had its intense, however cleverly disguised, harrassments and abuse; but now I am dealing with this transition into retirement. It is a challenge to find a new gap. Partially, I believe, due to the relief I have needed from all those years of justifiable paranoia from constantly being falsely accused, set-up, unfairly removed from promotion and overtime lists, and on and on. The newly enforced, even by imprisonment, definition of tolerance where it is now not just granting equal time and expression but ALSO now granting equal credibility has taken its toll. See:
the military jails Christians? what is the reg that supports that in the mcm?
jason, I didn't say anything about the military jailing Christians; although after what they did nationally to a national Christian broadcasting group this past summer (put them on a watch list of terrorist groups - an apology and removal was eventually granted) I wouldn't be surprised if it occurred.

I was talking about in the US now, you can be put in jail for speaking God's point of view regarding things like homosexuality or pagan faiths; it is given the label of being intolerant and categoized as a "hate crime." In 2005 Canada also legislated such laws.
jason, I didn't say anything about the military jailing Christians; although after what they did nationally to a national Christian broadcasting group this past summer (put them on a watch list of terrorist groups - an apology and removal was eventually granted) I wouldn't be surprised if it occurred.

I was talking about in the US now, you can be put in jail for speaking God's point of view regarding things like homosexuality or pagan faiths; it is given the label of being intolerant and categoized as a "hate crime." In 2005 Canada also legislated such laws.

I don't think that Speaking against those things is in the law as a hate crime, or that you can you be jailed for it.
I'll look it up, though.
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I don't think that Speaking against those things is in the law as a hate crime, or that you can you be jailed for it.
I'll look it up, though.
The private prison system needs prisoners to fuel their system. If they want you in prison, they will think up something to charge you with. It is about being courageous enough to stand up even if you face persecution. How many Americans are willing to do that?

Matthew 24:8 all these are the beginning of sorrows.

God is very specific in Matthew 24 of what things to look out for before the return of the Lord. Yes, we have always had all these things through out the generations, but never on the scale are we seeing today. All across this world including here in the USA we see such devastation in the weather patterns of earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and cyclones. We have always had wars and rumor of wars, nation against nation, famines, pestilence and those who come claiming they are Christ.

There are so many false prophets out there that are deceiving even the very elect of God and even the government trying to bring it's socialistic agenda to the Church and succeeding with taking over many churches as their agenda is to bring this world into a one world government as the mark of the beast is being set up. Iniquity is abounding more then ever as everyone is against everyone and it's becoming an all about me type of world and what I can gain.

We can look at ministries over in India, Africa, Pakistan, etc. etc. that Gods servants are being persecuted even to death for their faith in Christ and the witness of His name. We might not be experiencing most of these things here in America but we need to know it is coming our way and even now is in our country as our government is getting more corrupt then ever and making hidden deals with foreign countries to bring this world into a NWO (New World Order).

Who should we blame for what is going on in this world, the Government, the Churches, Satan or ourselves!!! I will say ourselves as if we would put more energy into witnessing Christ to others than we do arguing and debating Gods word we could make a big difference in the world. It truly does not matter who is right or who is wrong through the teachings of theology or doctrine for if we are allowing Gods Spirit minister His word to us then we need to stand by our own convictions of faith in Christ and be that witness that God has called all of us to be so we can get back to basics and take His salvation message out to those who need to hear and will accept Jesus into their hearts and also to help meet the needs of those less fortunate then ourselves.

Are we witnessing Christ to others as the disciples did in simplicity of His word, or are we allowing ourselves to be puffed up like the Pharisees who loved to be seen of others for their ways of vanity. Salvation is not theology or doctrines of the Church, but a conscience desire to want Jesus in your life and how to receive His call to Salvation. People want to clean up others before they come to the Lord, but Jesus says you come as you are and I will change whatever needs changing starting with your heart.

John 10:9 I am the door, if any man enter in, he shall be saved. Jesus was the word made flesh to dwell among us, John 1:14, to show us the way back to Gods grace. John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Romans 10:9, 10 if thou shall confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in his heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shall be saved. Vs.10 for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation

All we have to do is believe and confess that we are sinners and allow Gods righteousness to cleanse us and renew our spirit man. Gods greatest commandment in Matthew 22:36-40 is to love so let's get out of our comfort zones and be about our Fathers business and take His word out in love and simplicity.

Mat 24:13 but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

Mat 24:14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
Exactly!! You nailed it!!
The private prison system needs prisoners to fuel their system. If they want you in prison, they will think up something to charge you with. It is about being courageous enough to stand up even if you face persecution. How many Americans are willing to do that?
Yes, Sandy. Technically, there may not be a specific law to put one in prison for speaking out against evil in the US, yet, but they ARE definately in the making and coming to fruition as I write. If the Army (one of its high-ranking officers reprsenting the Army teaching intellegence procedures to Army personel) had gotten away with what it did against the AFA, many of AFA's members could very well be in prison right now. And we all know that if "Big Daddy" doesn't like what you are speaking there are ways to shut you up or discredit your worthiness with imprisonment for something else NOT at all off the list. Just look at Jesus or Paul
Yes, Sandy. Technically, there may not be a specific law to put one in prison for speaking out against evil in the US, yet, but they ARE definately in the making and coming to fruition as I write. If the Army (one of its high-ranking officers reprsenting the Army teaching intellegence procedures to Army personel) had gotten away with what it did against the AFA, many of AFA's members could very well be in prison right now. And we all know that if "Big Daddy" doesn't like what you are speaking there are ways to shut you up or discredit your worthiness with imprisonment for something else NOT at all off the list. Just look at Jesus or Paul
But, the question is, is there a new Paul that will stand up anyway, no matter what the consequences may be? For our sakes, I hope so.
It is in Canada, for sure. I remember being OTR on I-80 in Idaho hearing the announcement on the radio in 2005 not long before I was activated and sent over to Iraq. And check my nest post out.

Oh sorry, I thought you speaking about in public life in the US, not the military. Yeah, the military I don't know and I'm not inclined to research that.
Sandy Zalecki, Me, too. I had the dept of corrections in federal court over some tyrannical supervision which was forcing many to disobey federal and state motor carrier regulations. The road there was VERY dangerous (5 yrs of dcumentation and them continuouly falsely accusing me, setting me up, and other things I better still be quiet about.) Many well-meaning fellow Christians who are still in the box that says that if the govt or police find you a problem, then there MUST be a problem with you, found things I said unbelievable and tried to hide their scepticism but it came thru. To their potential damage that type ALSO thinks that if the police want to ask questions I will answer anything unreservedly, "as I have nothing to hide." I thought that way one at one time till I had a policeman who secretly has a grudge against conservative Protestants (and I with scripture on my garage door) come investigate something that clearly was perpetrated by someone a couple of houses down the road. On his last visit (he repeatedly came and asked questions) he explained that it was his position that we were his primary suspects and we then went to a Christian lawyer. He explained that that police officer had been discovered to have steered children's testimonies which led to the unjustified arrests of the assistant pastor and bus driver of a local Bible Church and told us to NOT ever talk to him or any police officer who doesn't have a warrant. A tatic which some use to make you appear guilty is to ask you the same questions over and over through a period of time and when you answer differently than before becasue your memory isn't perfect they have documented "proof" that you lied to a police officer about the incident and must be guilty. The lawyer told us to only tell the police officer to contact the lawyer the next time he came. We did and we (and the lawyer) never heard from him again. We heard about him a year or two later. He was in the headlines. He had embezzled funds from the policeman's fund to get a nice lakefront home. Now he was trusted by the police admin to handle such an account and was so CORRUPT!!! Think about it if one ever comes around asking questions. Make sure that they have justifiable reason to ask those questions and aren't just fishing. I love, respect, honor, and pray for the police; BUT we must remember that they are human just like us and are not infallable. Sometimes we need to help them do their job as it ought be done. Ask for a warrant.