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Why do women fail?


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It'd be a pretty boring world without women.

I think that God's decision to make women, and His design of them overall, was well...:sohappy:sohappy
but eve ruined it all!:couch
Eve was framed.
And the human race fell due to the blame that was afforded Adam. Not Eve.
What's that commercial? "Behold the power of the V!" :lol Eve sure enough was the first to be seduced by the serpent and did eat of the forbidden fruit. Unnamed fruit in the scriptures.
She invited Adam to eat. He could have exercised his free will and obeyed God and refused. But he didn't. He consented and ate of that fruit too.

According to the scriptures then, the Serpent in truth ruined it all. By being there, inviting the disobedience, to eat of the forbidden fruit of knowledge.
But Adam completed the cycle of disobedience by following Eve instead of leading by example.
Of course there are those who debate the matter thusly.
Both Adam and Eve were framed by an omniscient God that predestined their lives before their creation, as he does our lives before the womb, in creating the paradise garden to include a tree bearing fruit forbidden them. While allowing his adversary Satan to enter paradise and tempt Eve, in the tree that would not have been at issue had God not planted it and then set it off limits.
And being it bore fruit of knowledge or gnosis, did impart to the couple, once eaten, knowledge of good and evil. Something they did not possess prior. And thus, were unable to consciously choose righteousness/obedience, over unrighteousness/ disobedience. Because they did not possess the faculties of discernment between that of good and evil prior to eating the fruit that imbued them with that consciousness.
So, the argument goes, the Omniscient creator of the scenario ruined it all. And did not forgive the first transgression committed by his first born creation and that omniscience would have seen coming. Especially being omnipresent and having predestined all of creation according to his power, will, plan, and for his glory.

But that is an entirely different thread.
It'd be a pretty boring world without women.

I think that God's decision to make women, and His design of them overall, was well...:sohappy:sohappy
Having watched the new remake of "Conan The Barbarian", starring Jason Mamoa, I have to say God did a fine job creating men too. MmmmmHmmmmm!:sohappy:lol
Jason mamoa is married and has two kids. I take the last poster is a Calvinist? im not. love is a choice. man had to be given a choose to sin or not.
Eve was framed.
And the human race fell due to the blame that was afforded Adam. Not Eve.
What's that commercial? "Behold the power of the V!" :lol Eve sure enough was the first to be seduced by the serpent and did eat of the forbidden fruit. Unnamed fruit in the scriptures.
She invited Adam to eat. He could have exercised his free will and obeyed God and refused. But he didn't. He consented and ate of that fruit too.

According to the scriptures then, the Serpent in truth ruined it all. By being there, inviting the disobedience, to eat of the forbidden fruit of knowledge.
But Adam completed the cycle of disobedience by following Eve instead of leading by example.
Of course there are those who debate the matter thusly.
Both Adam and Eve were framed by an omniscient God that predestined their lives before their creation, as he does our lives before the womb, in creating the paradise garden to include a tree bearing fruit forbidden them. While allowing his adversary Satan to enter paradise and tempt Eve, in the tree that would not have been at issue had God not planted it and then set it off limits.
And being it bore fruit of knowledge or gnosis, did impart to the couple, once eaten, knowledge of good and evil. Something they did not possess prior. And thus, were unable to consciously choose righteousness/obedience, over unrighteousness/ disobedience. Because they did not possess the faculties of discernment between that of good and evil prior to eating the fruit that imbued them with that consciousness.
So, the argument goes, the Omniscient creator of the scenario ruined it all. And did not forgive the first transgression committed by his first born creation and that omniscience would have seen coming. Especially being omnipresent and having predestined all of creation according to his power, will, plan, and for his glory.

But that is an entirely different thread.

Are you for real, or just explaining how some people view it? It wasn't Gods fault, He didn't frame Adam & Eve, lol. Maybe that's why some women fail? They want equal rights, but no accountability. Finger pointers. It's not my fault, the serpent tricked me, God framed me, I didn't know any better...but I want full pay... LOL :lol
Are you for real, or just explaining how some people view it? It wasn't Gods fault, He didn't frame Adam & Eve, lol. Maybe that's why some women fail? They want equal rights, but no accountability. Finger pointers. It's not my fault, the serpent tricked me, God framed me, I didn't know any better...but I want full pay... LOL :lol
As I said in my remarks, there is a debate or argument some people make.... I was simply putting that out there that other opinions on the present state of human's nature exist.
You are gettin it right now brother.....just keep on a goin :clap

I am right, but with the adage of neither are perfect, and us men (most of us at least I think) are of the mindset that we can better ourselves and see failure as a challenge to overcome, whereas women (most of them at least I think) start from the mindset that they're perfect and superior and no improvement is possible.

When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, it took him a looong time to get it right. I read that, when he would come out of his workshop at night, his wife would ask him, did you make it work? He didn't say, no, the world is against me! He'd say, no, but I learned 20 more ways that it wont work...
As I said in my remarks, there is a debate or argument some people make.... I was simply putting that out there that other opinions on the present state of human's nature exist.

Whew, that's what I thought, but wasn't 100% sure. Good for you sister! Bless you. :)
Jason mamoa is married and has two kids.
Yes, I'm well aware of that. He's wed to Lisa Bonnet of the former Cosby Show.
That doesn't make him ugly. Nor preclude appreciation for the work of art that he is thanks to God.
I take the last poster is a Calvinist? im not. love is a choice. man had to be given a choose to sin or not.
Are you presuming this of me?
Eve was framed.
And the human race fell due to the blame that was afforded Adam. Not Eve.
What's that commercial? "Behold the power of the V!" :lol Eve sure enough was the first to be seduced by the serpent and did eat of the forbidden fruit. Unnamed fruit in the scriptures.
She invited Adam to eat. He could have exercised his free will and obeyed God and refused. But he didn't. He consented and ate of that fruit too.

According to the scriptures then, the Serpent in truth ruined it all. By being there, inviting the disobedience, to eat of the forbidden fruit of knowledge.
But Adam completed the cycle of disobedience by following Eve instead of leading by example.
Of course there are those who debate the matter thusly.
Both Adam and Eve were framed by an omniscient God that predestined their lives before their creation, as he does our lives before the womb, in creating the paradise garden to include a tree bearing fruit forbidden them. While allowing his adversary Satan to enter paradise and tempt Eve, in the tree that would not have been at issue had God not planted it and then set it off limits.
And being it bore fruit of knowledge or gnosis, did impart to the couple, once eaten, knowledge of good and evil. Something they did not possess prior. And thus, were unable to consciously choose righteousness/obedience, over unrighteousness/ disobedience. Because they did not possess the faculties of discernment between that of good and evil prior to eating the fruit that imbued them with that consciousness.
So, the argument goes, the Omniscient creator of the scenario ruined it all. And did not forgive the first transgression committed by his first born creation and that omniscience would have seen coming. Especially being omnipresent and having predestined all of creation according to his power, will, plan, and for his glory.

But that is an entirely different thread.
Adam knew the mistake Eve made.
He would not let her suffer alone.
Now that's true love!
Modern parlance doesn't fly here.
Adam had her back?
For what? Willful disobedience of God's command? That ended up cursing all generations born of them for eternity?

That's true love?
Modern parlance doesn't fly here.
Adam had her back?
For what? Willful disobedience of God's command? That ended up cursing all generations born of them for eternity?

That's true love?
God allowed us to sin.
But he would not let us suffer alone for it.
So he became a man and suffered with us, even more then we do.
Then he provided a way out.
Is that true love?
Did not Adam do the same for Eve?
You're saying here what that other pov I mentioned and related to the scenario of blame in the garden, says.

God allowed us to sin because being omniscient he created the platform and the instruments by which the first of us would transgress his commands.
Then he suffered and died so as to alter the punishment he applied to all generations for eternity for that one transgression that he could have forgiven then, but didn't, because he allowed it to occur in the beginning in the first place.

And you see that as equal to what Adam did for Eve? Adam joined eve in the transgression when he was trusted by God to guide her to right action. He joined her in damnation. He didn't save her from her action or provide her a way out of it. He didn't have her back. He joined her so that they together could fall and incur the curse of sinner that they insured attached to their eternal offspring. Per God's decree as punishment for their joining together to disobey him in union together.

God allowed us to sin.
But he would not let us suffer alone for it.
So he became a man and suffered with us, even more then we do.
Then he provided a way out.
Is that true love?
Did not Adam do the same for Eve?
I am right, but with the adage of neither are perfect, and us men (most of us at least I think) are of the mindset that we can better ourselves and see failure as a challenge to overcome, whereas women (most of them at least I think) start from the mindset that they're perfect and superior and no improvement is possible.
You have a very interesting broad brush that you're painting most women with.

When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, it took him a looong time to get it right. I read that, when he would come out of his workshop at night, his wife would ask him, did you make it work? He didn't say, no, the world is against me! He'd say, no, but I learned 20 more ways that it wont work...
I'd recommend you search out the work of Joseph Swan.
As for Thomas Alba Edison, Topsy was the evidence of his will and intent to further General Electric and its future.
A horrid man. Not one I'd invoke in a discussion related to the sexes and moral character.


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