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Why do women fail?


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again, so messianic jews aren't saved? my last name is askenazic. and I don't even got to a temple. I merely stated my surname and where it came from and that im saved. you would argue that with paul whom listed his tribe and lineage. paul the man of the tribe of Benjamin. a Pharisee and rabbi. schooled far more then I was or ever would be in jewry.

I know what I know based on what I have read , the age of accountablilty isn't set. does a one year old speak? able to understand the bible? NO. he cant. but I know of a man(my pastor) who got saved a three.i haven't even added in my sister whom isn't able to understand this sentence. she cant read. she cant speak, nor write.she has an iq of 24. born that she damned to hell?

footnote (don't remember sources): 3 newborn babies were known to speak their first day, the day of their physical living birth.
might be fun to look into, prayerful and just lighthearted, maybe learn something along the way... ... ?
Why would a man think we do?

If it wasn't for a woman Yeshua would not have entered the world. ... ...

if God had wanted to, after Creating Adam, He could have from the dust prepared a body for Yeshua also, instead of from Adam's rib... ... ... ... that would have been a whole different world then! (no, not as a partner for Adam, but like Paul wrote, as a co-worker with God (and then in a sinless world!?) ) ...
footnote (don't remember sources): 3 newborn babies were known to speak their first day, the day of their physical living birth.
might be fun to look into, prayerful and just lighthearted, maybe learn something along the way... ... ?
that is rare, yes they are intelligent and have a soul but again if I ask my grandchild one day one
tell me what or whom god is and sin
we both know they have to be told about sin first and then understand it then decide.
Yhwh is very merciful and gracious, beyond all we can dream of, and gave the law to expose our sin,
i don't remember anywhere it being written nor even hinted at that someone has to be told about sin first(or ever), or understand it (since the world cannot understand any truth - it is beyond any grasp humanly speaking i think, unless revealed by Yhwh to a person), .... --- decide, .... ---- yes, even gentiles may decide to do what is right, i think galatians or corinthians says something about this, even when they don't have "Torah", yet it is shown to be in their heart by their "doing" right, even when Yhwh's people with the 'advantage'? of written Torah still do not "do" right ..... simpler than this really..... like for a little child....
there was only one woman in the world at that time, maybe Adam had already incurred Eve's wrath and was afraid to say no to her.
just sayin maybe.
how, we don't know where he was at and how long it was before she presented the fruit to adam?
And yet per that observation, that God said the sins of the father won't be passed unto their sons and each is responsible for their own sins, that sin is a factor at all in our reality is due to the sins of the father, Adam, being passed unto the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve.
Even after the deluge when 9 in one family propagated the sinner human race again.

Nine ?
there was only one woman in the world at that time, maybe Adam had already incurred Eve's wrath and was afraid to say no to her.
just sayin maybe.

That's funny! I highly doubt it though. Fear of women is a learned state of being, lol, and this was a pre-ERA world at the time. :lol
how, we don't know where he was at and how long it was before she presented the fruit to adam?
the Scripture says : (albeit in english, which is sometimes or often a poor translation)

6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
the Scripture says : (albeit in english, which is sometimes or often a poor translation)

6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
she had to convince him to do that. was he near when satan tempted her?
where does it say she had to convince him ? elsewhere i think it is written that he simply ate it when she gave it to him. again, it's in english, so it may actually have different than this meaning and different implications in the original text.
where does it say she had to convince him ? elsewhere i think it is written that he simply ate it when she gave it to him. again, it's in english, so it may actually have different than this meaning and different implications in the original text.
he isn't the one mentioned as being deceived. eve is. he choose to sin and wasn't deceived in the process. its said that by paul. paul said that eve was deceived, not adam . the often used verses for why woman can preach is where that is said

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression
there's many Scriptures in Yhwh's Plan about why women can't (i think you meant can't, but wrote 'can') preach (most of the time, as a rule). there's way too many examples just in our lifetimes also, of what happens when that's disobeyed without honoring Yhwh. (another thread some day).

now, look at my post that you quoted. did I say there or anywhere that Adam was deceived? no. it is clear from Scripture (and I knew decades ago) that it is written that Adam was not the one deceived.
the Scripture says : (albeit in english, which is sometimes or often a poor translation)

6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
It seems if she ate then had to go find Adam to give it to him she would have known she was naked before him
v7 implies they realized it at same time, so maybe they ate at same time.
until Adam ate the apple (which, btw, it almost certainly was not an apple; et al )
Eve would not know she was naked
because the authority (so to speak) / responsibility was Adam's, as seen when Yhwh sought him out later.

Adam may have been within a few feet of Eve when the enemy deceived her, or further away. all we know is what is written in Scripture.

Adam and Eve were never 'equal' in terms of law, responsibility, Torah, place in family, purposes, jobs, and so on...... but mankind sure messed up a lot from the original.....
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
It seems if she ate then had to go find Adam to give it to him she would have known she was naked before him
v7 implies they realized it at same time, so maybe they ate at same time.

That's interesting, i never really caught that before. Nowadays, they call those guys "whipped" lol. OTOH, Eve must have been extremely beautiful, and Adam perhaps had recollection of being somewhat lonely before her, sooo...who can blame him really? Oh yeah, God. I remember.

But there is no indication that God got mad at them! (He knew the child would spill the milk), so His first move was to nudge them both back towards relationship with Him, and shed some blood to provide a covering for (their sin) them. Types and shadows there.


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