I have often wondered this too. I understand that bad things happen because there is evil in the world. I also understand that there is good in the world so it matters where we go and what we do and how we guard ourselves as such from these things. But what about when the bad things still happen despite your best laid plans to protect yourself. I have to ask why God did not protect us from that event or events. I know it's not for us to question God but sometimes we do. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a clear cut answer that you could really hold onto. God, why did you allow the lives of christian men and women to be turned upside down with so few answers as to why, why must we suffer as much as we do? I know Jesus suffered more than any for our own sin being of no fault or deserving part in it. But I sometimes think I'm not Jesus, I'm not perfect nor will I ever be. And when I try to do/be better I commonly fail and seemingly receive no help from God and am left to wallow in my own misery. I sincerely hope to find the answers so I don't have to feel like this anymore.
There are several possible answers to this question of why bad things happen to good people (like me)..
- God is not sufficiently powerful to keep evil away.
- The evil in this world is so random that it simply strikes everyone.
- God protects only His elect from evil; if evil comes to you, you are not elect.
- God is testing your responses so you can see His grace.
- God allows evil as a retribution because you have some sort of sin in your life. It is called "Christian karma"
The adage remains true, "Ask the wrong question, and you will will always get the wrong answer." The OP is no exception to that rule.
The proper question to ask is, "Why should I get any good things from God at all?"
The first questions assumes that I deserve good things, and that God does not love me if evil comes my way. the second question, which is biblical, is based on the fact that I am a sinner, totally depraved and deserving nothing other than condemnation for my sins against God. That God would grant to me anything good, especially His salvation through His Son is a jaw-dropping act of undeserved mercy and kindness.
Until Jesus returns, the god of this age who rebelled and who hates the one, true God and everything that bears His image will seek to destroy until his doom is realized. Shall we not be targets in that heavenly war, also?
That question in the OP is also wrong because it has an earthly, temporal perspective. If you are a Christian, this world is NOT your home; we are citizens of the New Kingdom, and are merely here for a short time.
For us to expect to have no problems is a false expectation because it makes a liar out of Jesus Christ when He stated, "
John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
If the jesus christ you worship is not sovereign over all the travails we all face, then you are worshiping a false god; an idol of your own creation. If the Jesus Christ you worship is the Creator of the Universe, and all therein, He is also sovereign over the heartaches of this world. The heartaches come because the love and the plans that Jesus Christ has for you as He takes you through those travails due to sinful actions are far greater than the personal hatred for you that ultimate author of your travails has to seek you out, and do you harm.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.