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Why does God punish the people who commit suicide instead of helping them when they were suicidal?


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This just doesn't make any sense to me...
I'm asking this because I'm suicidal myself and may have to do it eventually.
Why does God punish the people who commit suicide instead of helping them when they were suicidal?

God is Perfect in Every Way. He punishes those who sin with death.

He HELPS those who turn to Him <repent> , who seek Him, who WANT HIM to RULE THEIR LIFE.
Do you realize you are unique? Every single person GOD created for HIS pleasure and HE created every single soul different from the next. HE has a plan for each one and if you commit suicide before that purpose has been completed you will meet an angry GOD sitting on a throne. In these final days HE did not choose Paul, Mary, Moses all the great men and women of the Bible to stand in these perilous times, HE chose us of the Generation of the fig tree(last generation)! It would be murder if you did this to yourself and fall right in Satan's plan. GOD never promised us a rose garden but HE did promise HE would not give you more than you can handle.
Thats a promise! You just have to talk with the KING of kings to understand what purpose GOD has for you. It could be to change just one back to GOD. Every time just 1 come back to GOD the whole heaven shout for joy! Study the WORD of GOD get to know GOD, HE has emotions just as we all do. HE is funny, HE is jealous, HE gets angry and HE even hates. GOD created you for HIS pleasure and when you please GOD HE is quick to bless you with an abundance of treasure not what you think you need but what HE knows you need. Gird up your loins and prepare to do what GOD has in store for you, we have a eternity in a perfect spiritual body in paradise for our reward.
This just doesn't make any sense to me...

I'm asking this because I'm suicidal myself and may have to do it eventually.
First, taking of a life violates the sixth commandment - you shall not murder (Ex. 20:13); second, suicide is an act of cowardice, God doesn't like coward (Rev. 21:8).
This just doesn't make any sense to me...

I'm asking this because I'm suicidal myself and may have to do it eventually.
First of all God punishes all who kill (which in my view includes killing yourself).

Second, I believe God judges what we do, not punishes us for what we do.

Third, evil wants you to kill, not God. So please do not consider suicide because that means evil wins. And evil winning at anything is something I confront every time evil tries to turn me.

Fourth, I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit will help you to reject this evil every single day of your life.

I totally understand you don't know me, but I had to share these things with you only (if possible) to help. Please don't let evil destroy you. Ever.

Scripture tells me that God wants none to perish. And that includes you and me in my opinion.


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