Imagican said:
I offer you the 'Godhead' as 'enough' definition of the relationship of Father, Son, and Spirit. I contend that if this is not enough, then the Bible ISN'T the inspired efforts of man to offer God's word or we simply weren't 'meant' to understand the EXACT nature of the relationship.
Nor do we suppose for one nanosecond that "Trinity" or "Hypostatic union" in any sense is an exhaustive or complete definition of He who is the source of all.
What you offer me as definition is YOUR understanding of what the scriptures say. What exactly does "Godhead" mean anyway? That's a rhetorical question. It's siimply a label, not even descriptive. You might as well tell me that your definition of an automobile is Mustang Fastback.
Imagican said:
It's little different than if you were to offer the 'water' nature of God and try and shove 'this' down others throats. "You know, God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are 'like water'. They are three different forms of the 'same' thing." I would choose the Word over this too, any day.
Who's shoving what down whose throat? You will find that every last word of the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, aka the Symbol of Faith, is biblical- save one: ομοούσιον
( homouision)The conflict regarding that word centered around, literally, one iota.
Imagican said:
I HAVE NOT tried to change what is in the Word, just try to understand it without the 'need' of man to tell me what 'they' would have it mean. If God chooses to reveal His knowledge to ME, then so be it. If not, I guess I'll just have to remain a weed.
By all means, remain in your heresy. "For those who say there was a time when the Son was not, let them be anathema."
Imagican said:
I believe that the apostles were commissioned to 'START' the Church. This was done hundreds of years before Christs' murderers decided to try and kill him again, and again, and again......................
Christ's murderers, as you say, never ceased murdering Him. Take for example the Arians, who murdered and exiled Trinitarian Christians in the years 327-379 AD.
Imagican said:
The apostles and Christ Himself warned us that this would happen.
I DO understand enough of the paganism of the Catholic church to understand that it offers much in opposition to the Word. The Catholic church even indicates that the Bible is NOT infallible and therefore 'their' interpretation of God's will is to be regarded 'superior' to it. HUH?
Perhaps you'd like to ask that of a Catholic. :roll:
Imagican said:
NO idols, OC. Do you bow to idols? Do you pray to idols? And how do you think that Christ feels when He sees you bow to a 'man-made' image of Him that the 'carver and painter' of 'just guessed' what He looked like, (and got it wrong at that)? Who knows what Christ looked like in the flesh?
Idols are what is found in the heart. A man may bow down to his own intellect, or strength, or PIETY.
I do not bow down to idols, though I'm certain that there have been many things that have taken the place of Christ's centrality in my heart and life- and none of these were pictures that replaced Him. No, the andeChristo,
in the place of Christ, typically is much more subtle than all that.
It does not matter what Christ looked like. I know that He came in the flesh, and I know that we are made in His image and in His likeness. He has crowned us with glory- His glory. All of my worship and praise belongs to Him, and I intend to give both.
Here's a word to the wise, perhaps you will perceive it: What are letters, and words? They are images, symbols, like icons on your computer desktop, their appearance points to something else. You have a bible filled with such icons. The words there point to Christ, not vice versa. These scriptures are therefore HOLY IMAGES. The danger is that men will bow down to their version of these words, and not to the One who breathed them.
Imagican said:
I didn't create your 'faith' guys. I haven't tried to force 'anyone' to follow ANYTHING. I offer that no one should follow anything other the Word. I have simply tried to offer those 'that don't know' the misdeeds and 'man-made' theology of the RC this information. Fortunately for those that would choose to follow Christ 'now' days, there is freedom from this organization that would lock their souls in this kind of 'prison'.
You argue with no less vigor than anyone else, and should therefore not claim that they are imposing themselves on you. Have you not read the statement of faith on this forum? Are you an informed consumer? Why are you at a Trintarian forum arguing with Trinitarians? Because you wish to influence- please don't be coy. You only have a right to complain if you feel that you are being personally attacked.
Frankly, I haven't seen that happen to you. If you feel that my blunt words are personal attacks, I apologize, and ask you to look at them more carefully, and see that they are not attacks on your person.
And to those 'Protestants' out there that would 'fault' the Catholic church, don't you realize and understand that MUCH of what you 'too' follow is the 'same baggage' that your forefathers were just incapable of 'seeing'? After hundreds and hundreds of years of fear, much of what they took with them in theology was nothing more than doctrinal 'baggage' that they had been forced to 'believe in' after 'being brainwashed' through fear of pain or death for HUNDREDS OF YEARS?
These are very strong charges. You are essentially telling the other Protestants that you are illumined, and they in bondage. Perhaps they will rebut.
Imagican said:
In reference, it only took the Russians less than twenty years to destroy 'almost' EVERY BIT OF RELIGION from among their people using the same methodology. KILL EVERYONE that disagrees with the state.
The Russians of whom you speak were and are primarily Eastern Orthodox. How well read are you on what happened there? Do you know that we had 78 of 80 bishops deposed, imprisoned, and martyred? Do you know that the Church continued in the Gulags? Google 'Father Arseny" to read about miracles and faith in the very mouth of hell.
Do you know that we had millions die of starvation in the Ukraine?
The Church was NOT destroyed. It continued in exile, and underground. Now the elements of the Church there who were adulterous with the Communists are still striving to hold the handles of power. They will be excised in due time, and the ridiculous sacralism occuring will fade.
Imagican said:
So, herein lies the 'truth': The Catholic church had HUNDREDS AND HUNDREDS of years to 'BEAT', 'TORCHERE' and 'MURDER' the 'truth' out of the CHURCH. And much of what 'would NOT' exist in Protestant Christianity WITHOUT the influence of the Catholic church, was simply carried over into the 'Protestant' faith/s for lack of the 'purity' that the apostles brought to us in the Word. This is what I have tried to offer in the term 'hijacking of Christianity'.
You are speaking of events that occured many centuries after 'orthodoxy' had been settled. If you wish to debate the origins of the Church, let's say the events of the late 4th and early fifth century specifically, then please start a separate thread. I must warn you that I have researched this period of history for about 10 years now, and the debate will not go your way...but please, proceed.
Imagican said:
You know, there is another organization that defends it's teachings almost as rigorously as the Catholics. They try almost as hard to hide and deny their past in order to convince others that the 'truth' is something entirely different than history would dictate. The organization is called 'Scientology'. Their tactics to control and 'brainwash' are quite similar too. Unfortunately for L. Ron, he came about 1,000 years too late in order to be able to murder those that didn't accept what 'he' had to offer.
L Ron Hubbard started the whole thing as a middle finger to the Establishment, especially Christianity. It was his followers who got a bit Sicilian.
Imagican said:
How much of the history of the Catholic church would they destroy if they were able OC? Why? Why would they have need to be ashamed of what they have done in the 'name of Christ'? And, what could possibly have allowed 'the true Saints' to commit the atrocious acts that they have in the past? If their teaching and cannon and theology were SO accurate, how did they veer so far from Christ as to murder those that 'may have been' true Saints, simply for speaking out against or denying this 'faith'?
I'm not interested in destroying the history of the Church you mistakingly call the "Catholic Church." I'm quite interested in discussing all of the nuances of the history of the Church, from Pentecost to today.
Imagican said:
And I may not know as much as you do of 'your' faith, this is of no surprise or consequence in rather or not it is 'true' or 'false' teaching. I know enough of it for it to scare the pants off me.
OC, since you are an 'expert' on Catholicism, you tell me, how many 'true' Christians did the Catholic church murder in it's thousand year reign of 'terror'? I am just an ignorant weed, but you tell us, how many? How many 'true' Saints were torchered and murdered in the name of the 'Catholic Christ'? And these are those that you would choose to defend and follow?
I'm not an expert on the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is the Western portion of the Apostolic Church; we Orthodox are the Eastern portion. We share many things in terms of doctrine, and we have some important differences. Our histories parted ways between the period 900 AD-1200 AD, roughly. The West is much more logical deductive and rationalistic in their approach to theology, where we are deeply mystical. Our history includes 500 years of Ottoman Muslim enslavement, followed by 75 years of Communist persecution. We know plenty about being murdered and tortured. Our people today are persecuted in Egypt and throughout the Arab world- even in Jerusalem, our home and mother.
I'm not an "expert" on the Orthodox Church or our history either. I am well informed, but an expert is, in my understanding, a scholar.I have not as yet earned that distinction, not by a long ways.
BTW:I did not say that you were a weed- I said your faith- or more specifically, your view- is a weed. I am quite certain that to God you are a priceless rose, cultivated by the Master's Hand.
Please do not personalize this discussion.