follower of Christ
Drew said:You seem to be arguing that actions are what counts and not thoughts. But this is precisely what Jesus is arguing against in his pronouncement about lusting in the heart. If someone looks on a woman lustfully, he has committed adultery "in his heart".
give it a rest guy....NO ONE here has the ability to determine what is in a mans heart without ACTION to show it.
This is nothing more than just a distraction to keep from just accepting what JESUS has excepted....Its just another twist, that Ive seen 100 times already.
YOU dont know my thoughts....neither does my wife.
If I dont COMMIT the act of fornication (porneia) then ONLY God knows what is in my heart.
Was sexual sin commited? No it wasnt.I want us to be very clear: Lets say Fred is married to Jane and it is a fact that Fred has had lustful thoughts about Sue while married to Jane. Does Jane have biblical grounds to divorce Fred if she becomes aware of this fact? This seems to me to be a perfectly legitimate question.
Porneia doesnt deal with 'thoughts', it deals with the act of playing the harlot.
Im not about to fall for this maze of logic you are trying to drag me thru any more than Jesus or Paul would have.
Jesus has made His exception for sexual sin, not for what we ''believe'' a spouse to be thinking.
I am not a mind-reader and neither are you.
And my answer was NO.If you answer "yes", then I will reassert that virtually anyone can claim such grounds because (I claim - you might well disagree) it is a fact that almost every married person has had lustful thoughts about someone other than their spouse. So a "yes" answer really works out to a "everyone has grounds for divorce on the basis of the exemption" position.
Which .....*IF* you had been paying attention to what I said instead of hoping Id follow the trail of cheese thru the maze....you would have known my answer to be already.
NO....one has not been given permission to divorce based on a spouse NOT commiting sexual sin.
GOD deals with our thoughts.....WE deal with mens actions.
If you answer "no", then you seem to be denying that "adultery in the heart" actually counts as porneia.
Ah yes....the old ''can God make a burrito so hot even HE cant eat it'' type of logic.
Jesus said 'except for sexual IMMORALITY"
Play this little semantics game with someone whos interested in philosophy, I am not.
NEVER does He tell us, nor does Paul, to reject fellowship with a brother based on what we ''believe'' them to be thinking.This would seem to be a very difficult position to defend since Jesus seems to go out of his way to equate the thought with the act.
You have my example from scripture.
JESUS deals with the heart.
WE deal with action.
I claim nothing of the sort.You might well claim that thoughts of adultery are not as truly damaging to a marriage as actual acts and are therefore not to be considered as counting under the exemption clause. I think that such a position is highly debatable.
Damaging? Probably.
Sexual sin? That is up to the person who is married and God to decide.
Was ''porneia'' commited...actual sexual sin? NO.Please tell me if your answer is "yes", "no", or "I don't know".
I dont deal with mens hearts, I deal with their actions.
Only God and the wife of a man would be able to discern his heart without his doing something to defile the marriage bed.
This type of argument is nothing short of pharisaical and simply a game of semantics....word games.
All we have to do is LOOK at how porneia is used thru the NT and we can see what is being stated by Jesus in His exception.
I have never seen any reference to ''porneia'' as judging ones thoughts instead of ones ACTIONS.
Therefore the logical conclusion is the HEART is GODS area...ACTIONs are ours.