Live out in the country and I have 3 cats right now.... sometimes had up to 7 at one time (all being indoor/outdoor) over the years. By that I mean they have the attached garage at night or when it's too cold out but they love to hunt during the day. Of course mine are now 15 years old so only one hunts any longer. I like them but not because they are cuddly-- rather they are independent, low maintenance and handy to keep rodents down. They are basically little lions and I treat them as a fully grown adult animal that frankly, can survive better in the wild than I ever could, so in that area of life they are more intelligent than I am. All they need for care is occasional shots for things like rabies, and some de-worming or tick stuff. Like me, they are never sick, perhaps because I don't baby them. I just let them get what we all should get: proper diet (which is outdoors food), sunshine, fresh air and activity. All my cats lived a ripe old age except the ones that were in accidents or maybe fought too much (feline leukemia) but these were not the majority. I had over 15 over the years. My best outdoor cat, Panther, lived to what we believe was 21 years old. He was a full adult (probably at least 2) when we adopted him in 1993 and lived until 2011. Laid back and would have hang out with you and have a catnip beer. Fatherly type who would catch mice for the other cats. Despite my seemingly emotionless attitude, my cats seek me out and if I visit anyone's house, out of a hundred people there, my lap would probably be the one that your dog or cat would sit on. I guess they know I'm an empath (empathetic) and understand them but yes, I don't really show too much cuddly type emotion. Call me Mr. Spock.