Why Like Cats?

This sort of has to do with the theme of the topic, and I find it absolutely hilarious too. :lol

LOL! Thanks I know, the first guy does a lot more funny "creepy" videos. I think I will post them in the random funny videos thread.
I had a cat when I was about 12 that was very close to me. She always came when I called, and she got anxious if I was away from home for a long time. I once went away for two weeks to go to a camp, and my dad said she spent the entire time in the window crying.

Cats behave and communicate differently than dogs do, but they still are social in nature and definitely bond with their owners and with other cats. You just have to learn how they work.
My current cat is a lot less clingy than she was. He will follow us from room to room, which is his way of saying he wants company. He likes to steal food and bread.
When I was in college I had a cat named Melchisedec -- Mel for short.
One day my girlfriend called up crying, finally I made out through her sobbing: "There's a mouse in my kitchen!"
I took Mel and a machete and went over to get the mouse.
The kitchen door was closed, how long she had stayed out of her kitchen I don't know.
I tossed Mel to the floor -- "Go get that mouse, Mel!"
But he jumped out her open kitchen window and I never saw him again!
A couple weeks later she called and said "I saw your cat roaming the alley with a bunch of other cats!"

Melchisedec had joined a gang of alley cats!

Pets and this college girlfriend never turned out too well.
At Christmas break, she wanted to leave her expensive electric typewriter at my apartment while she went home to San Antonio. Fine.
I put it on the floor of my closet.
Somehow my roommate's dog got in there and chewed off the plastic carriage knob of this expensive typewriter - this was ages ago - before computers and word processors. My roommate went and got a new carriage knob for her.
I had also had to reimburse her landlord because when i killed the mouse, I had jerked her stove away to get to the mouse, and ruined some copper tubing - I paid him to replace the copper tubing.

For New Year's Eve, I went to San Antonio and stayed at her Mom's house.
Her sister's boyfriend slapped her sister - i nearly got up and beat him up - my girlfriend stopped me.
Her Mom had a gentleman friend too, her 12 year old brother dressed up for New Years Eve in a coat and tie,
the Mom and her boyfriend went off, so did the sister and her bf.
I asked "What's Arthur gonna do?" She said i dunno, haven't thought about it.
"C'mon lets take him with us" and the kid had a BLAST as we bought a bunch of bottle-rockets and drove around shooting them at other cars.

That girlfriend was into theatre and drama, New Years Day we went to an opening of a KING KONG remake - she said "some blond bimbo is in it - never been in a movie and probably won't ever be again"
It was JESSICA LANGE, who went on to win oscars.

I feel cats freak out if they are taken to a strange place.
When my son was little, we moved from a rent house to a house we had built; Tobbey the cat was put in the UHaul truck we moved in.
Got to our new house - Tobbey bolted when the UHaul truck was opened and was never seen again. My son cried and cried.
A new kitten was obtained one day and lived 15 years.

The San Antonio girlfriend I DID see again - while I lived in Austin and went to San Antonio for some reason - riding along with another girlfriend and I look up and there's my old gf with another guy - we stopped at a light alongside each other, reaching out and shaking hands, making introductions.

But alas, neither Melchisedec or Tobbey did I ever see again.
I just feel that cats do not handle well being taken to a strange place
When I was in college I had a cat named Melchisedec -- Mel for short.
One day my girlfriend called up crying, finally I made out through her sobbing: "There's a mouse in my kitchen!"
I took Mel and a machete and went over to get the mouse.
The kitchen door was closed, how long she had stayed out of her kitchen I don't know.
I tossed Mel to the floor -- "Go get that mouse, Mel!"
But he jumped out her open kitchen window and I never saw him again!
A couple weeks later she called and said "I saw your cat roaming the alley with a bunch of other cats!"

Melchisedec had joined a gang of alley cats!

Pets and this college girlfriend never turned out too well.
At Christmas break, she wanted to leave her expensive electric typewriter at my apartment while she went home to San Antonio. Fine.
I put it on the floor of my closet.
Somehow my roommate's dog got in there and chewed off the plastic carriage knob of this expensive typewriter - this was ages ago - before computers and word processors. My roommate went and got a new carriage knob for her.
I had also had to reimburse her landlord because when i killed the mouse, I had jerked her stove away to get to the mouse, and ruined some copper tubing - I paid him to replace the copper tubing.

For New Year's Eve, I went to San Antonio and stayed at her Mom's house.
Her sister's boyfriend slapped her sister - i nearly got up and beat him up - my girlfriend stopped me.
Her Mom had a gentleman friend too, her 12 year old brother dressed up for New Years Eve in a coat and tie,
the Mom and her boyfriend went off, so did the sister and her bf.
I asked "What's Arthur gonna do?" She said i dunno, haven't thought about it.
"C'mon lets take him with us" and the kid had a BLAST as we bought a bunch of bottle-rockets and drove around shooting them at other cars.

That girlfriend was into theatre and drama, New Years Day we went to an opening of a KING KONG remake - she said "some blond bimbo is in it - never been in a movie and probably won't ever be again"
It was JESSICA LANGE, who went on to win oscars.

I feel cats freak out if they are taken to a strange place.
When my son was little, we moved from a rent house to a house we had built; Tobbey the cat was put in the UHaul truck we moved in.
Got to our new house - Tobbey bolted when the UHaul truck was opened and was never seen again. My son cried and cried.
A new kitten was obtained one day and lived 15 years.

The San Antonio girlfriend I DID see again - while I lived in Austin and went to San Antonio for some reason - riding along with another girlfriend and I look up and there's my old gf with another guy - we stopped at a light alongside each other, reaching out and shaking hands, making introductions.

But alas, neither Melchisedec or Tobbey did I ever see again.
I just feel that cats do not handle well being taken to a strange place
This was too good!!!
You must be a writer.
Cats are wonderful.
There are many reasons to like them.
Why do You like cats?

I like them because they're puffy, fluffy and warm.
I like cats because:
Cats don't get bad press in God's word.....dogs do.:clap
Cats don't keep you up all night yapping and barking like dogs do.
Cats are more effective communicators than dogs
Cats will willingly share their kills with you...........yuk:sick but it is the thought that counts.
I like cats because:
Cats don't get bad press in God's word.....dogs do.:clap
Cats don't keep you up all night yapping and barking like dogs do.
Cats are more effective communicators than dogs
Cats will willingly share their kills with you...........yuk:sick but it is the thought that counts.
Cats will deliberately "bring home" a mouse they have killed, just to show off.
Actually, I believe they look on us as part of their pride and when they present us with a kill, it is just that they are providing for us.
Once my wife and I arrived home from work to be presented with a dead mouse.
My wife was somewhat less than receptive and we could actually see the cat's hurt expression.
A little later, I put the mouse in the rubbish bin and went back inside and really fussed over the cat, telling her I really enjoyed the mouse. She picked up then.....Cat's are really very perceptive of human voice tones and many spoken words too.
Really? Cute furbaby. But I just have one question for you. Does she always look that in the morning? If so she looks worse than me. Lol just kidding. Please don't hate.
Piaget, a neutered male, howled at the front door one day til my ex opened it.

He had brought home a rat to show off.

Our other neutered male - Gremlin - had to have an operation at the vets one time that COST MORE THAN OUR RENT!!

Piaget and Gremlin were de-clawed, I felt sorry for them.

One day a tomcat that did have his claws was about to attack our two cats...

I got on the back porch and hurled a softball at the intruding cat;
I missed the cat - but hit a lawnchair next to him that collapsed on that cat, trapping him
Piaget and Gremlin chased off the bewildered cat; it was hilarious!