Why Like Cats?

Wondering -- for a cat to catch a bird -- they got to be QUICK!

I wish I had a video of our two de-clawed males chasing that tomcat over the fence -- they got really BOLD when they saw me out there throwing things at that cat!
Wondering -- for a cat to catch a bird -- they got to be QUICK!

I wish I had a video of our two de-clawed males chasing that tomcat over the fence -- they got really BOLD when they saw me out there throwing things at that cat!

I'm sorry but that's just mean. Poor kitty. :sad And just for the record, I do feel bad for the mice and birds that they catch, but when they're out on the streets they have got to eat something.
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This random video just popped up. I haven't even got a clue what it is since I haven't watched it yet, but here. I figured that it would be perfect for this thread. :)

No way was it mean to defend my two de-clawed cats against a tomcat that had its claws
No way was it mean to defend my two de-clawed cats against a tomcat that had its claws

Oh, I guess that's sort of different. But having two declawed cats isn't too much better in my opinion, unless they were rescued like that.
It was my ex that had them de-clawed, Risen, before I came on the scene...

I could never have a cat de-clawed
It was my ex that had them de-clawed, Risen, before I came on the scene...

I could never have a cat de-clawed

Good, because now I don't have to give you a lecture on why it's completely wrong and inhumane. It's still wrong in my mind that he did it though.

Mind you, I had a declawed cat when I was a child, but that was back before my family knew any better and when we were uneducated about it.

I really like my cats cause I don't have to let them out all the time and I can be gone for a week and they are ok at home by themselves.
I really like my cats cause I don't have to let them out all the time and I can be gone for a week and they are ok at home by themselves.

Wow, I was just pointing out the fact to my mother that if I didn't know any better that she would have written this since she says this all the time even though I love cats and dogs both and I don't mind letting a dog out.
No you're not. She just told me that it wasn't her when I asked her lol But still, how funny. We can still be friends though if you want to be.
Awww,.. isn't that the most adorable gorgeous creature that you've ever seen? The kittens are pretty cute too though. :tongue

Jakey,the orange tabby who loved to sleep on me ,purred like a small block
This random video just popped up. I haven't even got a clue what it is since I haven't watched it yet, but here. I figured that it would be perfect for this thread. :)

I think there is a lot of truth in that video.Cats use a lot of facial expression to communicate and a lot of body language as well. But I have seen things that indicate they have more communication skills than we are aware of.