dadof10 said:
mondar said:
If we come to opposite conclusions about some topic like the gospel, one of us has an unregenerate heart.
The scriptures teach that the regenerate will have fruits.
Well, I know (by my own subjective reasoning) I'm regenerate and I bear good fruit. So, therefore, if we disagree about the Gospel, which we do, then (going by my subjective reasoning again) you are unregenerate and in severe need of repentance. You should run down to the nearest Catholic Church and convert immediately.
Subjective experience is nice, but your subjective experience carries no weight with others. This is not intended to be a personal insult. My subjective experience should carry no weight with you. If I say when I read your post and had heart burn, maybe it was not your post but the onions I hate for lunch. What is the value of subjectivity?
Not only is your statement admittedly subjective, but do I discern some emotionalism in them? IF I am right (there is no way for me to know from reading print--I cannot see your face), but, if you are right, then is that a manifestation of your fruits? If you want me to "run down to the local Catholic Church and Repent" should you not treat me with enough respect to accurately hear what I am saying? How many people do you think were won to Rome by being treated disrespectfully?
dadof10 said:
Can you show me where I'm wrong for thinking this way? Is this the way the Christ set up his Church to handle doctrinal disputes? (Hint: Acts 15-16)
Certainly I would agree that the example of Acts 15 is the best way to handle doctrinal disputes. Not only that, but I would suggest that since the council of Jerusalem was enscripturated, it is an infallible decision. I would even agree that it was a part of the oral Kurgma of the apostolic Church. I do not agree that the propositions of Acts 15 and 16 demonstrate that any and all other Church councils will be dubbed with enscripturated infallibility.
This is not to say that I think all Church Councils are wrong. Nicea, Chalcedon, Orange, and the Church councils claim to be right, but I dont see where they claim to be infallible. I think there is a differencen between claiming to be right, and claiming infallibility. The council of Jerusalem was infallible because it was enscripturated. Thats my view of Church Councils. I am sure, being Catholic, you will disagree, but I do not see it proposed in Acts 15 or 16 that all or any other councils will be infallible.
dadof10 said:
It seems you are saying that if someone disagrees with your theology his heart is in the wrong place or impure.
Your taking a cheap shot here. I said nothing of the sort and your just making this up.
Your words are: "If your heart is pure, you will read it right. For God tests you, and is proving you to show that your heart is right." That is a PURELY SUBJECTIVE sentence, so if someone disagrees with your concept of "right", they are in error, correct? If this is not what you believe, please rephrase the sentence.
The sentence came from Deuteronomy 13:3.
...thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or unto that dreamer of dreams: for Jehovah your God proveth you, to know whether ye love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
Now the hypothetical situation I raised concerned a man in Jeremiahs time. Jeremiah 2:8 tells us of the Nation of Israel apostatizing and all the leaders going against God.
Jer 2:8 The priests said not, Where is Jehovah? and they that handle the law knew me not: the rulers also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.
So then, the idea is that we have competing theologies. The question of the thread is "Why so many theologies." I was trying to say that there will always be true and false theologies. God uses true and false theologies to discern the regenerated heart. Notice in Deuteronomy 13:3 that God uses the false prophets (and their false theology) to "
proveth" a person to see if "
ye love Jehovah your God with all your heart." By the way, the heart terminology related to the new covenant and regeneration. So then, the person who refuses the false prophet is demonstrating his regenerated heart which loves Jehovah by rejecting the false theology of the false prophet.
Soooooo... when in Jeremiah's day, the Priests apostatized, and the prophets followed after Baal, how did the believer identify a correct theology? They went back to Deuteronomy 13 and were able to notice that the prophets of the establishment in Jerusalem were following after Baal.
I did not include Deuteronomy 13:1-2 in my quotes in previous posts. These verses say...
If there arise in the midst of thee a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and he give thee a sign or a wonder,
and the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them;
Now who can argue that the established priests and prophets of Jeremiahs day were not calling the people to follow other Gods? The situation fits Deuteronomy 13 perfectly. So then, how can they identify bad theologies? They had the scriptures. Now I am beginning to suspect that we differ in our approach. If the scriptures is sufficient, then the people of Jeremiah's day had what they needed for God to test them and approve them as loving him with all their heart (regeneration).
Now I do not know what you are thinking. It seems to be a muddle of inserting your concepts of infallible Church councils into every situation. So what is the magisterium in Jeremiahs day? Is it these prophets of Baal in Jerusalem, and the priests who knew not the law. Are they to have a council and infallibly interpret scripture? Is that how truth comes? OR is the scriptures itself spiritual truth?
dadof10 said:
Well, I know what your getting at here. Your looking for a debate on sola scriptura. They way you cut that statement out of the paragraph I wrote demonstrates what you are looking for.
OK, here is the whole paragraph: "The answer lies not in following the watchtower society, or the prophets and apostles in Salt lake city, nor in any group of people that will interpret the word of God for you.
You must consult the word of God itself. If your heart is pure, you will read it right. For God tests you, and is proving you to show that your heart is right.
The only way, is for you to consult the scriptures themselves. I do not say it is easy to study the word of God, but I do say that the scriptures were understandable to the original audience (perspicuity of scriptures). I dont intend to sell my soul to any other man or any prophet or any priest or any apostle.
I will study the scriptures and work in them and follow my own conscience.
Please explain how I did your words any injustice.
I previously did accuse you of doing injustice to my words, but this was not the place. That was with reference to your assertion that I made pluralistic statements. I also reacted to you asserting that I judged peoples hearts if they disagree with me personally. I made no such assertions.
In this paragraph, I judged your motives as looking for a debate on sola scriptura. On this issue I did not suggest that you misread me. I may have been complaining that I did not think we should turn the thread into a sola scriptura debate, but I nevertheless posted my reference to defend that doctrine.
dadof10 said:
The text I would use will of course be 2 Tim 3:17. 2 Tim 3:17 demonstrates that the man of God is complete, and throughly furnished until all good works. If I am completely furnished, what other equipment do I need?
"All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work."
This means use Scripture alone to discern doctrine?
"All vegatables are good to eat and profitable for muscles, for eyesight and for stamina when working, so that the person may be complete, fully equipped for a good day's work."
Did I just tell you to become a veggan? To eat NOTHING but vegatables? Or did I tell you to SUPPLIMENT your diet with vegatables?
You told me more then to supplement my diet with vegetables. You told me that vegetables are sufficient for muscles, eyesight and working. You said I would be fully equipped for a good days work. If that is true, what else do I need other then vegetables? I actually need nothing more for a good days work, right?
Please pass the carrots?
dadof10 said:
I'm not going to "deal" with your false interpretation of Judiaism. You mentioned passages from Deut. that show the apostacy of some Priests, then with NO Biblical backing say "How would people know which prist was a priest of God? They had to read the scriptures! They had to red the instructions in Deuteronomy." You made a GIANT jump. I don't believe the Jews taught sola Scriptura either.
The passage that shows the apostacy of the priests is Jeremiah, not Deuteronomy.
Dof10, this last paragraph is hard to respond to because of its lack of clarity. You say that I made a "false interpretation of Judiasm" yet you do not show where my interpretation is false. You simply dismiss it as false and do not say why. You complain that I make a giant jump, but again, you do not identify what the righteous Jews of the OT had other then the scriptures.
The righteous Jews had the scriptures (sometimes), by which they could use Deuteronomy 13 to identify the Jewish false prophets in Jerusalem in their day. If you agree with the perspicuity of scriptures for the original audience, what else could they depend upon to identify these prophets as false prophets? You could say that they had oral revelation from Jeremiah, but that is where the Jews went astray. Have you ever read the mishna or the talmud? I must admit I have not read this as a primary source, only in secondary sources. But Talmudic Law, or oral law is where the Jews went astray also. The later Pharisees of the NT were comdemned for their keeping of the traditions of the Fathers.
Mat 15:2 Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands when they eat bread.
Mat 15:3 And he answered and said unto them, Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition?
The bottom line is that there is no other place the righteous Jews could have turned to identify what prophet was a true prophet then Deuteronomy 13 or some other scripture. What else did they have?
dadof10 said:
In conclusion, their should be competing theologies. Its the way it always was and the way it always will be. Its the way God knows your heart. The Israelites of old did not need a special interpreter to follow Deuteronomy 13. The priests in Jerusalem would have explained the text away. Read it for yourself, and know the Lord.
From this you get that I am saying that "competing theologies were tolerated in the early Church." Well, heheh, I must admit that this is again disappointing. I guess I must be some dirtball that you do not need to really read and understand what I am saying. I actually was saying the exact opposite of what you seem to be asserting that I was saying.
When I said..."their should be competing theologies." Then I later said ... "Its the way God knows your heart." The upright heart will be able to discern between wrong and right theologies.
OK. let's keep going. When you said, "In conclusion, their should be competing theologies", did you mean that it is natural for there to be competing theologies? When you said, "Its the way it always was and the way it always will be." did you mean that it always was that way and will always be that way? Please elaborate.
I think if you read my original post, you will see that by the term "competing theologies" I am talking about the competition between right and wrong theologies. I had condemned the post modern attitude that there are many ways to the truth.
The question is why does God allow error. Why does he allow perversions of the Gospel? Why does he allow cults? Why does he allow competing false theologies to compete with the truth? The answer from Deuteronomy 13 is that so he might know your heart.
I see there is already conversation on the Jerusalem council.
Feel free to join in. We are, after all, talking about why there are so many competing theologies in the NT Church, not Judiaism.
Why do you think the Church in Antioch didn't just consult Scripture and settle this dispute themselves? Why did they find it NECESSARY to appeal to the Apostles and Elders in Jerusalem? Huuummm....[/quote]
manichunter started the thread. I gave my opinion to manichunter on how ancient Jews identified the true theology. I think its application is obvious. The situation applies to today also. God still allows many different denominations and theologies. In fact gnosticism, arianism, and all the competing theologies are nothing new. I think I answer manichunter's question very well. God allows the competing theologies so that he might know your heart. That is not some judgment against you personally. I think Deuteronomy 13:3 applies to all. Its how God will know my heart, and how God will know everyones heart. Will we follow the false prophets, or the false theologies of our day.