- Aug 10, 2006
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Bubba said:Francisdesales,
As you probably already know, Thomas Aquinas spent a great part of his life demonstrating in his writings how man has no direct contact with immaterial reality, yet shortly before his death (you can read it in many biographies and references of him) Thomas had a direct experience with God that he wrote no more.
I don't know about "direct" experience, since God is an immaterial reality and spiritual writers generally consider that God cannot be experienced "directly".
Bubba said:A friend urged him later to complete his great work, “The Suma Theologicaâ€Â, he answered, “I can do no more, such things have been revealed to me that all I have written seems as straw and I now await the end of my lifeâ€Â.
Yes, such experiences leave us in awe as we look at how we acted before... I don't think Thomas was saying his works were meaningless, but compared to the glory of God experienced as the contemplative would experience it surpasses intellectual concepts of God.
Bubba said:Recently I had an experience with God in the form of a dream that pretty much shook the 40 plus years I have studied the Bible and as of late the simplicity of the cross and God’s love for me is all that really matters, though I have fought so hard to be doctrinally pure. What of Francisdesales, is it possible that you to may someday consider it all straw?
Perhaps. Do you consider all as straw? How about your writings on Universalism? Is that straw?