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Why the Hatred?


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I know that there are a great number of people feeding into hate and anger. A lot of people hate wicca especially. But they hate Judaism hinduism and Islam.

I was just wondering why. I understand that they do not share the same beliefs as Christianity but I was wondering why the hatred.

Jesus himself ate with the sinners and preached love. God loves all his children and said that Christians need to be Meek. However many christians have justified hatred of other religions.

I was wondering people's thoughts on this. How can they hate someone because of their faith when that means disobeying their own god?
These are some pretty extreme thoughts. Where do you see that Christians hate people of other faiths? Hate is a very strong word you're using. No doubt there are some people who indeed do hate others, and that is wrong, but I would count them in the minority of Christendom. "A great many"?

I believe we should hate the lie that these other religions have bought into.

Did you really mean to ask how people can hate someone because of their faith?
I know that there are a great number of people feeding into hate and anger. A lot of people hate wicca especially. But they hate Judaism hinduism and Islam.

I was just wondering why. I understand that they do not share the same beliefs as Christianity but I was wondering why the hatred.

Jesus himself ate with the sinners and preached love. God loves all his children and said that Christians need to be Meek. However many christians have justified hatred of other religions.

I was wondering people's thoughts on this. How can they hate someone because of their faith when that means disobeying their own god?

Yes, it does appear that many speak out of hate. This is most unfortunate. Let me assure you that true Christians do not hate anyone (unless you consider satan a person). Do we hate sin? Absolutely. But a true Christian does not hate people. Do we hate what people do sometimes? Yes! But we don't hate the person.

You are right, God is a God of love and He loves everyone and wants them all to come to Him and share in His love. People who show only hate are missing the mark some place, imo.

Please don't let the wandering believer take you off course: Our God IS Love, and loves you, too.
I know that there are a great number of people feeding into hate and anger. A lot of people hate wicca especially. But they hate Judaism hinduism and Islam.

I was just wondering why. I understand that they do not share the same beliefs as Christianity but I was wondering why the hatred.

Jesus himself ate with the sinners and preached love. God loves all his children and said that Christians need to be Meek. However many christians have justified hatred of other religions.

I was wondering people's thoughts on this. How can they hate someone because of their faith when that means disobeying their own god?

I can only speak from experience.

I was once naive to believe that as being part of humanity, that we could share that common bond between us. But what I found when I left my own backyard is that there are people who don't want to be united and actually cause division by way of lies and deceit.

The reality is, we live in a dark world and there are dark people in this world. People who manipulate, deceive and seek their own glory. For some of them, it's about power and authority. It's about control.

In a nut shell, I hate these people for what they do... because what they do, is who they have let themselves become and I want no part of it.

Hope that answers your question.
In a word? Ignorance. In a few? Many have used the Bible as justification of some pretty evil things-helping the Nazis, slavery, bigotry, racism among other things. Even good things can be used as a weapon. Wicca/Witchcraft is an old fear and with how many Wiccans are, fairly ridiculous. People will respond hatefully, with extreme prejudice.

In Tennessee, there was a church in town that me and my cousin went to. I used to have friendly talks with the pastor there about other faiths and that Jesus (and Peter) said that they are to be tolerated. I gave Acts 17:22-23 and others as the basis of my argument and it remained respectful. However, he spoke to a certain "Brother John" about our talks and when he left, I had moved out of town. My cousin remained. I came to visit and found out that "Brother John" was now doing entirely different sermons on how Satanists were everywhere and named me as some sort of witch, which I had never claimed to anyone in that town. My cousin stopped going to that church.

It's people like that who give Christians a bad name. All it was, plain and simple, was hate-mongering for the sake of hate. That is not what Christianity is about and frankly, many people who are not the "usual" type have reason to fear in cities like that-their property gets defaced, harassment by police-a mother of two small children who had an altar in her bedroom got searched by police because her latino husband had a tattoo that looked like some gang's mark or something. They printed that it was there in the newspaper and two days later, a molotov cocktail was thrown into their window. Nothing was ever done and thank God, nobody got hurt.

It's people like this. Hate is a powerful emotion-and in some places, it is encouraged. Intolerance, ignorance-those kind of things make some areas real ugly.


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