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Why wont God heal amputees?


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Why is that? Millions of prayers being answered around the world but never amputees. God can do anything so why not heal amputees? I don't have to quote all the verses that tell you that you can have what you ask/pray for, or how powerful faith is. I am sure you know all of them but it would SEEM that amputees are a special groups and none of those verses applies to them.

semi related:

I had a sick family member years ago, everyone was praying for him, churches, friends, strangers. I had faith he would be healed. I was waiting; thinking "any day now" that I was going to hear about how he was going to be healed. I didn't think it would be instant but that he would gradually just get better. Then he died. My reasoning was that in his death, God could use him to save or better those that would go on living. His sickness led him to God so over all his soul was saved.

So I wondered if my prayers counted for anything, Why bother praying if God's plan will fallow through regardless. The Bible is flooded with constant reminders that God answers prayer and that faith is important but outcomes are not always what we like regardless of faith or prayer. :sad
If everyone insists on his own will above God's will, and God fulfills them all. Then on one dies in this planet earth.

God grants us miracles to strengthen our faith and as a testimony to call on his sheep who happen to witness the miracle. Yet we must first learn that we need to be obedient instead of insisting on seeing the miracles.
we may ask the lord in this area but we must also let God and trust God to do what is right not what we think. he may have called him home rather then heal him. which is better earth or heaven? its hard for us to accept death and my condolensces go out to you.

my great aunt who is catholic died suddenly, she got sick and was dead 4 days later. she told her doc let me go home to die in my own bed. she was in a coma and came to say that. and she died at her house a few days later. she was born again. i asked a yr before.
I think ChevyRodhes in asking specifically about amputees, not any sickness. He's asking why God heals other diseases but not amputees.

Just because we do not hear of God healing amputees, it does not mean it is not happening. I did not know God was healing people of Aids until I heard and read of testimonies from India. And Aids is not even a disease that is mentioned in the Bible !

God certainly does heal amputees. He heals and dry up the wounds. Just because the severed limb did not supernaturally grow back, it does not mean God did not heal. Modern technologies and innovations allow amputees to be fitted with artificial limbs these days which allow them to live normal lives. I lived with orthodontics braces on my teeth for 4 years. My teeth were weak and out of place, but I didn't have to live with it and didn't have to pray and ask God to supernaturally straighten out my teeth. Of course this a lame comparison to amputees but what I'm trying to say is that God sometimes works in other ways or mysterious ways through research scientists and modern technologies and we should be grateful for those alternatives.
Your question can also be asked as the following...

Why doesn't God grant me my prayer request to fly in the sky?
Why doesn't God grant me my prayer request to breathe under water?
Why doesn't God grant me my prayer request to leap 10 buildings in a single bound?
Why doesn't God grant me my prayer request to run as fast as a bullet?

God can do anything so surely he can grant me these simple requests. I would be in a far better position to help mankind and stop crime if I had these prayer requests answered.

Think about it real hard for a second and you will find the answer.
ChevyRodeo said:
Why is that? Millions of prayers being answered around the world but never amputees. God can do anything so why not heal amputees? I don't have to quote all the verses that tell you that you can have what you ask/pray for, or how powerful faith is. I am sure you know all of them but it would SEEM that amputees are a special groups and none of those verses applies to them.

...His sickness led him to God so over all his soul was saved.
  • Mat 18:8 - Wherefore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cut them off, and cast [them] from thee: it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into everlasting fire.
ChevyRodeo, I might be wrong, but in looking at your past posts, it gives the distinct impression to me that you have atheistic views. I might be wrong, or it might be obvious. I did a quick google search and wound up at a website called "Why Won't God Heal Amputees?" I couldn't find the group behind the website, but it's endorsed by Dawkins and other atheists, and it's strangely similar to the OP including the exact same title.

Threads starting with, or contributed by, you are:
Do you feel the bible is misleading
Paul vs. everyone else (Jesus body didn't resurrect)
Death Toll (God has killed more people than Satan)

Please forgive me if I'm being presumptuous. If you say you're a Christian, who am I to question your heart? But it was startling to me to find the exact words applied to an atheist site. :sad

Blessings, mjjcb
Sometimes God needs to do a work in the peoples lives, hey man I saw God resurrect people so I'm sorry for some who don't get healed of amputations.

Pastor Yoggi Cho, healed a man with two missing legs amputated under the knees. So it happens.

And people should ask God why He won't do it and wait for an answer.
mjjcb said:
ChevyRodeo, I might be wrong, but in looking at your past posts, it gives the distinct impression to me that you have atheistic views. I might be wrong, or it might be obvious. I did a quick google search and wound up at a website called "Why Won't God Heal Amputees?" I couldn't find the group behind the website, but it's endorsed by Dawkins and other atheists, and it's strangely similar to the OP including the exact same title.

Threads starting with, or contributed by, you are:
Do you feel the bible is misleading
Paul vs. everyone else (Jesus body didn't resurrect)
Death Toll (God has killed more people than Satan)

Please forgive me if I'm being presumptuous. If you say you're a Christian, who am I to question your heart? But it was startling to me to find the exact words applied to an atheist site. :sad

Blessings, mjjcb

I don't think there isn't anyone who doesn't question why they haven't seen supernatural miracle if God exists. God doesn't not heal amputees, he also doesn't heal retardation or Downs. I have never seen anything supernatural in my entire life. I have met people who say they have. I have only thought they were disturbed, or a liars.

I think one can still be a Christian, and not believe in all the magic stuff.
happyjoy said:
I don't think there isn't anyone who doesn't question why they haven't seen supernatural miracle if God exists. God doesn't not heal amputees, he also doesn't heal retardation or Downs. I have never seen anything supernatural in my entire life. I have met people who say they have. I have only thought they were disturbed, or a liars.

I think one can still be a Christian, and not believe in all the magic stuff.

I agree... I think there are a lot of hucksters out there. It's sad people can be duped so easily, but as Christ said "we are sheep" and as such we can be easily lead astray. I'm a very big skeptic when it comes to these things, not because I don't believe God can heal or do the miraculous but rather I firmly believe God works within the confines of the laws he sets up which govern this universe.
I think the only time he would break these laws is if he is doing something very important such as testifying that Jesus Christ is truly His Son.

I think God does the miraculous every day but I think he works within the confines of the laws he created to set up "divine coincidences". That is to say something that occurs which is so improbable and so mathematically unlikely it would only have to be described as the hand of God at work. This I have witnessed in my life. I'm sure God works in countless other mysterious ways as well.
I am pentecostal / non denomination.. in between.

But I read that whywontgodhealamputees website and I felt shattered inside. In order for me to strength my own faith and undo the knots in the twisted minds of atheists I have to be able to answer the toughest and hardest questions out there.

But if God can cure cancer, aids, the flu, a nose bleed, why is there no record of an amputee being given their limbs back? Jesus healed blind people, mute people, deaf people, He didn't tell them , " its better to get into Heaven blind then have vision in hell." he just healed them because they had faith. Why is it that is so special about amputees that they don't get to be healed in spite of verses like

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Why cant we get a prayer group together and heal some poor little girl that tragically lost her limbs from a car accident? No doubt Jesus himself could heal her but you me and 12 other people in a room praying? Why does this not happen?! Why is it we can pray HARD and John Smiths mom will make it out of the ER room okay or we can pray HARD and your cousins aunts wife wont have cancer anymore, Why is it that amputees are not receiving these same hearings?

As for the "you might as well ask God to make you fly", this is different, Amputees are not asking for anything to be selfish, only to be healed of injury.
ChevyRodeo said:
I am pentecostal / non denomination.. in between.

But I read that whywontgodhealamputees website and I felt shattered inside. In order for me to strength my own faith and undo the knots in the twisted minds of atheists I have to be able to answer the toughest and hardest questions out there.

But if God can cure cancer, aids, the flu, a nose bleed, why is there no record of an amputee being given their limbs back? Jesus healed blind people, mute people, deaf people, He didn't tell them , " its better to get into Heaven blind then have vision in hell." he just healed them because they had faith. Why is it that is so special about amputees that they don't get to be healed in spite of verses like

For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.

Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Why cant we get a prayer group together and heal some poor little girl that tragically lost her limbs from a car accident? No doubt Jesus himself could heal her but you me and 12 other people in a room praying? Why does this not happen?! Why is it we can pray HARD and John Smiths mom will make it out of the ER room okay or we can pray HARD and your cousins aunts wife wont have cancer anymore, Why is it that amputees are not receiving these same hearings?

As for the "you might as well ask God to make you fly", this is different, Amputees are not asking for anything to be selfish, only to be healed of injury.

Sorry if I misrepresented you. When I stumbled on the site, I went back and checked out your past posts to see if you had an atheistic theme. You search for answers looked to me like you were planting questions about God in order to lead people to doubt. But, I see you're truly looking for answers, some of which we'll likely never truly understand. :pray
God works within the confines of the laws he sets up which govern this universe.

water into wine, healing the blind, stuff that doctors cant explain. Why does God seem to only do stuff that can also be explained by coincidence or fluke? Why is God not more involved like stopping bullets in mid air, Actually George Washing was claimed to have had bullets magically pass through him and not harm him; holes in his jacket even.
For some whose limbs had to be amputed due to diabetes, he is only facing the consequences of his poor eating habits. For others who lost their limbs in wars, road accidents, other calamities, or they were just born that way, God can still use them in awesome ways unimaginable, like this man .....

Nick Vujicic

Tina said:
For some whose limbs had to be amputed due to diabetes, he is only facing the consequences of his poor eating habits. For others who lost their limbs in wars, road accidents, other calamities, or they were just born that way, God can still use them in awesome ways unimaginable, like this man .....

Nick Vujicic


Hey, I went to see him speak at a local church and brought home his video. I'm sure he has down times, but listening to him, and seeing his joy was such an inspiration. He considers his birth defect the greatest blessing he could have had (besides having been brought to faith). His parents were missionaries.

I realize this doesn't apply to those to are miserable with amputations, but Nick Vujicic is how he is (I believe) to reach others who feel "not whole".
The Lord can find ways to make us happy, no matter what situation we find ourselves in, I believe.
ChevyRodeo said:
God works within the confines of the laws he sets up which govern this universe.

water into wine, healing the blind, stuff that doctors cant explain. Why does God seem to only do stuff that can also be explained by coincidence or fluke? Why is God not more involved like stopping bullets in mid air, Actually George Washing was claimed to have had bullets magically pass through him and not harm him; holes in his jacket even.

Take for instance a story where a little girl was physically abused and neglected as a child, the child escapes and is protected by three lions. When the police find her the three lions run away.

There was a story a while back where a man was shot at durring a robbery. As the man put his hands to cover his face the bullet hit his wedding ring and completely deflected it so the man left unscathed.
Why does God have to be more involved by stopping bullets in mid air?

My own personal story was a time when I was working temp jobs back in college.
I met a man who appeared to be having a rough time in life. One morning I had a desire to share the gospel with him. We were sitting down in the hallway of the apartment complex we were cleaning when he started to talk about a religion class in college. The door was opened for me and I shared my beliefs of Christianity. Of course he disagreed with me and we argued over this for a bit. After our talking he went to clean his side of the hallway and I went down mine. Later on I came back to the mopping station to find he found a Bible track on the floor which stated in big bold letters "Are you ready to meet God?". If my memory serves me correctly, he was looking away trying to ignore the Bible track while it stuck to his mop.

Why does God have to be more involved when that is not necessary?
Just because God can do anything doesn't mean He now has to do everything.
archangel_300 said:
ChevyRodeo said:
God works within the confines of the laws he sets up which govern this universe.

water into wine, healing the blind, stuff that doctors cant explain. Why does God seem to only do stuff that can also be explained by coincidence or fluke? Why is God not more involved like stopping bullets in mid air, Actually George Washing was claimed to have had bullets magically pass through him and not harm him; holes in his jacket even.

Take for instance a story where a little girl was physically abused and neglected as a child, the child escapes and is protected by three lions. When the police find her the three lions run away.

There was a story a while back where a man was shot at durring a robbery. As the man put his hands to cover his face the bullet hit his wedding ring and completely deflected it so the man left unscathed.
Why does God have to be more involved by stopping bullets in mid air?

My own personal story was a time when I was working temp jobs back in college.
I met a man who appeared to be having a rough time in life. One morning I had a desire to share the gospel with him. We were sitting down in the hallway of the apartment complex we were cleaning when he started to talk about a religion class in college. The door was opened for me and I shared my beliefs of Christianity. Of course he disagreed with me and we argued over this for a bit. After our talking he went to clean his side of the hallway and I went down mine. Later on I came back to the mopping station to find he found a Bible track on the floor which stated in big bold letters "Are you ready to meet God?". If my memory serves me correctly, he was looking away trying to ignore the Bible track while it stuck to his mop.

Why does God have to be more involved when that is not necessary?
Just because God can do anything doesn't mean He now has to do everything.

Why do you assume the things that can be explained are God, and that God is refusing to heal amputees while doing things for others. I contend God isn't doing it for anyone. People have a real misunderstanding of statistics and probability. Very unlikely things happen all the time. Many people win the lottery every week in this country even though the odds are tens if not hundreds of millions to one that they won't win. Some people have cancer get better some don't. Sometimes bullets bounce off a ring or a belt buckle or zippo lighter. As long as it isn't impossible it will happen. That is the nature of probability.
happyjoy said:
Why do you assume the things that can be explained are God, and that God is refusing to heal amputees while doing things for others. I contend God isn't doing it for anyone. People have a real misunderstanding of statistics and probability. Very unlikely things happen all the time. Many people win the lottery every week in this country even though the odds are tens if not hundreds of millions to one that they won't win. Some people have cancer get better some don't. Sometimes bullets bounce off a ring or a belt buckle or zippo lighter. As long as it isn't impossible it will happen. That is the nature of probability.

So I assume that you have an understanding of statistics and probability?
Well I beg to differ because some events are too uncanny to be explained by mere coincidence or statistics and probability alone.

Why do you assume that as long as it isn't impossible and can be explained by probability that it's not the work of God? So God never works through improbabilities but only works through things which defy science? How about Joseph's rise to power in Egypt?

Genesis 50:19-20 Joseph said to them, “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? 20 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

After all there was nothing supernaturally miraculous about his rise to power in Egypt now was there?

As stated in my previous post, my personal opinion is that God works through his divine laws which govern this universe. My guess is he doesn't break them unless it serves a very important divine purpose.
ChevyRodeo said:
Why is that? Millions of prayers being answered around the world but never amputees. God can do anything so why not heal amputees? I don't have to quote all the verses that tell you that you can have what you ask/pray for, or how powerful faith is. I am sure you know all of them but it would SEEM that amputees are a special groups and none of those verses applies to them.

semi related:

I had a sick family member years ago, everyone was praying for him, churches, friends, strangers. I had faith he would be healed. I was waiting; thinking "any day now" that I was going to hear about how he was going to be healed. I didn't think it would be instant but that he would gradually just get better. Then he died. My reasoning was that in his death, God could use him to save or better those that would go on living. His sickness led him to God so over all his soul was saved.

So I wondered if my prayers counted for anything, Why bother praying if God's plan will fallow through regardless. The Bible is flooded with constant reminders that God answers prayer and that faith is important but outcomes are not always what we like regardless of faith or prayer. :sad
Because He has apparently chosen to not heal them


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