Eddy said:
I relate adultery to homosexuality to point out the stark hypocricy of poor theology. The status quo seems to be homosexuality is the end all of evil, and that those people are damned while an equally bad sin that requires much of the same desires and commitment and repetition well eh it aint so bad. That viewing sin from selfish convienience. They are equal. If the homosexual is damned for not turning from sin so is the adulterer.
Hi Eddy,
I see you've added a bit since my last post.
I agree that there is some hypocrisy between adultery and homosexuality, but I also think that it's a minority view. What I do think though, is that there is a big push from within the Christian community that is challenging the status quo of our nation in regard to the acceptance of homosexuality, same sex marriage and public schools teaching that this is normal behavior. As a result, the issue of homosexuality is making front page and national news, while adultery silently permeates the marriage bed of many households...
History has a way of repeating itself if we don't learn from History. Sadly, the USA is going the same way as Rome 2000 years ago almost to a carbon copy. Please don't misunderstand me, I love the USA and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else, but as a citizen, I have a right to stand up for what I believe in, but keeping this in mind, so does the adulterer and the homosexual. Sqeekey wheel always gets the oil I suppose... I remember when you could drive down the road with a beer between your legs, now, thanks to MADD, if you have one beer an hour before you drive, it's considered drunk driving...
Eddy said:
If the homosexual is damned for not turning from sin so is the adulterer.
You'll find no argument from me. I'd even add the liars, thieves and cheats.
Does the above statement of mine cause me to feel better than the ones spoken about? Absolutely not, because I was among them at a time in my life and since I've left that lifestyle, my world has become a much better place. A place that I wish the liar, thief, cheat, homosexual and adulterer could experience. You see, when you have something great, you want to share it with others so they can experience the same joy. But sadly, what we often see are people defending their little piece of turf and condemning anyone who opposes them.
Even David, when he was fleeing Jerusalem from his own son allowed Shemia to throw rocks at him and curse him, but we see how Shemia later took that grace to his own destruction in the time of Solomon. Sin always has a way of destruction, and often, it's self destruction. David didn't need to condemn Shemei, he knew Shemia would destroy himself.
Grace and Peace.