I understand where your coming from. However, shouldn't it be said that,
The terms "bishop", "overseer", etc., all speak to the same "service" (as opposed to "office"): Pastor or Shepard?
I ask this because I'd like to find scripture pointing to an actual "office" of Pastor as I see it as a service that one in the elected "office" of Elder, Bishop, performs.
For instance, I see where most people use the term "preacher" in place of an office when descriping Pastors and Teachers where I would consider preaching (encouraging, point driving) a gift not limited to and not always used by Pastors, Bishops, ect. just as the gift of teaching (conveying doctrine) and administration (managing). I see "service" or "office" of Pastors and Teachers as a Shepard (or Father) protecting, and leading his flock (or children) to maturity to fulfill their purpose.
Lately I've been seeing use of the term "preacher" blur the actual service of one who is elected to the "office" of pastor or bishop. For example, there is a church where the assistant pastor is a woman who by all accounts is a gifted preacher. I was told that many members of the church want her to be the new senior pastor because of her gift of preaching. It just sort of bothered me that people would want to displace a proven pastor and gifted administrator and preaching for a more talented preacher.
I apologize for going off topic a little. This is all just for discussion and educational purposes of course.
Not off topic at all!
We have a tendency to use terms interchangeably when we really shouldn't...