Wow, not a good way to go. They'll try to wiggle out of it and say he just happened to have a heart attack at work and it didn't really have anything to do with it that he was working.
but it probably did. A 14 hour shift is a long shift no matter what you do. I'been self employed for 21 years, and I've had many occasions to have had to turn work down rather than keep working. After awhile, the money stops being worth it. Your body will send you signals! You have to listen to them and take time off or you risk, things like this.
It can be hard to turn down a customer (or boss) if help is needed. I like to help, but I don't wanna kill myself for it.
This is where I started out:
This is where I should be:
This is where I am:
The work stays the same, it just pays more now.