Douglas Summers
When a born again Believer is endowed with the Holy Spirit' ,It is a permanent Possession, and the Spirit gives everyone a gift for service. There is no such thing as a born again believer not having a gift, for the Holy Spirit is sovereign and gives gifts to whom ever He wills. This bond is so close and personal that The Lord feels the pain of His saints. (Acts 9: 1-5) The Lord identifies Himself with His people. A believer can grieve or hinder the Spirit in him, but he can not hinder or grieve it away.
I will not debate this above, Because I'am a witness to His endowing and the Spirit as I received it's many Spiritual works and understandings. In the word we are asked to be filled with the Spirit many times. This filling is not asking to be born again, for that is only done once. But the filling of the Spirit is done many times for power and strength to carry out your calling and election against the world.
I see the threads and reply's where some feel they are superior in knowledge, and knowledge is good if it is Spiritual and not carnal. I have seen some pretty mean spirited replies that are not delivered by the Spirit of grace or peace, but all of us are prone to zeal to defend the Gospel. But sadly, some teach their own self willed gospel...which is that other gospel , which is not the Gospel at all.
Many in the visible church are waiting for Christ return, as we all are. They have taken the OT Scriptures of promises to Israel and applied them to the Church. This belief has hindered the Church and her purpose more than anything else., for God has made specific promises to Israel and specific promises to the Church that are different from one another. It is not about if the Church has taken the place of Israel, It is about the purpose of the Church and her calling in God's foreknowledge.
Without The Spirit in the born again believer, we are a withered branch.(John 15: 1-14, esp. v15). As I talk with many that say they are Christians, about the Lord, They usually quote me Scripture and solace, and that they are just waiting on the Lords return. (Matt. 25: 14; 24-30).
But the Lord called out His body of born again believers to continue His Gospel. (John Chapters 16 & 17) Study them, they were not just for the disciples, but for us as well (John 17: 17-23) It seems like the visible church is comfortable right here (Heb. 5:12-6:1-3).
The Church was never promised material wealth because he was a believer.(John 16: 1-11; Rom. 8: 14-17) Those promises were to Israel as a nation under God and under Law.(Ex. 19: 3-8; 20:1-17).
The born again believers will be persecuted until the Lords coming, being found fruitful by the Lord.. (Matt. 24: 14-23). Dwell on these things, and don't be so quick to dispute them. Study! I'am not from this place, nor do I belong here. And I have known that at very young age.
In Christ
Douglas Summers
I will not debate this above, Because I'am a witness to His endowing and the Spirit as I received it's many Spiritual works and understandings. In the word we are asked to be filled with the Spirit many times. This filling is not asking to be born again, for that is only done once. But the filling of the Spirit is done many times for power and strength to carry out your calling and election against the world.
I see the threads and reply's where some feel they are superior in knowledge, and knowledge is good if it is Spiritual and not carnal. I have seen some pretty mean spirited replies that are not delivered by the Spirit of grace or peace, but all of us are prone to zeal to defend the Gospel. But sadly, some teach their own self willed gospel...which is that other gospel , which is not the Gospel at all.
Many in the visible church are waiting for Christ return, as we all are. They have taken the OT Scriptures of promises to Israel and applied them to the Church. This belief has hindered the Church and her purpose more than anything else., for God has made specific promises to Israel and specific promises to the Church that are different from one another. It is not about if the Church has taken the place of Israel, It is about the purpose of the Church and her calling in God's foreknowledge.
Without The Spirit in the born again believer, we are a withered branch.(John 15: 1-14, esp. v15). As I talk with many that say they are Christians, about the Lord, They usually quote me Scripture and solace, and that they are just waiting on the Lords return. (Matt. 25: 14; 24-30).
But the Lord called out His body of born again believers to continue His Gospel. (John Chapters 16 & 17) Study them, they were not just for the disciples, but for us as well (John 17: 17-23) It seems like the visible church is comfortable right here (Heb. 5:12-6:1-3).
The Church was never promised material wealth because he was a believer.(John 16: 1-11; Rom. 8: 14-17) Those promises were to Israel as a nation under God and under Law.(Ex. 19: 3-8; 20:1-17).
The born again believers will be persecuted until the Lords coming, being found fruitful by the Lord.. (Matt. 24: 14-23). Dwell on these things, and don't be so quick to dispute them. Study! I'am not from this place, nor do I belong here. And I have known that at very young age.
In Christ
Douglas Summers