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francisdesales said:Heidi said:"For it is by Grace you have been saved (notice the past tense) through faith-and this, not from yourselves-it is the gift from God not by works so that no one can boast."
It's all in there. Every single thing concerning salvation. Everything. If you beleve it, you've been saved. If you don't you haven't been. End of story.
You forgot to read the next verse, sister...
I never forget to read the bible. Here's the next verse and I guarantee you it will not contradict the previous verses as you seem to think it does: "For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
So you have to put those verses together instead of make them contradict themselves and what do you get? I already know. But I want to see if you can for once, make scripture agree instead of make God contradict himself. So let's see if you can come reconcile those verses together.

Actually, I don't want to hear you make scripture contradict itself any more so I'll reconcile those verses together for you; We have been saved by Grace through faith which does not come from ourselves because it's a gift from God. We are not saved by works so that we cannot boast. But because we are saved by Grace and have faith, then for out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. Works come from faith, not from ourselves. That puts the 2 together instead of makes them contradict themselves, friend. You should try doing that some time and then you'll begin to understand God's Word. ;-)
And the works that Paul is talking about are synonymous with deeds, or God's workmanship. So whenever you are tempted to take credit for your deeds, that comes from the sin of pride which is from Satan and therefore unscriptural.
But interpretations that come from humiity, which is a fruit of the Spirit are scriptural because they come from the Holy Spirit. And the humility from the Spirit does not boast. It gives God all of the credit for our faith, gracem salvation and works. So that is the correct interpretation.