RichardE40K said:
Relgion should not be able to rule a country, America and Engalnd (Where I live) are free nations. Thus they should have fair laws not based on relgion. So I suppose they are more nations then relgios nations. I can only speack for Engalnd but I know that is not a christian country. YEs we have christians like me, but down the road there is a Church, then a mosque, then a johava whitness hall, then a place of worship for jews, temple. And thats in a small area! England is every relgion and other lol.
Thank you. So basically america is not so much a christian country in the sense that the government follows a christian ideology, but rather in the sense that its founders were christians and the majority of the population are also christian?
Returning to the thread topic, if the above is the case, then no-one at all can have the right to limit the religious activity of any other religious group, by banning their religious text.
However, would anyone agree with me in saying that
IF the US was actually a christian country, applying christian ideology at a government level and following the law provided by the bible, then it would be justified to limit (to a
certain extent) the activity of other religious groups in the country to the effect that it would not influence the christian citizens by 'corrupting' them away from the true path of christianity?
And by limiting i do not mean by being injust- the ability to for others to practise would still exist however not in any form that it would impose a threat to christain citizens by opposing their laws and way of life. For example, say a particular religious group allows homosexuality, however this is against the christain law, so followers of such a religion will be limited in their ability to practise this in public, however are given to freedom to practise this act in private, so that the welfare of the christian society is maintain and corruption from thte true path of Jesus is avoided.
The above is basically how it would work in an Islamic country, and my main aim in presenting the issue above was in reply to Garys previous post about the limits Islam imposes on others to practise their religion in public in an Islamic society.
I lok forward to your opinions on the thread topic in light of the above situation.