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Yahwah's name was in the original New Testament scriptures


Judaic Christian
Yahwah's name was in the original New Testament scriptures

After killing Hebrew Christians, the Jews would take the New Testament scripture written in Hebrew, and carefully cut the name of God out. Then they would place the divine name in a safe place to keep. Following that, they then would burn the remainder of the scrolls in a fire. Rabbi Yose who lived during the second century AD states that, "One cuts out the reference to the Divine Name which are in them [the New Testament writings] and stores them away, and the rest burns." One of his characteristic sayings is, "He who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah,[John] and he who hated scholars [Yahshua] and his disciples; and that false prophet and those slanderers, will have no part in the future world." According to Wilhelm Bacher this was directed against the Hebrew Christians. And so it is an established fact then, that the Disciples of Christ did in fact write the Holy Name of God into the original New Testament.
The new name is the new song, which is the song of salvation, in the name of Jesus Christ, which has no other name bringing us salvation.

Psalm 118:14 The Lord is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.

Psalm 40:3 And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Revelation 5:9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;
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Yahwah's name was in the original New Testament scriptures

After killing Hebrew Christians, the Jews would take the New Testament scripture written in Hebrew, and carefully cut the name of God out. Then they would place the divine name in a safe place to keep. Following that, they then would burn the remainder of the scrolls in a fire. Rabbi Yose who lived during the second century AD states that, "One cuts out the reference to the Divine Name which are in them [the New Testament writings] and stores them away, and the rest burns." One of his characteristic sayings is, "He who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah,[John] and he who hated scholars [Yahshua] and his disciples; and that false prophet and those slanderers, will have no part in the future world." According to Wilhelm Bacher this was directed against the Hebrew Christians. And so it is an established fact then, that the Disciples of Christ did in fact write the Holy Name of God into the original New Testament.
At the very least when an Old Testament verse was quoted in the New Testament. It was also in Revelation a few times, and still is in every English version I know of.
At the very least when an Old Testament verse was quoted in the New Testament. It was also in Revelation a few times, and still is in every English version I know of.
The name that saves us is not the name that denies the name that saves us. ( the antichrist denies the Father and the Son and is a liar.)

John 5:23 That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.

1 John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
Yahwah's name was in the original New Testament scriptures

After killing Hebrew Christians, the Jews would take the New Testament scripture written in Hebrew, and carefully cut the name of God out. Then they would place the divine name in a safe place to keep. Following that, they then would burn the remainder of the scrolls in a fire. Rabbi Yose who lived during the second century AD states that, "One cuts out the reference to the Divine Name which are in them [the New Testament writings] and stores them away, and the rest burns." One of his characteristic sayings is, "He who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah,[John] and he who hated scholars [Yahshua] and his disciples; and that false prophet and those slanderers, will have no part in the future world." According to Wilhelm Bacher this was directed against the Hebrew Christians. And so it is an established fact then, that the Disciples of Christ did in fact write the Holy Name of God into the original New Testament.
Except that the NT wasn’t originally written in Hebrew.
Except that the NT wasn’t originally written in Hebrew.
It was written in the hearts. ( heavenly language/conversation.)

2 Corinthians 3:2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:

2 Corinthians 3:3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.

Philippians 3:20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:
Anyone going to notice that vanity is what the forums can give lots of, but what is not vanity, it seems to not be able to give much of ?
The people in Israel read and spoke Hebrew.
And yet they translated the Tanakh into Greek in the intertestamental period, known as the Septuagint. Greek was the common language of the day, much like English today.
And yet they translated the Tanakh into Greek in the intertestamental period, known as the Septuagint. Greek was the common language of the day, much like English today.
There were Greek Jews, however, The Hebrews in Israel mainly spoke Hebrew.
Yahwah's name was in the original New Testament scriptures

After killing Hebrew Christians, the Jews would take the New Testament scripture written in Hebrew, and carefully cut the name of God out. Then they would place the divine name in a safe place to keep. Following that, they then would burn the remainder of the scrolls in a fire. Rabbi Yose who lived during the second century AD states that, "One cuts out the reference to the Divine Name which are in them [the New Testament writings] and stores them away, and the rest burns." One of his characteristic sayings is, "He who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah,[John] and he who hated scholars [Yahshua] and his disciples; and that false prophet and those slanderers, will have no part in the future world." According to Wilhelm Bacher this was directed against the Hebrew Christians. And so it is an established fact then, that the Disciples of Christ did in fact write the Holy Name of God into the original New Testament.
Source is needed for this CherubRam .

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After killing Hebrew Christians, the Jews would take the New Testament scripture written in Hebrew, and carefully cut the name of God out. Then they would place the divine name in a safe place to keep. Following that, they then would burn the remainder of the scrolls in a fire. Rabbi Yose who lived during the second century AD states that, "One cuts out the reference to the Divine Name which are in them [the New Testament writings] and stores them away, and the rest burns."

And if the True and Living God allowed it to happen, what does that say about how important He thought this matter was either way? Satan would have destroyed the entire Bible if he were allowed to but he wasn't, so the fact (uncorroborated as of yet) that God did allow this, what does it say?
Yahwah's name was in the original New Testament scriptures

After killing Hebrew Christians, the Jews would take the New Testament scripture written in Hebrew, and carefully cut the name of God out. Then they would place the divine name in a safe place to keep. Following that, they then would burn the remainder of the scrolls in a fire. Rabbi Yose who lived during the second century AD states that, "One cuts out the reference to the Divine Name which are in them [the New Testament writings] and stores them away, and the rest burns." One of his characteristic sayings is, "He who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah,[John] and he who hated scholars [Yahshua] and his disciples; and that false prophet and those slanderers, will have no part in the future world." According to Wilhelm Bacher this was directed against the Hebrew Christians. And so it is an established fact then, that the Disciples of Christ did in fact write the Holy Name of God into the original New Testament.
Nonsense…at no time were all the Christians on earth killed and the Jews to this day don’t place value on the New Testament.
Yahwah's name was in the original New Testament scriptures

After killing Hebrew Christians, the Jews would take the New Testament scripture written in Hebrew, and carefully cut the name of God out. Then they would place the divine name in a safe place to keep. Following that, they then would burn the remainder of the scrolls in a fire. Rabbi Yose who lived during the second century AD states that, "One cuts out the reference to the Divine Name which are in them [the New Testament writings] and stores them away, and the rest burns." One of his characteristic sayings is, "He who proclaimed the coming of the Messiah,[John] and he who hated scholars [Yahshua] and his disciples; and that false prophet and those slanderers, will have no part in the future world." According to Wilhelm Bacher this was directed against the Hebrew Christians. And so it is an established fact then, that the Disciples of Christ did in fact write the Holy Name of God into the original New Testament.

Jesus is the Name of YHWH; the LORD.

There were Greek Jews, however, The Hebrews in Israel mainly spoke Hebrew.
And, yet, there is no evidence the NT was originally written in Hebrew.

And if the True and Living God allowed it to happen, what does that say about how important He thought this matter was either way? Satan would have destroyed the entire Bible if he were allowed to but he wasn't, so the fact (uncorroborated as of yet) that God did allow this, what does it say?
And that is a solid point. I guess God let everyone be deceived, without evidence.
Anyone going to notice that vanity is what the forums can give lots of, but what is not vanity, it seems to not be able to give much of ?

Gordon, I am going to ask you this again, and peaceably, but don't give me the answers you gave last time or I will address you even harder on it:

Why are you still on this soap box about how what everyone else posts is "vanity"? Is it not a presumption on your part to assume your posts are the only ones worth reading?
Jesus is the name of the Son only, not Yahweh, which is the name of the triune God.

Jesus is the Name the Godhead has chosen to represent them.

For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily;
Colossians 2:9

Jesus is YHWH; The LORD God. The Creator of heaven and earth.

But to the Son He says:
“Your throne, O God, is forever and ever;
A scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.
You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;
Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You
With the oil of gladness more than Your companions.”
You, LORD, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth,
And the heavens are the work of Your hands
Hebrews 2:8-10

Whenever we see the LORD in the Old Testament it refers to Jesus Christ the Son.
