Yep woke up sober 52 Plus years without smoking drugs alcohol
This is your year: To banish worry, doubt, and fear To love, laugh and give To live each day with passion To grow daily and try to be your very best To pray for peace, understanding, and wisdom To become who God created you to be This will be your best year!
Today, bless the months, weeks, and the days ahead—I pray that 2019 is a year that opens new doors, that brings positive vibes, that ushers more success, that releases more prosperity, that accepts what’s healing and that adds fruitful blessings into my life. Amen
I'm Free I’m Alive I'm Loved I'm Saved I’m Content I'm Blessed I'm Healthy I'm Grateful I’m Forgiven I’m Fearless I'm Remade I’m Restored I'm Rejoiceful I’m Redeemed I’m Important I’m Cherished I’m a Child of the One True King God Is Good All the Time
I allow still if kept clean modest I say nothing but let it be For Lord seeks the heart of a person not the outward appearance of a person But sadly many have gone to far not receive my approval than
Example my daughter color hair loves the Lord so no need to say anything than to her
You are pansies! You raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work, rather than spending time with their children (single parents stand no chance). You took God out of schools. Parents were told 'No you can't discipline your kids'. Well, America, our kids are assholes. You shall reap what you sow, and we have lost a whole generation and turned them into rude, selfish, disrespectful brats who have no respect for people, property or authority! You deemed people with terminal illnesses and some with only a few months to live…fit for work!!! You allow our veterans of war to go homeless and hungry but give out millions to foreign aid!!! You save drug addicts over and over again but refuse to give free diabetic supplies. You bend over backwards to be politically correct, too scared to say enough is enough, in case you offend. You put the retirement age up so people must work until they drop!! People depend on handouts and food banks, whilst we give aid to others who can work for it. Our retired generation rely on inadequate state pensions, their thanks for working hard. Things need to change! And don't even get me started on the Me too movement. Baby, it's cold outside! HEAR ME?! BABY ITS COLD OUTSIDE!
Copy & paste if you have the guts too!
Can you imagine for 2019...
1. Loving like Jesus 2. Being slow to speak 3. Slow to anger 4. Quick to listen 5. Being more generous 6. Walking in humility 7. Putting others first 8. Turning the other cheek 9. Living out 1 Cor 13 10. Removing our own planks C’mon..let’s do it!
Neighbors and friends have been knitting and crocheting scarves, hats, cowls, and other items to keep homeless warm. Items will be hung ( wrap ) around trees, fences, signposts, and clotheslines.
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