Yelling into the darkness

I try to look at the heart inward of a person But we also need to keep our outward pleasing unto the Lord not of the world and this personally myself I can not support right now as is upcoming Christian singer ?????

But also let's pray for feel in my Spirit if pliable mold able teachable Spirit could become a awesome Christian singer for the Lord 4 sure So do uplift in prayer often AMEN \0/
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#5 takes 98% down for must always push yourself to press forward onward and sometimes that becomes baby steps But in the eyes of the Lord those steps do count remember
Just PTL none of these have bondage me but I choose them not to bondage me no way no how not happening UNFORGIVENESS ROBS THE QUALITY OF YOUR LIFE - BITTERENESS IMPRISONS YOU WITH THE CULPRIT - FORGIVE & BE FREE -
Mother in law sadly in bondage heading to hell PRAY
Oh, but I can still recognize
The one I love in your tear stained eyes
I know you might not see him now, so lift your eyes to me

When you see broken beyond repair
I see healing beyond belief
When you see too far gone
I see one step away from home

When you see nothing but damaged goods
I see something good in the making
I'm not finished yet
When you see wounded, I see mended

You see your worst mistake
But I see the price I paid
And there's nothing you could ever do, to lose what grace has won

So hold on, it's not the end
No, this is where love's work begins
I'm making all things new
And I will make a miracle of you

God words for you today
He sees beyond your understanding

My son stole candy tender age under 5 I marched him right back in to confess his wrong and purchase the candy Not stole since than So life lesson was learned

A prison inmate on a death row was asked his last wish before he could be electrocuted in the electric chair, he asked for a pen and paper then wrote;
Dear mum, If the law was fair today you would be here seated next to me waiting to be electrocuted in the electric chair, but since the law is blind I have been convicted for the crimes we committed together. Mum remember how it started, do you remember when I was 3 years old when I stole my brothers sweets? you didn't correct me, remember very well when I was five the day I stole my neibours toys and hid it at home you said nothing, mum remember when I was 12 when I hid my cousin's ball in the garage when he had come to play with us at home and you said that you did see it yet you saw it. Do you remember the day I was expelled from school at 15 years? Dad wanted to purnish me but you refused and that very day you had a bitter argument with dad about this because you where defending me , you said I was still young you said the teachers where wrong to say that I was not attending class. You defended me, you said I was right yet you knew I was wrong. Mum remember very well, you saw me steal our neibours' bicycle when I was 17 but you didn't report I sold it but you were silent mum. You loved me so much yes you loved me but you you didn't correct me, instead you spoilt me. That is how it started and it graduated slowly until today when I will be electrocuted for bank robbery and mudder. I was very young I just needed your guidance mum, by the time you will be reading this I will be gone
Yours truly, your loving son.

To all parents out there the Bible says. Proverbs 13:24
"Those who spare the rod of discipline hate their children. Those who love their children care enough to discipline them." Love your children don't forget to discipline them.

Boy has a thingy girl does not
Boy is a boy Girl is a girl
Discussion ended AMEN \0/

Birth Certificate reads boy or girl
May Jesus increase your love May Jesus increase your faith May Jesus increase your trust May Jesus increase your belief May Jesus increase your mercy May Jesus increase your prayers May Jesus increase your blessing
Pray for Your Leaders

1 Timothy 2:1,2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

In today’s message the Lord is asking us to pray for all those who are in high position, that including the political leaders, municipal leaders, people heading the police, armed forces, medical divisions etc. and also those who are senior to us in our work places, including those of our clients.

If we look at the scripture properly it does not just say pray, but also says for what and in what priority. It lists 4 points in the respective priorities (going into the root Greek words).
Supplication – needs
Prayer – their requests
Intercession – they knowing God
Thanksgiving – thanking God on their behalf for everything
When we pray for others, especially those who do not know God we pray first for their soul being saved and then most of the time we wait long periods before it happens. Paul gives us an order with reason and this we see also in Christ.
People in need or suffering find it difficult to believe in God; it is only when their needs are met that they experience God. When people in suffering or in need met Jesus, Jesus did not start to preach to them directly, He first healed them or delivered them from their problems and then preached to them. Because we lack faith (authority) to do these things, we start to preach first and if that person does not accept our message, we declare the person as ‘hard hearted’.
Let us get the priorities right so that we do a good job at bringing people to Christ; note the next two verses says this order is that which will succeed to bring people to Christ in the due time.
[Prayer Starter]
Lord You are God and all things are in your knowledge. You are omnipotent but respecter of the will of every individual. Lord we pray we understand man as You do so that we successfully bring the lost unto You...
This prayer we make in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
[Reference Scriptures]
1 Timothy 2:3-6
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.
Dated 02 Jan 2017
Bro Rollwyn
A survivor over comer response

If you have wrong-ed is ok for it was my lessons learned. If you are angry with worries for you have won because I've let go. If you feel I have upset apologies for it wasn't intentional. If we are not's cool for not all spoken words are verbal. If you owe me....don't worry for you can scratch me off your list to ask again. I’m grateful for every experience that I received, for I truly wish you well. Life is too short for pent up anger, holding grudges, extra pain and stress. Remember forgiving someone is for me so I don’t BLOCK my BLESSINGS. With a clear heart and mind...this is my pledge. Good morning folks!