Yelling into the darkness

With the Aethna Better Health of Virginia no one prescription was transfer on effective date Jan 1 now 3 All without prescription access and many need prescription fulfilled to boot PRAY PRAY RE-PRAY glitch fixed
UPDATE :OBGYN now go to for still bleeding after 7am-8pm ER room But ALL tested completed at least no need to go through that My Spirit telling me out come become surgery hysterectomy But no CANCER even though ER room hinted to cancer PRAY PRAY RE-PRAY
Daughter had pizza 4 ALL 4 everyone
Set up Monday morning PRAISE THE LORD no ER room and under new Athena if OBYN issue as I am facing now no need for ER room but have a place for you to go and since I am becoming a guinea pig for this new insurance Prayerfully this go better than the ER adventure 7am-8pm
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Some are happy some are sad about the weather around the around But we must BE WATCHFUL
This Government Shut down I understand is needed but we also need our tax refund at end of year etc ... So PRAY effects those who need to be effected and does not effect those who need not be effected AMEN \0/