HORRIFIC: The One World Trade Center is lit up pink tonight to "celebrate" the passage of a bill that legalized abortion until birth for any reason.
We each have a choice, God GRANTED us free will. What we chose to do with it plays a HUGE part in where we spend eternity. God outweighs ANYTHING & EVERYTHING on this satanic deception. Murder is murder. Can't dress a cow in stripes and call it a zebra. All will be judged.
I am not sure where wrath will come from but sadly not seeing repentance hearts coming forth as ought to be happening So one area keep eye out on the weather for sure now
Sadly understand no more Still love and bathe America in prayer But fully understand we must sadly now go under the wrath of God for non repentance of pure evil
“Then the LORD rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the LORD out of the heavens.”
Genesis 19:24 NKJV The Lord will destroy #NY for this.
Just not the sin of homosexuality that will surely bring the wrath of God AMEN \0/
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