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You are of Your Father the Devil

mutzrein said:
Oh - I'm feeling left out . . . :-?

I thought about adding you to my list, but you don't fit the criteria of a false teacher...The fact that You don't believe Jesus is God, makes you a lost soul, but not a false teacher. A false teacher is trying to pass of heresy.
You for the most part will take your jabs at me or a limited few others, but your cool. No problem.
destiny said:
Based on what i've been reading, people just want to be treated with respect. Condemn their doctrine but don't take it to a personal level and don't defend those who do.
Some people think they are rejected and reviled because they speak the truth; this is deceptive thinking when you speak the truth in a condescending way.
You aren't rejected and disliked because you are like Jesus when this happens, you are rejected and rebelled against because of ego, pride, immaturity and fruitlessness. People really need to get that straight.

I've never seen quite as much strife as i've wittnessed on this board over the past weeks. Theres a lot of head knowledge and no actual fruits of the spirit.
I think it takes wisdom, maturity, and humility to lead things in the right direction and debate only the topic. We need to esteem others better than ourselves, as people. That doesn't mean you have to compromise your beliefs one bit!
Anyway, thats my opinion based on what i've been observing. Good night

Good post destiny. But as you know sometimes you have to get with certain people. Even when you don't want to because they will force your hand. I mean like this is a Christian board and when the truth of Jesus is talked about wrongly' sometimes I get upset, and then sometimes I can handle it with a cool head. I am not to scared to stand up for our God' Jesus Christ. I like to live in peace with all people, but some will not let you. But I love everybody here. Even the ones that will not accept Christ.Yeah I love you too' Quath and peace4all.
oscar3 said:
I thought about adding you to my list, but you don't fit the criteria of a false teacher...The fact that You don't believe Jesus is God, makes you a lost soul, but not a false teacher. A false teacher is trying to pass of heresy.
You for the most part will take your jabs at me or a limited few others, but your cool. No problem.

:lol: Ok, if I'm a lost soul and God is not my father, the question I should ask you is, 'Who's my daddy?' :wink:
Mutz, I am sorry, but this is a knee slapper. Lewis this is classic...
I have not broke out in a laugh like this in a long time.... :-D

I am sorry mutz, but you set yourself up for this one....
jgredline said:
Mutz, I am sorry, but this is a knee slapper. Lewis this is classic...
I have not broke out in a laugh like this in a long time.... :-D

I am sorry mutz, but you set yourself up for this one....
I got a big laugh' out of that myself.
C'mon guys, give me a bit of credit. I got exactly the response I was looking for - and I think it's a hoot. :-D We all need to lighten up now and then :P
mutzrein said:
C'mon guys, give me a bit of credit. I got exactly the response I was looking for - and I think it's a hoot. :-D We all need to lighten up now and then :P
Love ya mutz
The state of my own heart is what matters most when I am posting, and I can't remove the splinters before I address the beam. I admit, I am not humble before Christ Jesus when I post at times, and I believe that comes through. In this instance my sin in my heart is revealed to all of you, and to my Lord. I guess the Word isn't penetrating anyone when I do this, least of all me, and I apologize for those times, and the offence it may have brought to many of you. These verses come to my mind concerning the state of my sin during those times...

Matthew 15: 17-18

17 Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?
18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.

Luke 6:45

45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.

David's words also come to mind as prayers that I should never forget to utter...

Psalm 19:13

13 Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

Psalm 51:10-13

10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.
13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee.

It seems David wants to learn, and apply, God's word inwardly before he teaches it...I like this chapter, and I am going to pray that God improve my posting here, and frame it for me so that it pleases Him.

The Lord bless all of you.
Lovely - did you mean to post that here? Whatever the case, I have never been offended by any of your posts. In fact quite the opposite. As one who I consider to be a precious sister in the Lord, your posts have always reflected the grace of God - and that is certainly something that David (the apple of Gods eye) understood too. Bless You.
Hi mutz,

Thank you for your beautiful, and kind, words. I am always blessed by your posts too, as I have told you before, and have learned much truth from the Word from you. I have also been encourged in my heart by you more than I can count.

I did mean to post it here. I suppose as I read through the thread...which I did entirely before I posted...I felt convicted, and those Scriptures came to my mind. It just flowed that way for me. Maybe God is just pruning me.

I just think I need to be more humble overall, and I get frustrated with myself for forgetting that, and I thought the best way to change it would be to confess it openly, and pray to do better.

Of course, these giggle posts at the end weren't all there when I I guess it does seem odd in the midst of all of that. :-D

The Lord bless you.
StoveBolts said:
Mutz, I didn't know Quath was your daddy! :lol:

(for those new to the board, this was posted by Quath a year or so ago) ... c&start=60
go to page 3 for the beginning.. oohh, and post your face while your at it :D

Well that explains a lot! :D Thanks Stove. My avatar is my face but I will see if can find another shot or two for that thread. I've only been on board this year and obviously hadn't ventured to the 'post your face' thread. Who knows, maybe I'll find a few more 'rellies'. :wink:
I am a big believer in the value of hard facts in establishing the correct position about something.

As regards the question of calling others "children of the devil", let me ask this question: Do those who engage in this behaviour have a demonstrated track record of making other false statements? To the extent that they do, I submit they are treading on very dangerous grounds when the "you are of your father the devil" claim is made.

I am talking here about "hard facts" - cases where a person has said something whose falsity is not a matter of opinion, but is rather a matter of the printed record (for example).

I guess what I am saying is that we need to judge the credibility of those who make the "you are of the devil" against their track record of making other statements whose correctness (or falsity) can be more or less proven by looking at the publically available facts.
Funny that someone 'claiming' to BE a Christian would judge another brother or sister based on their understanding 'taught' them by 'other men'.

I, for one, can attest to the wonderous changes that have taken place in my life since accepting Chirst into my heart and beginning to develope a personal relationship with The Father. I just wonder how many of those that like to throw this, 'you are of you father the devil' stuff around have a testimony that would SHOW The Spirit involved in their understanding. It seems that many of these are simply those that choose to 'follow' other men rather than accept what has been offered by God through His Son and His prophets.

And offering these types of hatred towards one's brothers and sisters goes QUITE a way towards showing what 'spirit' one must be following in order to make such statements.

Just a tad of insight that I'm quite sure those to which I refer will MOST LIKELY not even understand.

Oh, and let me add this. I have YET to meet one that could claim a COMPLETE understanding of God and back it up with anything concrete. With this in mind, I believe that it is pretty safe to assume that we ARE ALL seeking a more 'complete' understanding. Until this understanding is obtained, (if it truly CAN be), then I would suggest that the FIRST thing that we attempt to understand is the PURPOSE of the relationship between God and man. For those that 'may not' know what this is, let me attempt to open up this understanding with it's premiss. The purpose IS LOVE. Love for God, and love for our neighbors. Without this ONE thing in the hearts of those that 'claim' Chirstianity, that is ALL they have to offer; 'a claim'. For those that have truly accepted this understanding in their hearts it becomes manifest in their treatment of their brothers and sisters.

Imagican said:
I have YET to meet one that could claim a COMPLETE understanding of God and back it up with anything concrete.


Mec. What you are lacking is this little important thing that is necessary for salvation.

Let me explain.
We are saved by Grace through ''faith'' in Christ Jesus who is God.
You are missing ''faith'' Once you have ''faith'' you will see and underatsnd that Jesus is God. How does one aquire faith?
By asking God for it with a sincere heart.