PHIL121 said:
The math???'s on one of the shows at
The show with a Dr. Jerry Bergman.
The same show also shows how VERY RARE beneficial mutations in DNA are, and why.
And what what I heard on a recent show despite the fact Dr. Bergman has something like 5 or 6 doctorates and is a cancer researcher, he has lost tenure at the university he teaches at.
Let's look at Bergman's impressive degrees. From ... ergman.asp
M.P.H., Northwest Ohio Consortium for Public Health (Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio; University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio; Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio), 2001.
M.S. in biomedical science, Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, Ohio, 1999.
Ph.D. in human biology, Columbia Pacific University, San Rafael, California, 1992.
M.A. in social psychology, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, 1986.
Ph.D. in measurement and evaluation, minor in psychology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, 1976.
M.Ed. in counseling and psychology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, 1971.
B.S., Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, 1970. Major area of study was sociology, biology, and psychology.
A.A. in Biology and Behavioral Science, Oakland Community College, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, 1967.
OK. Going in reverse order.
A.A. is 2 year degree from a community college, not too impressive, just a stepping stone to a BS.
BS at Wayne State---him makes him sound like he studied biology, but actually the BS was in Psycology. ... ergman.asp
M.ed is a masters of education in counseling and psycology. Great degree, but unrelated to cancer research.
PHD in Meausurement and evaluation is another teaching degree, a teaching degree which teaches teachers how to research and do statistical analyses on classroom testing. A legitimate science, but one completely unrelated to, or giving one authority about, biology.
M.A is a masters in social psycology, you know the drill
PHD in human biology. Finally, a biology related degree! But wait a second, from where? Columbia Pacific University? What's that? ... s/cpu.html
Huh, turns out it was an unaccredited correspondance that got shut down. So does a degree he got through the mail from a non-recognized college really count? Most people would say NO.
MS in Bio-med science. Another real science degree. Let's check out the school though. OK, not accredited until 2001, 3 years after his degree. But at least it wasn't shut down. Now what is bio-med science?
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
Diagnostic Radiology
Medical Physics
Molecular Basis of Disease
Molecular and Cellular Biology
Oral Biology
Orthopaedic Sciences
Radiation Oncology
Urological Sciences
Huh, a lot of practical medical science there. Whichever one he chose, I'm sure he gained some practical knowledge. What I'm sure none of them taught him is the underlying theoretical knowledge of chemistry, biology, and probability which his education to this point has entirely lacked, and which are required for him to make any sort of meaningful statement about the probability of DNA arising randomly.
Finally, MPH is Masters of Public Health. Here's the website.
One of these 5 majors:
Environmental & Occupational Health:
Health Promotion & Education:
Public Health Administration:
Public Health Epidemiology:
Public Health Nutrition:
Repeat above.
This guy, like almost all YEC "scientists" has no qualifications or education whatsoever regarding evolution. I am more qualified than Jerry to tell you the probability of life arising by random, and I can tell you that the claim you made before was completely wrong.